At night, Huo Tianci spent half an hour successfully brewing soup medicine.

The whole room was filled with a strong medicinal aroma.

Huo Tianci picked up the body strengthening soup and did not rush to take it, but sniffed it first to prevent poison in the medicine.

After all, he was refining soup medicine for the first time, and if it was poisonous, if he accidentally poisoned himself, it would be a shame.

Confirming that there was no poison, Huo Tianci drank the whole bowl of soup medicine in one gulp, and the piping hot soup medicine flowed into the stomach, and a strong medicinal effect filled the whole body.

A fiery feeling suddenly burst out of his stomach, and the medicinal effect spread along Huo Tianci’s body and throughout Huo Tianci’s body.

Huo Tianci blushed, rushed out of the room, and punched at the stone man, punching out a series of Huo family punches.

The medicinal effect is too strong, now is a good time to cultivate, through cultivation, thoroughly refine the medicinal effect, and also improve the strength.

The Huo Family Fist realm is the highest, maybe you can successfully reach the bone refining realm by cultivating the Huo Family Fist.

Ying Yi heard a voice outside, opened the window, and saw Huo Tianci who was practicing boxing, obviously it was Chinese New Year’s Eve night, Huo Tianci was still practicing boxing.

This is the most serious person she has ever met.

Where did she know Huo Tianci’s sense of urgency, in this demon-infested world, it was useless to have an army.


After Huo Tianci finished punching a set of Huo Family Fists, the bones in his body made a clicking sound.

This is bone refining, through continuous boxing training, quenching bones, so that bones reach a certain realm, you can reach the realm of bone refining.

For ordinary people, if they want to reach the realm of bone refining, they must train harder.

“Whew, finally finished practicing.”

Huo Jia Quan: 23% for the 2nd order

Huo Tianci saw the progress of Huo Jia Fist and was very satisfied in his heart.

After eating a bowl of soup medicine, the progress of Huo Jiaquan directly increased by 6%, which is a big improvement.

Maybe with a dozen more bowls of soup medicine, Huo Tianci would be able to directly break through to the realm of bone refining.

This is still one of the Huo Family Fist bone refining, if you practice other boxing techniques and reach the bone refining realm at the same time, you may have the title of iron bone.

Now he already has the title of iron sheet, the skin is tough, and with one more iron bone title, the bones are even tougher.

Then there is the realm of refining meat, the realm of refining blood, etc., cultivate a few more exercises to make yourself invincible at the same level.

Maybe in the future, even if he has no internal strength, he can still carry the internal force master.

Huo Tianci had saliva at the corner of his mouth, hehe smirked, and had already begun to fantasize about a better life.

Quack quack….

But soon, Huo Tianci came to his senses, took advantage of the fact that there was still soup medicine, drank a few more sips, and continued to practice boxing.

Chinese New Year’s Eve training boxing, only Huo Tianci can achieve such achievements, or because Huo Tianci has worked hard enough.

If the two apprentices of the Ninth Uncle had Huo Tianci working so hard, why would the Ninth Uncle not be able to raise his head in front of the other junior brothers.

Ying Yi was lying next to the window, holding her chin with both hands, silently watching Huo Tianci.

Her eyes are now full of Huo Tianci, and now she is deeply in love with Huo Tianci, and she can’t wait to give Huo Tianci a monkey.

It’s a pity that she is still young, about eighteen years old, and although she is an adult, Huo Tianci still wants to have a child after a while.

After all, giving birth too early is not good for his health, and although he is a doctor, he can’t toss too much.

Bang bang bang….

Chinese New Year’s Eve, firecrackers were sounding outside, and every family celebrated reunion.

With Huo Tianci, you can live a good life.

There are even many people who put up plaques for Huo Tianci, but don’t misunderstand, it is not to pay tribute to Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci practiced boxing alone in the courtyard, striving to reach the realm of bone refining as soon as possible.


In the blink of an eye, the New Year is almost over.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Huo Tianci began his journey of healing, practicing Huo Family Boxing every day, as well as other boxing techniques.

Originally, Huo Tianci thought that it only took three or five days to reach the realm of bone refining, but in fact, he thought too much.

Although his talent is three times that of ordinary people, and he has the help of strengthening body soup, it is not so easy after all.

Think about it, if it’s really so easy, how can someone practice martial arts for a lifetime, and there is no way to break through to the realm of internal strength.

Even if it was Huo Tianci before, breaking through to the realm of refining skin, it took a long time.

In the courtyard, Huo Tianci constantly shook his fists in a group of wooden stakes, and the wooden stakes were still wrapped in a thick iron sheet.

After all, ordinary wooden stakes can no longer block Huo Tianci’s fist.

Twenty years of skill, who can block the fist?

Although Huo Tianci is only nineteen years old now.


Huo Tianci punched down, and there was an extra fist mark on the stake, even if it was wrapped in iron, it still couldn’t block Huo Tianci’s fist.

Of course, Huo Tianci’s fist is also very painful, mainly because the bones are hurting, after all, it hits on the iron sheet, but fortunately, the bones have been tempered, and it is not particularly painful.


After a punch, Huo Tianci suddenly threw a punch hard, and the fist dented the iron sheet, and the wood inside was directly broken into two pieces.


Huo Tianci took a deep breath and closed his fist, this fist went down, twenty years of skill, the stake could not be carried.

If this hits people, they can definitely burst people.


The muscles and bones clang, and the bones make a clicking sound, like the sound of thunder.

Huo Tianci quickly opened the properties panel.

He felt that he might break through, otherwise the bones would not be so loud, and if there was no breakthrough, he would not believe it.

Name: Huo Tianci

Realm: flesh stage, bone refining stage

Talent: 7+9 average person 5

Exercises: Huo Jia Quan 3rd Order 1% (Mastery)……

The corners of Huo Tianci’s mouth rose slightly.

After so long of special training and taking so many soup medicines, he finally reached the realm of bone refining.

It is a pity that the efficacy of the decoction medicine is reduced in the back, maybe with antibodies, otherwise it will be able to reach the realm of bone refining before.

“Work hard, the next step is to refine the meat realm, strive to break through within half a month, no, or break through within a month.”

Huo Tianci quickly formulated a strategic plan.

Brush the other fist techniques to the 3rd level, and all the fist techniques together reach the realm of bone refining, and the bones will definitely be strengthened.

He still has to learn some more boxing techniques, and the skin reaches the iron realm, which is simply not enough, at least to reach the copper skin realm, or the gold skin realm.

As for whether there is copper or gold skin, Huo Tianci is not very clear, anyway, he guessed blindly.

“Continue to practice boxing, by the way, then prepare other soup medicines, strengthen the body soup, the medicinal effect is not good.”

Huo Tianci picked up the medical book and pondered it carefully.

During this time, he bought medical books all over the world, as well as boxing techniques handed down from major families.

It took a lot of money to do this, but fortunately, the effect was obvious, he bought a lot of boxing techniques, and with so many boxing techniques, he was able to keep getting stronger.

One day, he will be able to become a martial arts Tianjiao, and suppress those immortal cultivators with martial arts cultivation.

(On the first day of the new book, 1,000 flowers plus one more.) )

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