On the other side, Li Luo returned to Barati's room.

This was the room that Li Luo rented from Zhepu after Stussy drove the boat away. After all, he would stay here for a few more days.

At this time, he looked at the system panel in his mind.

It was very simple, with only the options for the lottery of each level and the shock points consumed.

【F-level lottery: 1 shock point/time, you can draw F-level rewards, and there is a small probability of drawing D-level rewards】

【E-level lottery: 10 shock points/time, you can draw E-level rewards, and there is a small probability of drawing D-level rewards】

【D-level lottery: 100 shock points/time, you can draw a D-level reward, and there is a small chance of drawing a C-level reward】


【A-level lottery: 100,000 shock points/time, you can draw A-level rewards, and there is a small chance of drawing S-level rewards】

【S-level lottery: 1,000,000 shock points/time, with a high probability of winning an S-level reward. 】

Every time Li Luo saw it, he sneered at the system's small probability. Damn, the small amount of this thing feels not much different from the chance of winning the jackpot in a scratch-off lottery.

There may be a guarantee, but Li Luo has never gotten the guarantee.

Moreover, Li Luo wanted to curse the system for blocking the reward level so tightly. Look at other people's gold finger lottery, which one is not from F to SSS super god rewards, everything depends on luck, and generally a few super artifacts are given at the beginning.

As a result, when it came to me, it became a matter of one cent for one thing. If you draw an F-level lottery, you will only get an F-level reward. At most, you will get a general like a scratch-off lottery ticket, and the reward will be increased by one level.

The possibility of Li Luo's small bet for a big win was fundamentally eliminated.

Li Luo looked at the shock points he got. After deducting the 200 shock points he put into the lottery, there were less than 100 points left.

As an intern reporter, the rate of publication is still quite poor, especially before entering the Grand Line. The news released is basically only published in the East China Sea Special Report. There is no news release in other seas and the Grand Line. The reason why Li Luo came to interview Barati this time is precisely because of the special identity of Red-footed Zeff, so that this interview report can be published in the Four Seas column.

This is an opportunity that Li Luo spent a lot of money to get.

Try to prove that opportunities always come to those who are prepared.

Through this report, Li Luo successfully earned 300 shocking points at one time.

The one-time 200 shocking points in the system record were obviously seen by one of the people in the Germa Kingdom.

Originally, Li Luo had been waiting for new shocking points to be credited, but there is still no second 200 until now. It seems that it is very likely that Reiju got the newspaper, so she chose to conceal it.

Thinking of this, Li Luo shook his head regretfully.

It’s a pity. If everyone saw it, it would be at least 800 shocking points.

As for whether Sanji is in danger?

It was still early for Big Mom's tea party. Before Sanji had any use, his father wanted to stay away from this useless son.

After all, Sanji had not yet followed Luffy to the sea to become famous. In Kaji's opinion, Sanji would only bring shame to himself.

""System, conduct F-level draws, 10 consecutive draws!"

Li Luo muttered in his heart.

Since he got the system, except for a few draws at the beginning, Li Luo has been resisting the urge to draw and accumulating shock points to activate the novice gift package.

Because he knows that the things in the novice gift package must be better than the rewards given by an A-level draw.

And in fact, it is indeed the case. The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Thousand Hands bloodline alone are enough to equal two A-level draws, not to mention the matching various ninjutsu, training techniques, and combinations of kunai, detonating tags, etc.

Even if Li Luo no longer continues to draw, it is enough to rely on this set of gift packages to gradually cultivate into a strong man.

Now that the gift package has been activated, Li Luo is ready to try the items in each prize area and re-formulate a shock point accumulation strategy.

【Currently has 93 shock points】

【The system is drawing a lottery...Shock point -10】

【Congratulations on getting a set of Kunai, a set of Bingliang Wan, Bailey +5000, Bailey +5000, Fire Gun +1, Medicine +1……】

【Congratulations on triggering a critical hit, and getting an E-level bonus of physical strength +1.

Li Luo instantly felt that his body had been slightly strengthened.

The reason why he felt it so obviously was that at this time, Li Luo's physical strength could only be regarded as that of an ordinary person.

After all, even the people in Naruto did not major in physical skills, but mainly focused on chakra. Even the Thousand Hands bloodline only had stronger physical energy and could extract more chakra.

However, there would not be much increase in physical strength, so at this time, even if the strength was drawn to 1 point, it would feel a significant degree of strengthening.

It was like he had gone through a day of high-intensity exercise.

Li Luo's eyes lit up when he saw this. In this way, he would not have to exercise hard every day. Relying on the lottery was enough to make up for the physical gap between himself and those monsters in the pirate world.

Li Luo looked at the items in front of him and thought:

"The increase in physical strength is an E-level reward. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on the F-level reward one point at a time."

"Moreover, most of the F-level rewards are +5000 Baileys, and some are basic weapons. If you are short of money, you can consider drawing a few times a day."

"But if you want to improve your strength, you still have to participate in the E-level lottery."

Thinking of this, Li Luo issued another command to the system:

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