Ren Fa was worried that an accident would occur, so he found a matchmaker the next day and personally took the lead in saying goodbye to the matchmaker.

If it weren’t for the fact that Ren Tingting in his family was a girl, he would definitely take the initiative to come to the door to ask for a kiss, and he would not ask a matchmaker.

In the early morning, Huo Tianci had just finished practicing boxing and was about to rest for a while, when the nanny walked into the yard.

“Young Master, there is a woman outside who wants to visit you.”

“Someone wants to visit me?”

Huo Tianci frowned, for so many years, there were many people who visited him, but it was the first time someone had visited him.

After all, the real world is still a machismo world, and things are generally done by men.

For example, visiting your home.

“Bring people in.”

Huo Tianci put on his clothes, and Ying Yu quickly ran over to help Huo Tianci tidy up his appearance.

After all, as the eldest young master of the Huo family, he must tidy up his appearance and not lose face.

In the living room, as soon as Huo Tianci sat down, the nanny brought in a woman, who looked forty or fifty years old.

Not beautiful, not a mature beauty, Huo Tianci knew that he thought too much.

Although he is a crosser, it is impossible to casually come to a woman, that is, a mature beauty, and then what will happen.

“Young Master Huo.” The middle-aged woman hurriedly greeted.

This is the local boss, the head of the security regiment, with a very high status and must not be created.

“What are you looking for me for.”

Huo Tianci’s finger lightly tapped on the table, and he was very curious in his heart about what purpose this person in front of him was here.

“Young Master Huo, I’m here today to help you talk to the mediator.”

“Cough, cough…” Huo Tianci couldn’t help but cough.

When he heard something, he actually came to help him say mediation, what did he think, and he would think of helping him say mediator.

And who took a fancy to him and asked this aunt to come over and say mediator.

Anyway, there must be someone, how can there be no one, the aunt took the initiative to come up and say media.

Well, it is not ruled out that the aunt took the initiative to come and say the matchmaker, after all, he is very good, there will always be many people who like him, and someone will come and say that the matchmaker is normal.

Yingyi puffed out her little face angrily.

She has not married Huo Tianci yet, and someone actually came to mediate and wanted to rob a woman with her.

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable.

“Who the hell wants to become a family with me.”

Huo Tianci had curiosity in his eyes, who was it and wanted to become a family with him.

Renjiazhen, are there any beautiful girls?

“It’s the master of the Ren family, he has a daughter, who has just returned from the provincial capital, she looks very beautiful, and she fancy Young Master Huo, so please come over and help mediate.”

Ren Tingting.

Huo Tianci was surprised, he really didn’t expect that it was Ren Fa who sent someone to come and talk about it.

Not to mention, Ren Tingting is indeed very beautiful, he still had ideas yesterday, and today someone came to the door to talk about the media.

If Ren Tingting herself is willing, it is not impossible to be with Ren Tingting, who will dislike the beauty more.

“I already have a girl I like, this is, his name is Yingyi, if Master Ren is willing, I can marry a concubine.”

Huo Tianci stretched out his finger and pointed at Yingyi.

He has been with Yingyi for so long, and he likes Yingyi very much, and naturally he will not give up Yingyi.

Unless Ren Tingting is willing to be small.


The aunt didn’t know what to say, and originally wanted to say it to Mrs. Huo Tianci, who thought that she could only be a concubine.

“How? My status, can’t I marry a concubine? Or do I have to marry her daughter. ”

Huo Tianci didn’t know where to come from, took out a pistol, with a smile on his face.

“No, I’ll go talk to Master Ren.”

The aunt hurriedly ran away, she regretted taking this task, but what could she do, she could only go back to the errand.


Although Ren Fa was dissatisfied, the entire Renjia Town was completely decided by Huo Tianci, and he could only put his dissatisfaction in his heart.

And considering Huo Tianci’s status and status, Ren Fa struggled for a moment, and finally decided to marry his daughter to Huo Tianci as a concubine.

“What? Dad, how can you let me marry someone else as a concubine. ”

When Ren Tingting heard that she was going to marry Huo Tianci as a concubine, she was very dissatisfied.

She received a Western education, was monogamous, was in free love, and absolutely could not be a concubine.

“You must be obedient, over the years, our family’s business is not good, we can go bankrupt at any time, several major families have been exterminated, you must marry Huo Tianci.” Ren Fa sternly reprimanded.

He was afraid to follow in the footsteps of other families, and he had already made up his mind to marry Ren Tingting to Huo Tianci.

“I don’t care, I will never marry someone else as a concubine.”

Ren Tingting left Ren Mansion angrily.

Halfway through, I happened to meet Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

Both Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai liked Ren Tingting, and when they saw Ren Tingting, they seemed angry, and quickly ran over, ready to pat the horse and find an opportunity to hook up with the goddess.

“Tingting, what happened, you seem to be very angry, or tell us.”

“Yes, if you encounter any trouble, you can leave it to us.”

Fortunately, the ninth uncle is not here, if the ninth uncle is here, he will be speechless when he sees his apprentice patting the horse and licking the dog.

“My father wants me to marry the young master of the Huo family, and still be a concubine.”

Ren Tingting’s tears fell out without fighting, and she felt very wronged.

“What? Let you marry someone else as a concubine, what does your father think. ”

“It’s still Huo Tianci, this big young master, I advise you not to marry him.”

Both of them were very upset, why let their goddess marry Huo Tianci.

Yingyi is so beautiful, they are already very dissatisfied, and now even Ren Tingting wants to marry Huo Tianci.

No, this kind of good thing, how can it be cheap Huo Tianci, it must be stopped.

A good woman, how can it be attributed to one of their two brothers and brothers.

“Young Master Huo, good morning.”

“Young Master Huo, come shopping again.”

Ren Tingting was feeling sad, and when she heard someone call Young Master Huo, she instantly understood who it was, and turned her head to look in the direction of the voice.

Huo Tianci stood in the crowd and accidentally saw Ren Tingting, as well as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I actually met three people here, and since I have already met, I have to have a good chat.

“Is this Young Master Huo?”

Ren Tingting looked at Huo Tianci’s figure, not knowing what to say, and music seemed to sound in her mind.

Pink memories, still…

It turned out that Huo Tianci was so handsome, and he thought that the eldest young master of the Huo family looked so-so.

And really a handsome guy.

She admitted that she seemed to regret it, maybe marrying Huo Tianci as a concubine, it was not impossible.

“Tingting, don’t worry, even if Huo Tianci comes, we won’t let him bully you.”

“Yes, with the two of us here, no one will bully you.”

“No, I hope you two don’t talk nonsense, I don’t want Young Master Huo to misunderstand.”

Ren Tingting somehow was actually worried that she would be misunderstood by Huo Tianci.

Perhaps appearance is very important, not to mention that Huo Tianci is a cultivator, physically strong, and more attractive.

Qiu Sheng, Wencai: “…”

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