《Shock! The symbol of peace in the East China Sea? A scam by the Navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

The next day, a report was spread to the whole world in the newspaper.

In the Marshal's office in Marinford,

Akainu angrily slammed the newspaper on the table.

"Shame! Shame on our navy!"

Akainu was extremely angry when he saw the wretched rat colonel and the arrogant Arlong on the news.

"This kind of garbage should be turned into ashes! It tarnishes the uniform he is wearing!"

Sengoku looked at the news in the newspaper with an ugly face. The news narrated from beginning to end how Arlong came to the East China Sea eight years ago and ruled the Konomia Islands for eight years. During this period, he exploited more than 20 towns inhumanely and killed the retired navy Bellmère who insisted on his business.

And Li Luo also attached the inspirational story of ten-year-old Nami, who endured humiliation and was forced to join the Arlong Pirates, and how she wanted to redeem Cocoa Village as a child.

And Li Luo also implicitly stated that Arlong was a member of the former Sun Pirates, and behind him was Jinbei, who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

When Morgans received this news, he immediately decided to increase the size of Li Luo's column and put the entire report on it.

For a time, the whole pirate world was completely blown up.

The East China Sea is known as the weakest sea.

However This is the title given to the East China Sea by the pirates. Compared to the civilians in the pirate world, the East China Sea is a symbol of peace. The average bounty of the entire East China Sea is only 3 million berries.

All the people in the pirate world hope that they can live in the East China Sea.

However, at this time, an article by Li Luo directly triggered the world's discussion on peace.

The navy actually colluded with pirates to exploit and rule the island?!

The pirates occupied the Konomie Islands for eight years, and the pirates not only did nothing but also accepted the benefits given by the pirates?

The countless calls for help in the past eight years have become a good place for the navy to eliminate dissidents. Those real navy officers all died in Arlong's hands?

Arlong can do whatever he wants because he has a brother who is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

For a time, the civilians in the entire pirate world went crazy.

Everyone rushed to the naval base and started throwing eggs, and many people protested and marched to demand an explanation from the world government.

"Punish Arlong severely! Isn't it said that the East China Sea is a symbol of peace? Is your peace to imprison us and hand us over to pirates?"

"A few days ago, a Hobodi was exposed, and now a mouse colonel pops up! Give us an explanation!"

"Is the money we pay every year really just going to waste? What is the meaning of us becoming a member country? Are we going to watch your navy, the world government and the pirates exploit us?"

"Such a poor little girl! She was only ten years old! She was forced to join the pirate group and go out to sea to steal money to redeem her village."

"That box of treasure is all covered in blood! How could you, the navy, be so cruel!"

"Even so, she only attacked pirates and never stole from civilians. It's so pitiful."

"Poor female navy who retired, she raised such an excellent daughter but was brutally murdered."

At this time, not only ordinary civilians, but even the navy was in an uproar.

They felt that their beliefs were impacted.

They fought pirates with all their lives, but were brutally murdered after retiring and had no place to seek justice.

For a time, countless indignant navy officers asked for leave and wanted to go to the East China Sea."

If your superiors don't care, we will go and help ourselves!"

Zhan Guo was overwhelmed by all these leave requests.

The most difficult thing for him was that someone from the headquarters must have intervened in this matter!

A mouse colonel alone could not do such a holistic thing.

The biggest advantage of pirates lies in their mobility, and flexible pirate ships can escape the pursuit of naval warships.

But no pirate has ever dared to arrogantly occupy the land and become the king. Those big pirates retire at most to live in seclusion and dare not act violently. Reveal your whereabouts.

It is incredible that Aaron has been directly entrenched in the Konomian Islands for eight years.

After all, the naval branch that the civilians of the Konomian Islands seek help from is not only the branch of Colonel Mouse.

There must be someone above who is suppressing Aaron!

The East China Sea, which is a symbol of peace, has such serious collusion between officials and thieves, which directly made the world's public opinion boil.

The initiator of such a big public opinion was looking at the background data of his system with a smile on his face.

Even he did not expect that such a post from the Black Navy would cause such a big response.

Although the shocking point is not as large as the last Hawkeye headline.

But the data of +1+1 has never stopped.

At this time, Noqi Gao beside him asked Li Luo with a worried look:

"Is this really okay? Will this liberate the village?"

"Don't worry, I have already told the headquarters to stop publishing newspapers in the Konomian Islands. The information here has been disconnected from the outside world. You just have to wait for Aaron to be purged."

Li Luo said happily.

Looking at the number of shocking points, you can tell how much of a response it caused. For such a serious incident, Li Luo would never believe that the Navy Headquarters did not take any action.

However, even if he didn't expect it, this action was really too big!

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