I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

189: The figure standing in the sky!

Li Guang and the others got out of the car and observed the crowd around them, all looking pale and desperate.

In addition to these, they also have a dream-like unreality.

Because, before today, even not so long ago, everything was normal in this city, at least on the surface.

People live and work in peace and contentment, and society functions as usual.

However, just a short time later, the whole city has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Mysterious giant cracks appear in the sky, and amazing clouds and an upside-down sea appear in the cracks!

There are also mysterious and strange monster phantoms emerging, polluting everyone's spirit!

Force everyone to move in its direction!

This kind of change is too fast, or it is too shocking, making people unable to react.

Even at this moment, Li Guang's several operations bureau personnel still have a feeling in their hearts that they can't believe that all this is reality. 873

so dreamy...

so outrageous...

It's incredible...

The feelings in their hearts have become so complicated that it is almost indescribable in words.

They watched for a long time, then looked up at the vision in the sky, and finally, they moved on...

Li Guang walked in front of the others.

His body muscles, subconsciously, were in a tense state.

This is because the surrounding environment is more eerie.

Those citizens, each and every one, had a dull face.

Looks like he has lost his mind, like a zombie.

However, Li Guang knew that it was only an illusion on the surface. In fact, everyone was just "imprisoned" by some special pollution force.

The body is dominated by other forces.

They can actually see their surroundings.

Hear the sounds around you.

Because he experienced it once, Li Guang is very familiar with this feeling.

But, even so, it cannot be shown that these citizens are of the completely harmless kind.

Because they are now polluted.

Although it also has the possibility of recovery, just like Li Guang and others.

However, at this moment, they are still in a state of pollution after all.

In this case, these citizens may have unknown dangers.

For example, at a certain moment, they are suddenly controlled by a mysterious force and start to attack people around them who are not contaminated?

Or, start to destroy everything in front of you?

This is not impossible.

Mental pollution is unpredictable.

Li Guang and others have seen many pollution incidents, and know that anything about pollution should not be careless and must be treated with care!

Therefore, at this moment, Li Guang and the others are in a deep state of vigilance against the surrounding environment.

But despite this, they also know that if the polluted (abbc) citizens around them really want to go crazy and attack them, then in all likelihood, they will not be able to escape.

Because there are too many people around.

Heaps can kill them!

But they have no other way.

The base cannot be reached.

The only thing they can do now is to go deep into the danger, see for themselves how the situation is, and see if they can do something...

Although nine times out of ten it can't do anything.

But let them do nothing, they really can't do it...

It is worth mentioning that after seeing so many polluted citizens, Li Guang changed his plan.

He is no longer going to return to the Qingshan City base.

Because returning doesn't help either.

Judging from the current situation, everyone in the base has definitely been contaminated.

All members, in all likelihood, are already approaching the giant monster phantom in the center of the city.

After Li Guang guessed this, he decided to follow the crowd and get close to the giant monster phantom.

He believes that the headquarters of the Special Operations Bureau will never sit idly by.

The changes in Qingshan City, the scale is too large, the impact is too deep, the country will try its best to solve the problem.

There is nothing they can do, but it doesn't mean that the country has no way...

After figuring this out, Li Guang brought a few team members close to the giant monster phantom.

The crowd around is getting denser.

The progress of Li Guang and others is getting more and more difficult.

In the end, Li Guang and others had to stop.

They raised their heads, crossed the countless heads, and looked at the huge, white monster phantom.

No one speaks.

watched for a long time.

Li Guang's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly!

He frowned.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely shocked look appeared on his face!

Because, he saw that there was a figure standing in the sky in the distance!

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