I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

195: Countless people widened their eyes and opened their mouths!

Qingshan City is very large.

The citizens of the city, there are also millions of upwards.

Citizens of this order of magnitude, this size, gathered together, that is an unimaginable scene!

It is not particularly accurate to describe it with the word "big crowd".

It can be said that, with the ghost shadow of the white bed sheet monster in the center of the city as the center, any corner of the area for several kilometers or even larger areas is already crowded with dull-faced citizens.

That's a real crowd!

The crowd is dense, like melon seeds in a flower tray of ripe sunflowers!

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can only see a patch of Hessian heads filling the streets!

What is even more shocking is that a crowd of this size and level actually behaves in an extremely orderly manner.

Although people were crowded, there were no incidents such as stampede accidents.

Other than that, the crowd - was unusually quiet.

Quietly as if so many people were all part of the environment!

For example, a brick, a pillar...

In this case, it is easy for people to have a considerable sense of difference and weirdness!

If you have to describe it, it seems that these citizens are all controlled by the same mysterious consciousness, and their every move is synchronized.

It looks terrifying and makes people feel creepy!

If it was said that there was no movement at first, it was like a group of walking corpses, which was scary.

So, at this moment, these citizens are already horrified!

Li Guang and other officers of the Action Bureau were originally concentrating their attention, staring at Chen An in the air in the distance.

Li Guang kept thinking about all kinds of thoughts in his heart, and some thoughts even seemed absurd in the situation in front of him.

Even Li Guang himself wanted to laugh when he was thinking about those thoughts.

However, at a certain moment, Li Guang's self-deprecating mood came to an abrupt end!

Because, he noticed that the originally quiet citizens around him suddenly began to change!

That's something that has never happened before!

Li Guang was taken aback!

Body muscles, subconsciously tense!

The spirit was instantly tense to the extreme!

Several members of the Action Bureau also behaved the same way. Everyone was nervous, and some people's foreheads even started to sweat immediately...

No way, for so long, several of them have always been in a high-pressure environment.

At this moment, an unimaginable mutation suddenly appeared in this environment, and they would naturally feel unprecedented tension and pressure!

If they can maintain the most basic calm, they have already shown their qualities as members of the Action Bureau.

If it were an ordinary person, at this moment, he might be scared to the point of being paralyzed on the ground...

What's going on around here?

It turned out that when Li Guang and the others were watching Chen An in the distance in the distance, the surrounding citizens, who were originally quiet and silent, suddenly appeared strange!

I saw that they suddenly raised their heads at the same time!

0. Ask for flowers..

Looking straight, looking at the distance, the giant white bed sheet monster phantom in the center of the city!

Originally, they were sluggish, like human-shaped pieces of wood that couldn't speak.

But at this moment, they actually opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths at the same time, their faces full of enthusiasm!

Or rather, panic!

Countless people, countless faces!

Old, young, children...

Countless pairs of eyes, countless mouths!

At this moment, all of them are wide open, wide open!

That situation, just looking at it, makes the scalp feel numb!

Crazy goosebumps all over!

"Minister...is this...what's the matter?!

A member of the Action Bureau asked Li Guang with a slightly trembling voice.

His forehead was sweating and he was stiff.

The panic and apprehension visible to the naked eye was vividly expressed in his expression.

The performance of the other team members was actually similar to him.

Everyone was frightened by this sudden change.

His head was cluttered, as if he had just been ravaged by thunder.

Although he could barely keep his composure, in the end, apprehension and panic took over the mainstream.

Li Guang pursed his lips slightly after listening to the words of his teammates, his expression full of confusion and shock.

He paused, turned his head, and looked at the giant white sheet monster phantom in the center of the city...

As a result, upon seeing this, Li Guang couldn't help but widen his eyes...Ding.

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