In the evening, the security regiment is stationed.

Huo Tianci arranged the remaining villagers here.

According to what he knew about Wang Po, Wang Po was very good to her companions, yesterday the shelling, the horse bandits died so much, Wang Po will definitely take revenge.

If these villagers are not arranged, Wang Po personally assassinates them, who can protect these villagers.

Therefore, it can only be arranged in the security regiment’s station, with the ninth uncle plus him, and the two apprentices of the ninth uncle, which is enough to deal with the security group.

At night, after eating, all the villagers were arranged to rest in one room, and the people of the security team turned on many lights to illuminate the night.

It can be said that it is a three-step and one-guard post.

A company of the security regiment, plus the guard company, prepared a dozen small steel cannons in total, each of whom was prepared with grenades.

But whenever the horse bandits arrived, they used grenades to kill them.

Huo Tianci and Ninth Uncle were sitting in the courtyard.

At present, it is just dark, and the horse bandits usually do not come over so early, so the two sit together and chat.

“Ninth Uncle, there are two knives here, divided between your two apprentices, those warlocks and the like, ordinary knives and guns, it is difficult to break the defense.”

Ninth Uncle quickly took the two knives.

He knew that Huo Tianci’s knife worked very well, and it could easily break through defenses against ordinary zombies.

Just give yourself two apprentices, even if you encounter zombies in the future, you can reduce the danger.

If he could, he still wanted to give Huo Tianci’s two knives and not return them to Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci didn’t know Ninth Uncle’s thoughts, these were just ordinary two knives, with sharp attributes, or they were created before.

Because he wanted to deal with horse bandits and reduce the casualties of ordinary people, he took out these two knives just to let the apprentices of the Ninth Uncle help with the work.

Free workers, don’t do it in vain.

“Ninth Uncle, 800 will please you tonight, I will go to the room to rest first.”

Huo Tianci explained two sentences, with Yingyi.

At present, there is still time, he can continue to cultivate and improve his strength.

Anyway, with the ninth uncle, a migrant worker, watching from outside, there will be nothing in a short time, and there is no need to worry about being discovered.

When Ninth Uncle saw Huo Tianci returning to the room, his heart was not a taste.

“Master, let us watch, or we will go back to rest.” Qiu Sheng was jealous and wanted to go back with jealousy.

Ninth Uncle had a ghost idea in his heart, and let the two apprentices watch here, and he rested next to him.

You can’t let the master watch here, and the two apprentices go back to rest, how can there be such a reason.

“Got it.”

The two apprentices had long understood the character of the Ninth Uncle, and where they didn’t know the meaning of the Ninth Uncle, they had to stay.

In the room, Huo Tianci just sat down, and Ying Yi took the initiative to walk next to Huo Tianci and leaned on Huo Tianci’s shoulder.

“Young Master, or we’ll be tonight…”

“I’m going to practice tonight, and didn’t I just get together yesterday?”

Huo Tianci righteously refused.

Although his body and bones are good, as a cultivator, he must abstain from color.

Don’t say that you will always refuse women, but at least you can’t be casual, once a day, live many times a day, wouldn’t it be exhausting to death.

What else can Yingyi do, you can’t pester Huo Tianci, you should always let Huo Tianci rest.

Huo Tianci sat down cross-legged and continued to meditate.

Today’s (BDDI) Night Horse Bandit will come at any time, and it is not suitable for cultivating internal strength.

Or should we cultivate the idea of barbarism and improve our spiritual power.

The main thing is the idea of the Barbarian View, which is about to break through the rank and reach the 3rd order.

Huo Tianci has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, and always feels that if he is almost progressing, he should continue to improve.

Soon, Huo Tianci entered the fantasy, and the figure of the barbaric giant beast appeared in his mind, and his spiritual power continued to improve.

With the passage of time, the progress of the Barbarian View idea gradually reaches its limit, and it can break through at any time.

On the other side, Wang Po looked at her injured subordinates and was furious.

These brothers have followed her for so many years and have long had feelings, and as a result, many were killed by artillery, and many were half-crippled.

If they had not run fast, it is estimated that they would have been blown up alive by artillery.

After all, it is still just a mortal, even if it is a warlock and the like, the body does not want to be the same as a zombie, invulnerable.

“Prepare, we’ll bring them over this evening, sneak up on those people, and snatch their artillery.”

Wang Po couldn’t bear the anger in her heart, and her younger brothers were indignant and wanted revenge.

They believe in their own strength, as long as they are not hit by artillery and grab a few guns, they can kill members of the security group.

Maybe they can even snatch the weapons of the security group, coupled with the invulnerable body, the world is so big that they can run rampant.

As night fell, the horse bandits quietly came to Lin Family Village and secretly approached the security regiment’s station.

Although the security regiment’s station was full of lights, there were many houses nearby, and the bandits quietly approached the houses by taking advantage of the shelter of the houses.

Ninth Uncle sat in the courtyard and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, looked up at the moon in the sky, and felt uneasy in his heart.

He didn’t know what was going on, but the cultivator’s intuition told him that there might be danger immediately.

In the room, Huo Tianci’s idea of the Barbaric View had reached 99% of the 2nd order, and he had broken through to the 3rd order in one step.

Huo Tianci had a feeling of breaking through at any time.

