I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 348 TV Interview

Ninja Country, Konoha, Daimyo Office.

Although he became a daimyo, he didn't act as high as other daimyos in the past, or Yun Ting, who was not interested in expressing himself, called the daimyo's office the original Hokage office.

The only change is that a new "Daimyo Office" sign is hung above the "Hokage Office" sign outside the door.

For the former daimyo and even the emperors of the original time and space, the majestic palace and complicated etiquette can show their status and authority.

But for Yun Ting, one's own strength is the foundation of all power.

He is too lazy to do those superficial decorative things.

And no one will have the ambition of "he can replace him" without looking long.

Today is the day when the first Chunin Exam in Ninja Kingdom begins.

As a daimyo and also Hokage, Yun Ting will naturally also participate in this feast, but it is not in the preliminary stage.

Because of this, he can comfortably drink the tea made by his personal secretary, Ritsuko Yamanaka, and watch the Chunin exam program hosted by Yamato and Yuhihong, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women on the TV.

Originally, Asma Sarutobi wanted to volunteer to host with Honglai, but considering the image problem, the TV station still rejected him.

Instead, although he is not earth-shatteringly handsome, he looks very kind and generous, giving people a good impression of Yamato.

At this time, Yamato was wearing a suit and tie, and in front of the Chunin Exam written test building in the background, he was doing the opening speech together with Hong, who was wearing a beautiful dress.

"Among the viewers in the whole ninja world, good morning everyone. I am Yamato, the special host of Konoha TV."

"Hi everyone, I'm Yuhihong."

"This time, the two of us will preside over the first Chunin exam for the Kingdom of Ninja, which is very meaningful! Red, do you still remember your first Chunin exam?"

As the host for the first time, Yamato, who didn't seem to be stage fright at all, asked his companions.


Having finished growing, Hong exuded a mature charm and smiled and winked in the eyes of many unblinking male audiences in front of the TV, saying,

"The Chunin exam I participated in back then was only held within Konoha, and the number of participants was far less than today's session. However, even so, I failed. I think today's larger-scale Chunin exam will How intense it is."

Yamato said: "Haha! Red, you are too modest. I know that most of the contestants of your Chunin Exam are now well-known ninjas in the ninja world. It's normal too."

"Yamato, you really know how to comfort people."

In front of the TV, Asuma Sarutobi was staring at a picture of killing people, Hong in the TV smiled at Yamato,

"By the way, Yamato, have you taken the Chunin exam?"

"Well, I was still in Anbu at the time. I was promoted to Chunin just after taking part in the Anbu's internal Chunin test."

"Anbu? As expected of Yamato Jonin!"

"Haha! It's just a joke. Don't you come from behind, Hong, and become an elite jnin in the ninja world?"



Under the eyes of thousands of people,

Yamato and Hong then started a series of business exchanges.

If the director of the show hadn't quickly asked them to stop this topic, I'm afraid this Chunin exam show would have turned into a talk show between the two.


After coughing lightly for a while, he couldn't control himself amidst Hong's compliments. Yamato, who was about to post a marriage proposal for himself at the scene, finally stopped under the murderous eyes of the director, and returned to the topic again,

"Today's weather is very good, very suitable for the Chunin exam. Look behind me, this is the place where the first written test of the Chunin exam will be held. Soon, the ninja who will take the Chunin exam will... no ! Someone has come!"

"Look, everyone! The Uchiha Clan contestant from Konoha's wealthy family came first. Looking at his handsome face, I think there are already many girls screaming in front of the TV. Let's interview him."

"Hello contestants, can you look at the camera and introduce yourself to the ninja audience in front of the TV?"

Zuo Zhu: "..."

As the first team to arrive at the scene, before he had time to observe his surroundings, his face froze suddenly when he was slapped with a camera.


The exam was coming soon, and he was not interested in doing interviews, so he didn't want to pay attention to it, and left on his own.

In an instant, when Yamato was thinking about how to save the scene with embarrassment.

Contrary to Zuosuke, Naruto, who was very interested in the interview, had already taken the initiative to come to the front in the big surprise, and greeted the camera warmly: "Hello everyone! I am Naruto Namikaze, and I am thirteen years old this year. , love to eat ramen, hate the waiting time before the ramen is cooked. My dream is to become the next generation of Hokage. I..."

In the following time, Naruto said a lot.

At the beginning, Yamato was full of joy for saving Naruto.

But soon, as Naruto talked with the camera like a machine gun for several minutes, and seeing that he could still talk for a long time, the smile on Yamato's face suddenly froze.

"Ahem! Naruto, thank you for your speech... Naruto, your teammates are waiting for you... Naruto! Time is limited, it can be over...Give me Let go of the camera! Naruto!

! "

The world was spinning in front of the TV, and the first car rollover scene of the Chunin Exam was officially born.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ting, one of the people who eat melons, smiled knowingly.

According to his speculation, this is probably just the beginning.

You must know that the zhongnin zhongnin who participated in the zhongnin exam this time are really dancing with demons.

Sure enough, as Yun Ting expected.

After all the hardships, Yamato, who finally regained the camera from Naruto, regained his strength. Later, when interviewing the contestants who came one after another, the smile on his face became more and more unbearable.

During the period, in front of the camera, there was Xiao Li, who was as passionate as Naruto, and once again overwhelmed Yamato; Eating snacks, I can't squeeze out a word for a long time.

There is also Omoyin who speaks frustratingly in front of the camera, and asks at the first glance whether the building in front of the Chunin exam is a tofu project, and whether it will collapse as soon as he enters; Gaara, who gives people trembling hearts; Suigetsu, who clamors that other than himself, other ninja swordsmen are rubbish, and so on.

When Yamato finally ended the tormenting interview, the TV camera turned to the Chunin Exam written test site, and after he and Hong came to the studio for the next explanation, he was finally relieved after almost collapsing.

At the same time, seeing that the written test on the screen would take some time to start, Yun Ting withdrew his gaze, and turned to the three extra wooden boxes on the desk that jittered once or twice from time to time.

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