Accustomed to coming out at night to feed, these centipedes are still asleep.

The sudden sound of footsteps caused some of them to wake up from their sleep, but it was too late!

By the time the centipedes reacted, the cave they had lived in had been transformed into a battlefield.

The scene of animals fighting each other is not bloody, and there are limbs everywhere, and if you don't pay attention to it, you may be splashed with blood!

"Wow, black gold, you are so bold that you dare to sneak up on me!"

A majestic man's voice came, followed by a tremor in the cave!

Yang Yuan stabilized his body and began to pay attention to the changes around him, and it could be seen from the vibration

of the cave that the Centipede King must be a big guy this time!"Brother, you recognized the wrong person, I'm not Heijin, I'm your father!"

Yang Yuan was sure that Heijin was definitely not the opponent of this Centipede King, so he yelled at the depths of the cave, hoping to attract the hatred of this Centipede King to himself!

"Tiger?" The Centipede King was obviously a little surprised, but Yang Yuan had already hit its lair, and even if he was surprised, he couldn't suppress the anger in its heart

!"Take your life!" Yang

Yuan could feel the anger of the Centipede King and others from afar, he didn't dare to have any ambiguity, and directly picked up a strong pill and sent it to his mouth!

"Centipede King, your cave is too small to be opened, if you have a kind, give it to me, let's have a good fight!"

After Yang Yuan finished speaking, he ran outside, in fact, Yang Yuan was also afraid that the other party was too big, if he really fought, he would accidentally hurt

the scorpions! After all, these scorpions were based on Yang Yuan's opponent's Jiela, so they had to suffer as little loss as possible!

On the ground behind Yang Yuan, a bulge appeared, and this bulge was still rapidly extending in the direction of Yang Yuan.

"Roar!" Yang

Yuan roared, thinking that this should be

the Centipede King!"Bang!"

A loud bang came, and a big hole was instantly opened on the ground, and a centipede more than three meters long rose into the sky!

Yang Yuan was the first to react and jumped up directly, barely dodging the attack of the Centipede King.

At this time, Yang Yuan also observed the centipede king at close range, in the countryside where Yang Yuan lived when he was a child, there is also a name for centipede, called

a thousand legs! Looking at the centipede king in front of him, although there is no such exaggeration of a thousand legs, but there are already hundreds of legs! And the centipede king is

standing on the ground at this time, and his dense hands are making the appearance of attacking!

As these animals continue to evolve, they have gradually begun to learn the methods of human attack, especially this

centipede, which has already learned the methods of human attack to the extreme! An ordinary person only has two hands, and it is under such circumstances that if the strength of human beings reaches the extreme, one fist is enough to kill a buffalo!

Not to mention that centipedes have hundreds of legs, and in the time it takes a normal person to throw a punch, a centipede can swing hundreds of punches.

Moreover, these centipedes have lived in the wild since they were children, and although they have not been to school or received education, their bodies are extremely powerful!

Although it is normal to kill a buffalo with a fist, it is still normal to pierce a wooden plank.

"Ah!" Lin

Xue'er on the side felt the centipede king's appearance, and immediately screamed in fright.

Not because of anything else, just because this centipede king is too ugly, it turns out that being ugly enough can also scare people to cry!

But the centipede king can't look at Lin Xue'er at all, and the centipede king can still tell who is the most threatening to himself in this grassland.

At that moment, the Centipede King had to focus all his attention on Yang Yuan.

"Since that's the case, then don't blame me for making a trick!" Yang

Yuan looked at the centipede king with a pair of tiger eyes, and his tone of voice was like ice that would not melt for thousands of years!


!" "The centipede king was solemn and did not dare to be careless

!" But then Yang Yuan's performance made the centipede king angry, Yang Yuan turned around, pointed his butt at the centipede king and said: "Little centipede, believe it or not, I beat you into a little turtle!"

"No, you're just a centipede that loves to eat dirt, I'm the king of beasts, come on, show you my sexy little ass!"

"Little centipede, why don't you hurry up and surrender at my feet?"


Shi Ke can't be killed, the

centipede king was originally angry, and Yang Yuan was so angry that he almost didn't get angry with the centipede king! "I'm going to kill you!" The

centipede king's eyes were blood-red, and at this time it only wanted Yang Yuan's life.

"Look at how fast you can run on a hundred legs or as fast as I can run on four legs!"

Yang Yuan wagged his tail at the Centipede King, as if he was teasing a kitten! The Centipede King was

usually a king-level existence in the clan, how could he have ever suffered such grievances?

Under the rage, he had already lost his mind.

"The dragon swings its tail!" The

centipede king flung at Yang Yuan with his usual tail, but Yang Yuan's body was too flexible, and the centipede king couldn't touch Yang Yuan at all!

Not to mention, even if Yang Yuan and this centipede king go head-to-head, they may not be able to beat others, and even if they do

, they can only end up with a lose-lose situation! This is not what Yang Yuan wants to see, and Yang Yuan can't be injured

! He knows very well that the centipede king is not a real enemy at all, and he has only one real enemy now, and that is Jiela!

Others say that the tigress is powerful, but Yang Yuan wants to see if his male tiger can defeat the tigress Zyra

! In terms of speed, Yang Yuan is simply crushing the existence of the centipede, and the two sides have been in a stalemate for more than half an hour, and the centipede king really has no strength!

"You coward, you have a kind of upright battle with me!" "

I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm going to take your tiger life today!"

The centipede king's voice was very weak, but Yang Yuan could feel the centipede king's current strength! The other party had no strength, but Yang Yuan still had strength, he jumped up directly and rode onto the centipede king's body.

"If you want to fight me, I'll fight you, so how faceless do I have?"

"You give me down

, I'm angry, I must kill you!" "Brother Centipede, in fact, I'm not here to fight with you to the death, I'm here to form an alliance with you!"

Yang Yuan didn't always have the intention of being angry with this centipede king, and seeing that it was almost over, Yang Yuan's tone softened.

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