I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

138: Little Kiki VS Giant \"Guest\"?!

Huang Quan's death was as silent and empty as ever.

The only difference is that the blazing sun that originally hung in the sky disappeared.

Instead, there are vast and boundless thick clouds, as well as a turbulent and huge floating sea.

In the thick cloud layer, there is a huge one-eyed eternal indifference, staring at the earth.

In the floating sea, a pair of incomparably hollow eyes also faintly revealed, as if they could see through the soul.

They are also staring at the earth.

The central point of their gaze is the huge city square on the ground, or to be more precise, the incomparably huge "guest" in the city square!

On the head of the giant "guest", there is also a woman "growing", it is Xu Xiuqin!

This giant "guest" is the embodiment of the mysterious will of the entire "Huangquan Dead Land", possessing unimaginable power and properties.

It gathers the mysterious power of the entire "Huangquan Death Realm", as well as a large number of small "guests", and a large number of "guests" secondary pollution sources!

It is the existence that makes Ananda Shesha in the sky and the old days take it seriously!

It's obviously going to run wild at the moment.

The entire "Yangquan Death Realm" was constantly being swallowed up by the shadow plane, which made it extremely anxious.

It swayed its body slightly, and the white sheets that covered the sky and the ground fluctuated slightly like running water.

On one side of the city square, Mr. Mask, Flaming Bear, Devouring Vines, and Abel, four members of the Mystery Corps were staring at the giant "guest".

They have some seriousness in their hearts.

Even the belligerent Abel, the flaming bear, and the swallowing vines, the turbulent fighting spirit has been reduced a lot.

"This world is not easy..."

Mr. Mask's white porcelain mask still has a smiling face that seems to have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

The other three members of the mysterious group remained silent, only the flame bear, let out a slightly low roar.

"Okay, calm down, this thing, we can't deal with it, leave it to the old ones!

Mr. Mask waved.

The flaming bear beside him let out a heavy sigh, bared his teeth slightly, and looked quite depressed.

Although the swallowing vine does not show any expression on the surface, in fact, the mood is similar.

Abel still had a blank expression.

Not far away, the old tool man, the ordinary-looking man, was still expressionless, staring at the giant "guest" with indifferent eyes.

Mr. Mask looked back and found that the old tool man was not anxious, so he was slightly relieved.

After all, at this stage, the most powerful members of the mysterious group are the old days and Ananda Shesha.

As long as the two of them don't panic, the problem shouldn't be a big deal.

Mr. Mask sighed slightly.

He looked back to the other side, where some ordinary humans were.

Mr. Mask found that at this moment, those ordinary humans had all fainted to the ground.

The reason does not need to be thought too much, it must be that they looked directly at the old days and Ananda Shesha in the sky.

That kind of terrible mental impact is not something these ordinary people can bear.

Mr. Mask had a good idea.

Before, when the old days and Ananda Shesha just came to this world, the three Li Tie team, and the ordinary people who survived, saw the magnificent scene in the sky.

At that time, the extreme shock even caused a brief blank in their brains!

Next up!

After seeing the giant indifferent one-eyed eye and the pair of empty eyes that pierced into their souls, they suddenly woke up!


They couldn't bear that kind of mental stimulation, and none of them were left, and they all passed out!

Mr. Mask quickly retracted his gaze.

He didn't care about the lives of ordinary humans.

He only cares about when the giant white sheet monster in the distance can be solved.

Mr. Mask looked up.

It was found that both the old days and Ananda Shesha were still watching the giant white sheet monster.

It seems that they are not planning to make a move for the time being.

Mr. Mask looked around.

The surrounding environment flickered faster and faster, and the illusory scene of the shadow plane became clearer and clearer.

Devour, is going crazy!

Anticipation surged in Mr. Mask's heart.

He is looking forward to the moment to devour success!

Looking forward to the moment when the Shadow Plane grows!

Abel and other secrets beside him were all in the same mood, waiting for that moment to come.

Time passed slowly.

The giant white sheet monster, after merging a large number of secondary pollution sources, stood in the center of the city square, with the collapsed signal tower behind it.

Mr. Mask looked at it, and for some reason, he had a faint feeling that this huge guy must not end like this!

To know!

It is a collection of powers of a whole world!

Although this mysterious world is not very big, at most it is similar to the shadow plane.

But, it's also incredible!

So, how could such a strong will be taken care of so easily?

"What else will it do...

Mr. Mask watched, thinking.

He is very clear that the reason why the old days in the air and Ananda Shesha did not do anything is because the devouring is in progress, and they are maintaining the devouring.

After the swallowing is completed, it is not too late to take action to solve it.

About ten seconds passed.

Just as Mr. Mask was trying his best to think, at the edge of the square, a few more figures slowly emerged!

Mr. Mask was slightly startled and looked at it with both eyes.

After seeing the appearance of those figures clearly, Mr. Mask's eyes could not help but show consternation.



