I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

197: Under the white sheets, it turned out to be...

Li Guang and others were shocked!

In their hearts, they are like the ocean, and the waves are rolling wildly!

One after another!

The impact is simply unparalleled!

One of the members of the Action Bureau was trembling slightly, his face was slightly pale, and the whole person's spirit was obviously tense to the extreme!

As if the next moment, the spiritual string will be completely broken!

The performances of the other members were not much different. Everyone was so nervous and shocked that they were on the verge of collapse!

Li Guang's muscles were completely stiff, staring at the scene far away in a stunned manner, the shock in his heart surged higher and higher, and finally drowned his entire heart!

what did he see?

What did they see?!

They saw the phantom of the giant white bed sheet 01 monster that was incomparably quiet before, or, in other words, the phantom of the giant pollution source "guest", and suddenly, the body began to move!

I saw it lifted the huge arms covered under the illusory white sheet, and slowly propped up the huge illusory white sheet!

The illusory white sheets were enormous.

Following the movement of the "guest" phantom, it gradually rose towards the sky...

It is precisely because of this that its body is slowly revealed in the eyes of Li Guang and others...

and, more and more revealingly,

The reason why Li Guang and others were so shocked was precisely because they finally saw the appearance of the giant monster under the giant illusory white sheet.

They saw that as the illusory white sheet gradually rose, a darkness emerged from the part where the giant white sheet monster phantom was in contact with the ground.

How to describe that darkness?

For this question, Li Guang and others did not have a very detailed answer in their hearts.

If you have to describe it.

It was as if the darkness was some kind of strange creature with life.

It kept surging and rolling.

Like a dark monster wriggling.

And as the giant illusory white sheets continued to rise, more darkness emerged.

And, the black is getting darker and thicker!

In the end, the black seems to swallow the light!

Li Guang and the others widened their eyes, unable to see even the slightest thing in that darkness!

At this moment, although there are huge space cracks in the sky, the rays of the sun have been obscured a lot.

However, in the end, there is still a lot of light covering the earth.

However, even though this part of the light has been working hard to illuminate the earth, the darkness under the illusory white sheet is still unable to be illuminated!

It's really, like a black hole...

Over time.

The illusory white sheets are also getting taller.

Therefore, the "ontology" of "guest" also reveals more parts...

More precisely.

It revealed more, the darkness surging like monsters...

However, no matter how much was revealed, Li Guang and the others were still unable to see through the darkness.

The darkness is getting thicker and thicker, like an absolute black hole in the cosmic starry sky, swallowing all the light into it, causing this scene in front of you.

Li Guang and the others opened their eyes wide, looking at the amazing scene with solemn and shocking expressions.

The surging darkness, like a living beast, is silently roaring towards them...

Li Guang and others felt that their hearts seemed to have shrunk, and the whole person was in a state of downtime.

Cold all over!

Extremely creepy!

They are so shocking!

Shocked beyond measure!

No matter how they thought, they never thought that there would be such a scene under the mysterious, illusory giant white bed sheet...

what is this?!

Why, under the white sheets, is the extreme darkness?!

It is clearly a humanoid existence!

Why is it so dark?!

What's so weird about this darkness?!.

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