As soon as Dark Horse said this, the plot of the Judicial Island chapter flashed wildly in Li Luo's mind.

Many confusions when watching the anime before were solved.

Many people were excited about Luffy's declaration of war on the World Government, and cried for the ship spirit controlling the Merry to save the Straw Hat Pirates.

Only Li Luo was puzzled by Aokiji's mysterious operation in these plots.

He rode his bicycle to find the Straw Hat Pirates.

According to Robin's experience from childhood to adulthood, basically all the organizations she followed could not escape the fate of destruction.

It is incredible that an eight-year-old girl can survive countless betrayals.

The only thing that can be explained is that every time the organization where Robin lurked learned that Robin was the son of the devil, they would choose to betray Robin for self-protection, and then be killed by Aokiji.

This is why Robin was so familiar and shocked when she saw Aokiji. After all, all the organizations she stayed in were destroyed by Aokiji. It would be strange if she was not shocked and afraid.

If this is the case, then Aokiji's purpose of going to the Straw Hat Pirates is very clear, that is, he wants to see if the Straw Hat Pirates are sincere to his"goddaughter".

This is also the reason why Aokiji only met with Luffy and others, but did not intend to take action.

Before the refugees stranded on the deserted island appeared, Li Luo also thought so like the majority of netizens. Aokiji, who confirmed that Luffy and others really treated Robin sincerely, originally planned to leave.

However, after meeting the group of refugees, Aokiji's behavior began to confuse.

As a so-called lazy justice, Aokiji first went back on his word and directly attacked Luffy and others regardless of the friendship of his old boss Garp.

Later, he even handed over the authority of the Demon Slayer Order to that idiot CP9's chief Spandam.

Is it just to deal with a Straw Hat Pirates?

If it is to test whether the Straw Hat Pirates' attitude towards Robin is firm enough, as the Internet says, it is really unreasonable.

Not to mention that Aokiji's character is simply not capable of sacrificing innocent soldiers on Judicial Island for Robin.

Just after Spandam accidentally pressed the button of the Demon Slayer Order, the warships of the Demon Slayer Order immediately appeared through the Gate of Justice, which was very outrageous.

You know, even if the speed through the government-specific current is very fast, it takes a lot of time to dispatch ten special warships, tens of thousands of naval elites and five vice admirals.

Just like the Arlong Paradise incident this time.

After a whole day of dispatching, plus taking a shortcut through the Calm Belt, the personnel of the Demon Slayer Order arrived at the Arlong Paradise in the East China Sea.

In the Judicial Island chapter, the moment Spandam pressed the Demon Slayer Order, ten warships emerged in a mighty manner.

This clearly shows that the warships were ready to start at any time, and they waited for a long time in the government-specific current for the signal.

Moreover, the warships of the Demon Slayer Order later not only had no intention of pursuing Luffy and others on a ship that was about to fall apart, but also had no intention of going to the Seven Water City to arrest them afterwards. What's more outrageous is that Franky's family and the boatmen were even pardoned.

You know, this is a big crime of attacking the World Government!

These confusing behaviors made Li Luo puzzled, and finally he could only think that this was a bug left by Oda considering the happy ending.

However, this time, the dark horse's words made Li Luo completely connect these confusing behaviors.

If we set a premise for Aokiji's behavior in the entire Judicial Island chapter.

If the Navy intends to destroy the Judicial Island from beginning to end, then all his behaviors can be explained.

As we all know, the Judicial Island and the Navy Headquarters are independently managed by the World Government and the Navy respectively.

The main responsibility of the Navy is to capture pirates, which can be said to be the law enforcement agency of the World Government.

The Judicial Island receives the pirates captured by the Navy for trial and makes corresponding punishments.

Roger's shipwright, Tom the Fishman, once received fair treatment in the trial of the Judicial Island, and the birth of the Sea Train offset the guilt of building a ship for the Pirate King Roger.

Unfortunately, it was later destroyed by Spandine.

And it was from that time that the Judicial Island was completely under the control of the CP organization.

The originally fair trial court has become a tool for the World Government to play with at will.

The chief judge, the three-headed Baskerville, is a madman who only knows how to judge guilt.

Although it is a court, it actually acts only according to the will of the World Government. Anyone who is taken to the Judicial Island must have been identified as a criminal. In its 800-year history, no not guilty verdict has ever been issued.

This unjust institution is a shame for the Navy that acts in justice, so Aokiji started to attack Straw Hat Luffy to test whether Luffy can sacrifice his life for Robin and even become an enemy of the world.

The Den Den Mushi given to Spandam was the Navy's attempt to completely destroy this corrupt institution that acts in the name of justice for the World Government when Luffy made a fuss on the Judicial Island!

So whether Spandam presses the Den Den Mushi or not, the Demon Slaying Order will eventually be launched.

The only difference is that Spandam may be silenced by the Navy for not pressing the Den Den Mushi.

After all, someone still has to take the blame for destroying the Judicial Island.

What Aokiji didn't expect was that Spandam, the idiot, actually pressed the Den Den Mushi of the Demon Slayer Order.

This also allowed him to survive the Demon Slayer Order by chance.

Originally, this guy was a scapegoat, but unfortunately he had a good father.

In the end, the blame for the destruction of Judicial Island was all attributed to Straw Hat Luffy and his gang, and even the unlucky CP9 was pushed out by his father Spandane as a scapegoat.

If it weren't for Lucci's strong ability and being favored by the Celestial Dragons, maybe there would be a lot more animal fruit ability users in the Beast Pirates now...

At this time, Li Luo, who had solved all the doubts, felt his scalp numb.

His eyes were full of fiery color at this time. This is the real world, this is the navy with online IQ.

This is why the World Government established the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

What deterrence pirates, violence against violence, is all nonsense.

The existence of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is purely for the World Government to curb the expansion of the Navy's power and to use the strength of pirates to forcibly suppress the growth of the Navy!

This is a game between the two giants of the Navy and the World Government!

Li Luo's face was already full of crazy smiles at this time. It was so interesting!

This was the historical truth he was pursuing!

He nodded without hesitation and laughed wildly at the black horse and agreed:

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