The next day, Renjia Town was still very calm, and no one knew about Old Lady Ren at night.

Old Lady Ren was worried about dawn, so he left in a hurry and did not kill anyone.

Only Ninth Uncle was arrested, and his apprentice Wen Cai was inside the barred window, looking out from the air.

Huo Tianci got up in the morning and continued to cultivate the Eight Duan Jin, then cultivated other martial arts, and continued to refine bones.

The characteristics of the refining stage have already been transformed once, and strive to transform all the other characteristics.

Sitting in the yard, yawning, she went to bed late last night and woke up early this morning.

She admired Huo Tianci very much, did things seriously, and practiced in the morning.

Huo Tianci closed his eyes and seriously cultivated the Eight Duan Jin.

Perhaps the talent brushed to a certain realm, Huo Tianci’s speed of cultivating the eight dan jin was very fast, and every time he cultivated, the progress would increase.

At most, it is a matter of how fast or slow to improve.

At noon, a bright sun shone on Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci suddenly opened his eyes and felt the inner strength in his body.

After a morning of cultivation, his Eight Duan Jin successfully broke through to the 3rd order, and his internal strength was even stronger.

I just don’t know how strong the internal strength is, the power should be very strong, I don’t know if this time it hits Old Lady Ren, can I pack Old Lady Ren.

It should not be so easy to think, after all, it is a zombie, even if there are weaknesses inside, it is always stronger than humans.

After all, the Eight Duan Jin was just an ordinary exercise, and Huo Tianci had just cultivated to the 3rd order.

When you cultivate to the 30th level, maybe you can burst out an internal strength at will, and you can directly burst the zombie.

Huo Tianci walked to the iron-clad wooden stake, faced the iron-clad wooden stake, and casually slapped it, and the internal strength of the eight dan jin penetrated the iron.

The wood inside the tin shattered.

The internal strength is very strong, but it is stronger than before, but any strong point in the realm of refining meat can offset part of the internal strength.

After all, it is only beyond ordinary fist and foot kung fu, and it is not comparable to internal martial arts.

It is still necessary to improve your strength, strive to reach the realm of internal force as soon as possible, and learn the real internal force.

Huo Tianci quickly straightened his mind and dealt with Old Lady Ren, which could be handed over to Ninth Uncle, he should still practice step by step.

First brush all the realms to the characteristics, and brush the advanced characteristics, and then break through to the internal force realm.

He had been receiving health preservation for a while, but he had never had time to use it.


Huo Tianci rushed into the iron man pile and continued to refine the bones.

The characteristics of refining skin are enough, but the characteristics of refining bones are still a little worse after all.

In the iron man pile, Huo Tianci kept shaking his fists, and after each punch, he would leave a fist print.

The pure iron hit the iron man pile, and after Huo Tianci’s long-term cultivation, he had long left fist prints, and they were not in human form.

In the evening, after eating, Huo Tianci continued to cultivate, and if he was given a period of time, there would be a breakthrough in a boxing technique.

After this fist technique breaks through, the bone refining characteristics will transform.

He had practiced so many exercises before, and his skin refining characteristics had changed.

Take advantage of the possibility of zombies coming tonight, strive to break through as soon as possible, and transform your iron bone characteristics.


After a burst of boxing practice, Huo Tianci could hear the sound of bones clicking, and the bones all over his body degenerated.

If you pull out Huo Tianci’s bones now, you can find Huo Tianci’s bones with a pale yellow light.

Huo Tianci quickly opened the properties panel.

He could feel the change in his bones, which should be the transformation of bone refining characteristics.

Name: Huo Tianci

Realm: Flesh period, refining dirty realm

Lifespan: 97

Talent: 7+49 (5 for ordinary people).

Exercises: Huojiaquan 5th order 2%, medical skill 4th order 57%, Tang Gate Forging 3rd order 39%, Baduan Jin 3rd order 4%….

Features: copper skin, copper bone, diamond body

Weapon: Fine Black Steel Saber

Huo Tianci is very satisfied, not to mention the lifespan, perhaps he has learned Taijiquan, eight dan jin, and the lifespan is close to a hundred years.

Although there are many people who can live past a hundred years old, not everyone can live this long.

Next, focus on training the Tang Gate forging technique, as well as medical skills, and strive to brush to the 5th level, which should be able to mix more medicinal soups.

It’s a pity that there are too many things to cultivate, even if the talent is excellent, it takes a certain amount of time.

Otherwise, with his talent, if he cultivates a single exercise, it won’t take long to reach the limit of the physical realm.

However, if you want to become stronger, you must be ambitious, practice more exercises, and brush more characteristics.

He wants to be an invincible master of his class.

Huo Tianci came to the courtyard and did not fall asleep in a hurry, there were many members of the guard company around, and a large number of grenades were prepared.

If Old Lady Ren comes over to find trouble again tonight, then kill Old Lady Ren.

He prepared so much firepower, it was for Old Lady Ren, and if he didn’t kill Old Lady Ren, he was in a bad mood.

In the middle of the night, Huo Tianci yawned.

In order to be able to face Old Lady Ren tonight, he deliberately did not practice in the afternoon, but slept well and nourished his spirit.

It’s a pity that he has reached the middle of the night, he has copper bone characteristics again, and he wants to face zombies, and until now, he has not waited for zombies.

On the other side, Renfu.

Although it was very late, Ren Fa did not rest, and was still in the study, sorting out the account books during this time.

Ren Fa frowned.

Since Huo Tianci came, their family business has plummeted.

Coupled with the bad feng shui, the Ren family mixed more and more miserably, and gradually was surpassed by the Huang family.

Fortunately, he can marry his daughter to Huo Tianci immediately, and he can also change the family feng shui, maybe he can change the status quo of the Ren family.

Knock knock….

Ren Fa was calculating, suddenly heard a voice outside the door, was very curious, subconsciously walked over and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Ren Fa saw Old Lady Ren outside the door, and that face, and he was completely frightened.

Why his dad is here, it’s terrible.

“Daddy, I’m your son.”

Ren Fa was so frightened that he took two steps back, and wanted to awaken Old Lady Ren’s memory.

It’s a pity that Old Lady Ren has turned into a zombie, and he can’t remember Ren Fa at all, and now he just wants to suck Ren Fa’s blood.

Old Lady Ren quickly forced Ren Fa into a corner, and his nails penetrated Ren Fa’s body, lifting Ren Fa up and sucking Ren Fa’s blood dry.

Ren Fa was quickly sucked into a human trunk.

After absorbing Ren Fa’s blood, Old Lady Ren’s body quickly changed.

The skin that was originally a little shriveled became fuller, and the corpse gas spit out of the mouth became more intense.

Black hair originally appeared on Old Lady Ren’s body, which gradually faded, revealing iron-cyan skin.

This is the realm after Old Lady Ren broke through.

Ironclad zombie realm.

After reaching the Iron Armored Zombie Level, Old Lady Ren’s skin will become tougher, like real steel.

And it’s a systemic metamorphosis.

It’s not like Huo Tianci, although there are copper skin and copper bones, but after all, it is not like a zombie.

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