“Young master, the food in this hotel is really delicious, it is worthy of being a master.”

Ying Wei wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, just now she ate the most.

However, I have to say that in this era, although there are few seasonings, the master’s craftsmanship is really good.

“Let’s go, go out, and ask by the way, if you can buy martial arts exercises.”

Huo Tianci pulled Yingyi and walked down the street, thinking in his heart where to buy martial arts exercises.

You can’t run directly to the martial arts hall and ask, do you sell martial arts exercises.

In these years, martial arts exercises are very important, unless the family road is in the middle, otherwise the vast majority of martial artists will not sell martial arts exercises.


Huo Tianci was thinking, and was suddenly attracted by the sound of a daily qi.

This seems to be the voice of the little day, and the little day is actually here, as if it is still cursing.

“Young Master, there seems to be a commotion there.”

Ying Wei stood on tiptoe, with curiosity in her eyes.

“It seems like a small day, let’s take a look.”

Huo Tianci pushed away the crowd, and on the edge of the street, a homeless man was beating the old man.

The wanderer wears a small day costume and should be a ronin of a small day.

In the current era, foreigners act recklessly, whether they are Easterners or Westerners, they like to bully people.

This account is written down first, and when his strength becomes stronger in the future, he is in charge of the southern region and has millions of soldiers, then he will directly build a fleet.

I still don’t believe in the fleet that can’t kill the little day.

One fleet will not work, another fleet.

“These little days are really hateful, they know to bully us.”

“Yes, it’s obviously our territory.”

The nearby residents talked a lot, and their eyes were full of disgust.

But no one dares to stop it, after all, small days, foreigners, arrogant, that is a common thing.

Even with anger, he could only watch the little day ronin and beat the old man until the old man died.

Huo Tianci frowned tightly, couldn’t stand it, took the initiative to step forward and grabbed the neon ronin’s shoulder.


The neon ronin cursed and slapped his backhand, but was grabbed by Huo Tianci.

“Yaga, do you want to do it? You actually dare to make a move on me, I don’t know that I am from the Admiralty. ”

Huo Tianci slapped the neon ronin, took out the gun again, and aimed it at the neon ronin.

Fortunately, he has studied Japanese, don’t ask how he came up with the idea to learn, it is very distressing to have no subtitles.

If it weren’t for the fact that his subordinates were not strong and did not want to expose their identities, Huo Tianci would directly kill him.

But it’s okay, in two years, Huo Tianci will at least be able to rule the provincial capital, and then there will be no need to put the little life in his eyes.

He can also assemble his own fleet, the largest fleet, and take out these little days of dog days.

“I’m sorry.”

Neon Ronin quickly said sorry, he always felt that Huo Tianci’s temperament, unlike the people of the Dragon Kingdom, maybe it was really from the military department, where did he dare to offend the military department.

“When you go out, you are not allowed to lose our face, and you don’t apologize quickly, otherwise I will send you to a military court.”

Huo Tianci roared twice.

In the evening, he solved the small day, and now under the public, it is not convenient to do it casually.

“I’m sorry.”

The neon ronin said two words, and then looked at Huo Tianci with his eyes blank.

No way, the little day is highly hierarchical, don’t look at him crazy here, but ordinary soldiers can slap him.

Huo Tianci nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand casually, but in his heart he was thinking about how to kill Xiao Ri tonight.

He has long seen that the small life is unhappy, and he has never had a chance, and it is not good to kill people in the daytime, then he will kill people at night.

When he has 200,000 troops, gets two more flying divisions, builds a few artillery batteries, and controls a provincial city, not to mention the small days, the ninth uncle will see his face and act.

“Young Master, you…”

What else did Yingyi want to say, but was stopped by Huo Tianci, it was inevitable that someone here would snitch.

Although he is not afraid of trouble, if he can reduce trouble, then reduce trouble.

“Go back, in addition, let the members of the distillery, give me an investigation, which martial arts masters are in the middle, or excellent famous doctors.”

Huo Tianci was not interested in Xiao Ri’s affairs, and he wanted to prepare more martial arts cheats or medical skills now.

The third-order medical technique is not enough, at least it must be brushed to a higher level, and one day it will be necessary to rub the pill by hand.

Well, hand rubbing pills seems to be a little complicated, but it is not impossible, after all, he is open.

“Understood, young master.”

Ying Yi nodded her head, thinking in her heart why the name of an intelligence organization was actually called a winery, it was better to call it Jinyiwei.

That night, Huo Tianci received intelligence from the winery.

For example, there are several generations of family families, or you can spend money to buy family martial arts cheats.

The records in it are very detailed, and since Huo Tianci got the attribute panel, he has focused on the martial arts world.

Suddenly, one of the pieces of information caught Huo Tianci’s attention.

Xiao Rizi once stole a lot of cheats in the Chinese martial arts world, the most famous of which is the domestic Baduan Jin.

Eight dan jin, if Huo Tianci remembers correctly, this is one of the guiding techniques of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also a famous health qigong.

Health Qigong should be the so-called internal force exercises, and he will never dislike his internal strength exercises.

At that time, learning two internal force exercises will help a lot of internal force, and he must get his hands on it, and he must not be cheap for a small life.

Huo Tianci’s eyes flickered, and a murderous aura permeated out.

Tonight, I will go to kill Xiao Ri, and get the things by the way, and I must not let Xiao Ri take away the treasures of the Dragon Kingdom.

“Yingyi, you take a break at home and let the people from the guard company come with me.”

Huo Tianci explained, and then left with the guard company.

Tonight is very dangerous, you must not take Yingyi, after all, Yingyi is just an ordinary person, let her follow behind, harm others and harm themselves.

“So young master, you have to be careful, it’s dangerous outside.”

Ying Yu didn’t know where Huo Tianci was going, she only knew to care about Huo Tianci.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be in danger.”

Huo Tianci touched Yingyi’s head, then turned around and left, and soon disappeared without a trace, leaving only Yingyi, standing by the window, watching silently.

After leaving the restaurant, Huo Tianci soon came to Xiao Rizi’s residence and sneaked into it.

Xiao Ri didn’t know that someone was coming, and he was still living a life of drunken gold.

In their Dragon Kingdom land, living such a drunken life, Huo Tianci was very unhappy to listen to it outside.

A little drunk on a small day, came out of it, and saw the masked Huo Tianci, but did not react.

Huo Tianci suddenly stepped forward and stabbed Xiao Rizi’s chest, and Xiao Rizi fell to the ground unwillingly.

(There are still a few hundred flowers left, and one more can be added.) )

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