Suddenly, Huo Tianci felt that his spiritual power was increasing, and there was a comfortable feeling.

It is like a dry lake, moistened by the rain, and it feels beautiful and comfortable. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

3rd order barbaric view idea.

Huo Tianci’s spiritual power increased wildly, originally only more than ten meters of divine consciousness, constantly expanded, soon expanded to the courtyard, and finally stopped.

Originally, it was a range of ten meters, but now it directly reaches a radius of 100 meters.

Within that range, everything is under his control.

Whether it is ants on the ground, or mice hiding in holes and under the ground, how many cracks in the walls can be felt.

It’s like seeing it all with your own eyes.

The ninth uncle in the courtyard, the three of Qiusheng, his spiritual power can also be seen.

Huo Tianci shrouded Qiu Sheng with his super powers, and Qiu Sheng was complaining about him at the moment, but he didn’t know that he was heard clearly.


“Who? Who hit me? ”

Qiu Sheng touched his face and looked around, except for Ninth Uncle, who was Wen Cai, there was no one else.

Could it be that these two men beat him.

“Who hit you? Anyone? ”

Wen Cai looked confused, and then looked at the ninth uncle, could it be that the ninth uncle beat Qiu Sheng.

No, he is next to Ninth Uncle, and if Ninth Uncle fights Qiu Sheng, he will definitely be able to see it.

“Who hit you? Wouldn’t it be asleep? I let you watch here, and you actually fell asleep. ”

Ninth Uncle stared at Qiu Sheng, and at the critical moment, he actually fell asleep, and fantasized that someone slapped him.

Who has nothing to slap Qiu Sheng, that is, he does not know that Qiu Sheng is asleep, otherwise he will definitely slap him.

Huo Tianci opened his eyes, his expression was shocked, he really didn’t expect that his spiritual power would actually slap him.

Could it be that this is the so-called spiritual attack, the legendary spiritual power.

Maybe in the future he can become a spiritual teacher.

By the way, what skills the spiritual master has, I don’t know if the idea of the barbaric view is proposed, it is estimated that it will not be provided, everything depends on himself.

Huo Tianci continued to use his spiritual power and slapped Ninth Uncle.

Ninth Uncle suddenly stood up, touched his face, turned his head to look around, he was actually beaten, and he didn’t know who hit him.

Two apprentices, Qiu Sheng and Wencai?

No, he was just looking at the two apprentices, and they were not Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai at all.

Huo Tianci quickly withdrew his spiritual power, and now it was certain that his spiritual power breakthrough had reached substance.

Now you can only carry out ordinary attacks, maybe one day, you will be able to directly carry out spiritual attacks.

This is only the idea of the 3rd order barbaric view, if it reaches a higher level, the spiritual power will be stronger, Huo Tianci is really looking forward to it.

Ninth Uncle touched his face, pretending that nothing had happened, and continued to sit down, but his heart became vigilant.

He didn’t know who was beating Qiu Sheng just now, but now he was sure that someone was indeed beating their master and apprentice.

Huo Tianci didn’t know what Ninth Uncle was thinking, he was now conducting a spiritual power test, experimenting with the limit range of spiritual power.

The range of his spiritual power is one hundred meters, that is, a radius of one hundred meters, and the circumference is reasonably more than six hundred meters.

However, with a radius of 100 meters, the spiritual range is full coverage, and if it is a straight line distance, it does not need to be covered in all directions to reduce mental energy consumption.

The spiritual power spread for about 1 km.

Just outside the house, the horse bandit approached quietly, just discovered by Huo Tianci’s spiritual power.

Huo Tianci opened his eyes, and in his heart he had to sigh that these horse bandits were worthy of being legendary warlocks and the like.

With so many people in his security group, they did not find the horse bandits, and they were still approached by the horse bandits, and the ability was quite big.

But come over in the evening to send heads, then don’t blame him for being unkind, he can only take these heads.

Thanks to the horse bandits, thousands of miles to send heads.

“Yingyi, the horse bandits are coming, get up and rest, ready to fight at any time.”

Huo Tianci picked up the Black Steel Treasure Saber.

Ying Yu hurriedly followed Huo Tianci, holding a submachine gun in his hand.

This is the weapon that Huo Tian gave her, that is, to prevent encountering danger.

In the courtyard, Ninth Uncle saw Huo Tianci come out, still sitting in place.

After all, he is a big guy, how can he stand up to greet Huo Tianci, do you really think that he does not want face?

Huo Tianci took out a box of grenades and tied them all together.

To deal with these horse bandits, there is no need to rush up and desperately blow up these bastards.

He has long seen that these horse bandits are unhappy, and they actually do such a frustrating thing, or they are doing things in his territory.

Qiu Sheng and several people looked dazed, not understanding what Huo Tianci wanted to do and how to prepare so many weapons.

Huo Tianci tied a large number of grenades and threw them in the direction of the horse bandits.

Behind a private house, the horse bandits still wanted to get closer, but they saw grenades falling in the sky, and they were all dumbfounded.

How did the sky drop grenades, or so many grenades.

Bang bang bang…

The grenade exploded instantly, and the horse bandits were affected by the explosion and let out a terrible scream.

Người mua: Diệp phong sa88, 13/03/2023 20:12

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