The villagers of the Konomi Islands reveled for nearly a week.

Everyone was drunk all day, venting all the pain of the past eight years.

In the past seven days, the world has been in turmoil.

After more than 20 years, the Demon Slayer Order has appeared in front of everyone again.

The last report about the Demon Slayer Order was when it was to destroy Ohara.

Who would have thought that this time the Demon Slayer Order would target a small fish-man pirate, the weakest one in the East China Sea.

The Navy showed its strong combat power and protection of civilians in this live broadcast.

Without losing a single soldier, it successfully wiped out the sensational Dragon Pirates and the Mouse Colonel of the 16th Branch.

At the same time, the royal families of the government member countries that declared independence died inexplicably at the same time, and the new rulers announced their return to the World Government member countries at lightning speed, and voluntarily handed over double the Heavenly Gold.

The whole process seemed like a farce, and only the top leaders of the major forces knew what was going on.

After all, the Navy's live broadcast was just a text report from a temporary reporter relayed through the live broadcast site.

Although the riots were extinguished, the suspicion in the hearts of the people remained.

Until the next day, the reporter who changed his name to Li Luo from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service published several shocking recaps with photos, which shocked the world.

《Shocked! The Navy is rectifying its internal corruption and launching a demon-killing operation!》

《Shocked! Admiral Akainu and the legendary navy Garp gathered in the East China Sea to eliminate evil!》

《Shock! Demon Slayer Order, All Evil Will No Longer Exist! 》

A huge headline like the gossip news of the past appeared on the front page of the newspaper.

The first thing that caught my eye was the terrifying scene of Akainu's arm turning into magma and melting Hachi, leaving only his head.

In Shaqi's blackmail bar in the Sabaody Archipelago, Pluto Rayleigh crushed the wine glass in his hand.

"Damn! This red dog! Don’t you give me any face at all!"

Xia Qi on the side consoled him:

"They all risk their lives to make a living. Since Hachi chose to be a pirate, he should have expected this disaster. I feel sorry for that little Nami. I heard that Arlong was a despicable person who cheated the little girl for eight years.

Rayleigh shook the newspaper:

"I also feel a little sad. It's a pity for Xiao Ba, such a simple child, to be led astray by that A-Long."

Xia Qi rolled her eyes at Rayleigh, took a deep puff of cigarette and said:

"It's not like you don't know about the Sun Pirates, and you're also aware of the situation in the Sabaody Archipelago."

"In this world, the strong are the righteous, there is no right or wrong. As an old man living in seclusion, why should I care about so many things?"

Rayleigh sighed,"After all, I owe Xiaoba a favor."

Then he continued to look down.


Rayleigh was stunned when he saw the report.

Xia Qi looked at Rayleigh and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Rayleigh flipped through the newspaper carefully:"This news is quite interesting."

Xia Qi also came forward to watch. She is now an information dealer. Rayleigh has seen a lot of information with her. I don't know what kind of news can surprise Rayleigh.

"What is this?!"

Xia Qi was stunned.

In the newspaper, the warships of the Demon Slayer Order arrived, the rain of shells overturned Along Paradise, the Ghost Spider tortured the mouse colonel,

Akainu launched his ultimate move Meteor Volcano, the magma giant fist fell from the sky, and the fishmen were killed and injured.

Each of these photos was taken very clearly, and the angles were touching. They should have been candid news photos, but Li Luo took them like artistic photos.

The horror of the Demon Slayer Order, the powerful strength of Akainu, and the cruelty of the Ghost Spider were vividly displayed by Li Luo.

"Did this guy take this photo on Akainu's face? Can this be synchronized with the Magma Fist? This is a comic!"

Xia Qi looked at the news composed of photos and said in confusion.

Rayleigh pointed at the signature on the news and squinted his eyes and said,"Look at this name."

Xia Qi raised her eyebrows:

"I remember it was Li Luo a few days ago, why is there a title now? Was this guy originally sent by the navy to be an honest undercover?"

"No, that's not right."

As an intelligence dealer, Xia Qi's thoughts are naturally not simple,"Is it recruited by the navy?"

Rayleigh nodded:

"I have read the previous reports. Since Barati Restaurant, this guy has been attracting attention with the Black Navy."

"After Hawkeye's battle with the world's greatest swordsman, he became a special correspondent for the news agency and had his own section."

"The report on the Konomie Islands two days ago was signed separately. If it was really from the Crime Investigation Bureau, it would be impossible for a small pirate like Aaron to cause such a sensation in the world!"

Xia Qi chuckled and said:

"This guy even dared to take advantage of Hawkeye and Jinbei's popularity. I thought he was a tough guy, but I didn't expect him to be recruited by the navy."

Rayleigh flipped through the photos and raised his eyebrows:

"It's hard to say, what if he was specially recruited?"

At this moment, a bounty fell from the newspaper.

Rayleigh picked it up in surprise.

"This kid is really unlucky to be offered a reward for such a big event."

However, when he took the reward order and looked at it carefully, he was stunned.

The reward order clearly read:

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