Suddenly, it was the succubus, Xiao Qiqi and Xu Xiuqin!

And the gluttonous rabbit biting the corner of Xu Xiuqin's clothes!

"Why did they come suddenly?! 39

Confusion arose in Mr. Mask's heart, but he soon noticed that Xu Xiuqin was in a very wrong state!

Her eyes were hazy and her expression was sluggish!

It seemed that it was exactly the same as when she had not fully recovered her sanity!

Mr. Mask's thoughts are like electricity!

In just a few seconds, he wanted to understand the reason!

Xu Xiuqin must have been affected by the behavior of the giant white sheet monster just now!

Just now, the giant white sheet monsters summoned a large number of spiritual pollution sources from various places!

Those sources of spiritual pollution were all fused into the body by the giant white bed sheet monster!

And what is Xu Xiuqin?

She is still in spirit now!

Wasn't the reason why she turned into a spiritual body that she was polluted and transformed by the small white bed sheet monster?

Therefore, the summoning behavior of the giant white sheet monster just now must have included the spiritual body Xu Xiuqin!

That's why!

At this moment, Xu Xiuqin will appear here!

As for the succubus and the others, if he guessed correctly, he should be trying to stop that summoning power, but the power was insufficient and he was forcibly implicated!

Mr. Mask's guess is almost exactly the same as reality.

The succubus, Xiao Qiqi, and even the gluttonous rabbit were indeed pulled into the "Huangquan Death Realm" by that powerful pulling force.

After entering this mysterious world.

The succubus was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the scene in front of her clearly.

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, the succubus's eyes widened slightly.

"This...is really that world..."

She saw the giant white sheet monster. After all, the size of the other party was so huge that it was hard not to be noticed.

Immediately afterwards, the succubus saw the same huge body in the distance, and the most important thing was the flame raging bear that was burning with fiery flames.

After seeing the flame bear, I saw Mr. Mask, Devouring Vines, and Abel.

At this time, the succubus no longer had any doubts in his heart.

She is very sure that this world is the mysterious world that Mr. Mask and the others went to!

Because, Mr. Mask, they are here!

The thick clouds in the sky, and the upside-down sea, can also prove it!

After all, there should be nothing that can imitate the oppressive feeling of the old days and Ananda Shesha.

"`, Was that thing summoned..."

The succubus looked at the giant white sheet monster and couldn't help but murmured.

Through the matter between Xu Xiuqin and the white bed sheet monster, combined with the situation in front of him, and a little speculation, it is not difficult to come up with such a result.

Just when the succubus was thinking.

In the distance, Mr. Mask, Abel and other secretives approached them.

But before they got close, Xu Xiuqin, who entered the mysterious world, automatically lifted off into the sky and flew towards the giant white sheet monster!


Xiao Qiqi was frightened, hugged her mother, and her young body was carried into the air.

The succubus was taken aback, and hurriedly reached out, grabbing a calf of Xiao Qiqi at the last moment.

Mr. Mask in the distance, the flaming bear and other secrets saw this, and hurriedly ran, rushing towards the succubus and the others!


Xu Xiuqin is the mother of Xiao Qiqi, a member of their mysterious group!

To others, the Mysteries can be completely indifferent.

But Xiao Qiqi is her own, and Xiao Qiqi's mother is also her own in some respects!

Therefore, the Mystery Group will naturally not watch Xiao Qiqi's mother be swallowed up!

Not only Mr. Mask and the others, but also the old days and Ananda Shesha in the sky, all turned their eyes towards Xu Xiuqin...

And at this critical moment!

The giant "guests" who have kept quiet (money's) since they had just integrated a large number of secondary pollution sources, suddenly began to move further!

I saw its head part lifted up...

Through the white sheets, it seems that the outline of its mouth can be seen, and its mouth is wide open, as if it is howling...

at the same time!

The signal tower behind it, erected automatically!

Above the signal tower, the newly added humans all trembled, and then they all opened their mouths!

There was an inaudible howl!

This scene made the members of the mysterious group subconsciously realize that it was not good!

But the situation is urgent!

Xu Xiuqin must be rescued first!

But the force of attraction was so strong that the succubus couldn't hold it at all. Soon, she herself flew into the air!

Xiao Qiqi was very frightened, hugging her mother tightly while crying...

at this critical moment!

The succubus beneath him suddenly remembered something!

She quickly shouted towards Kiki, who was being held tightly by her:

"Kiki! Use your abilities! Quick!"

Xiao Qiqi was just a child, and she was completely panicked at the moment, so she didn't think of using her abilities for the first time.

After hearing the voice of the succubus, Xiao Qiqi reacted, her eyes blurred from crying, and looked towards the direction her mother was about to fly to.

Look at the giant "guest" rule!


"Mom... woo woo woo...

"Wooden man...don't allow...don't move!

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