Stussy was stunned.

"What's so noteworthy about this nympho?"

She had an impression of this guy. When he saw her, he came up to her as if he was in heat. The intelligence admiral should be the kid that Red-footed Zeff rescued from a cruise ship.

Li Luo chuckled:"Secret!"

Then he sent the photos and the written manuscript to the headquarters using a Den Den Mushi that was specially used to transmit documents.

Stussy glanced at it. The article simply reported how delicious the Barati restaurant was, how the fighting chefs in the restaurant drove away the pirates, and a series of interesting things.

There was no shocking news.

Stussy, who was already curious about intelligence, came up to Li Luo like a kitten and blew into his ear:

"Just tell me~ If you tell me, I will unlock new achievements for you~"

A stream of hot air blew into Li Luo's ears, and Li Luo suddenly felt his scalp tingling. Looking at Stussy's perfect figure, he felt distracted.

"This demon!"

Li Luo felt as if he was being scratched by a cat.

As the one who controlled the sea���Stussy, the queen of Pleasure Street, which owns more than 80% of the world's sex industry, is not comparable to those simple little girls.

When he won her over, Li Luo was shocked to find that she had never been in a relationship!

This made Li Luo call Stussy a treasure girl in the world of pirates.

Especially as time went by, Stussy's favorability improved, and Stussy unlocked many new achievements.

This made Li Luo feel like he was playing a top-notch development game.

Looking at the smiling Stussy at this time, Li Luo suppressed his anger and said with a smile:

"Because this guy is the prince of Germa 66!"

Well, I definitely didn't tell anyone just because I unlocked a new achievement! Absolutely!

Stussy was stunned when she heard this. Even she didn't know this information, but she didn't care because Germa 66 is still a member of the World Government.

Whether Sanji is the prince of Germa 66 who is stranded outside is not important to the World Government.

Stussy dragged her chin and asked:

"Are you trying to make Germa 66 owe you a favor?"

"Favors?" Li Luo grinned,"I don't need favors from others."

"As a witness of history, I don't want to owe favors to others. We must always remain neutral."

Stussy was silent because she remembered the historians and scholars of O'Hara who were destroyed by the World Government.

She didn't want Li Luo to become her enemy because of witnessing history.

Stussy hesitated for a moment and asked:

"What do you think of those O'Hara scholars?"

Li Luo looked at Stussy and smiled:

"They are just a bunch of idiots, how dare they call themselves scholars."

Stussy was stunned, then asked in a low voice:

""Ah? Why do you say that? I heard that those scholars were destroyed because they studied the real history you witnessed?"

Li Luo looked at Stussy's cautious look with amusement. He didn't expect that she would tell him such an important thing. It seemed that he had begun to disintegrate her heart step by step.

Subconsciously, Stussy had begun to partially abandon her identity as CP0 to help him.

Li Luo shook his head at Stussy and said with a smile:

"History is written by the victors!"

Stussy's pupils shrank when she heard this. She looked at Li Luo in surprise. She thought that what Li Luo was pursuing was the real history!

Li Luo slowly said,"There's nothing to be surprised about."

"History may be objective and unchangeable, but there is no information in this world that does not carry a historical perspective. News is nothing but the product of human will."

"All news and biographies are always reported and recorded according to the ideas or purposes of the producers, and only the victors are qualified to write history."

"Today, the world is ruled by the Celestial Dragons. It is a very stupid thing for a group of foolish scholars to try to break the rules and study the history recorded by the so-called losers."

"So it is normal for them to be destroyed. If I were a ruler, I would also wipe out this group of ignorant fools. This is reality, this is history."

"Not having enough strength to understand the truth, but still challenging authority under the guise of studying history, this is just stupid."

Stussy's eyes lit up when she heard Li Luo's remarks.

As the Queen of Happy Street with the largest source of intelligence in CP0, she knows a lot of intelligence.

She knows O'Hara's demon-killing order and the massacre of civilians very well.

She also has humanity and conscience as a human being. The training of CP0 is to suppress their humanity and conscience to the maximum extent rather than annihilate them. She has seen too much darkness and she has trouble sleeping and eating every day, but special training will not let it show.

Now Li Luo's words finally made her suddenly enlightened.

Yes, history is written by the victors, regardless of right or wrong!

The World Government has expressly banned the study of historical texts. You don't have the strength to protect yourself but still insist on studying it. Isn't that courting death?

Stussy's knot was immediately untied after listening to it. She stood up and pulled Li Luo to the door, where their ship was docked.

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