I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

219: The worry of the gluttonous rabbit!

The ability of a gluttonous rabbit, to put it simply, is that it can swallow any substance.

Whether it is normal food, abnormal food, or even something that does not belong to the category of food, gluttonous rabbits can swallow it!

It can be said that this guy is a downright super invincible foodie!

What stone, glass, wood, it can eat!

Even highly corrosive sulfuric acid liquids are swallowed correctly!

Even a human-invented nuclear reactor can gobble down!

And, there is no trace of adverse reactions!

It doesn't even have the concept of being full, its stomach seems to be a bottomless pit, capable of swallowing food without limit...

This ability, in some senses, is simply incredibly powerful!

Of course, the gluttonous rabbit with such a powerful and even perverted phagocytic ability also has a "weakness" relative to 897.


That is, its wisdom is not very high.

Its intelligence, on the whole, is actually closer to that of an ordinary rabbit...

However, even so, it is after all the existence created by the supreme creator!

Since it is a being created by the creator, it must not be exactly the same as an ordinary rabbit.

Although its intelligence is not very high, it has a very powerful instinct!

It can understand that the creator is in the situation at this moment, it will also worry and be uneasy.

For organisms, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is an instinctive response rooted in genes.

But for the gluttonous rabbit, although the instinct to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage exists, it is far from being the first.

In its heart, the first place is always the creator...

Therefore, when the Creator is about to encounter the "final terror", the gluttonous rabbit is even willing to dedicate his life to resist the disaster for the Creator...

This is what the Creator means to creation!

The creator is the supreme existence in the heart of the mysterious group, eternally revered, and no existence can compare!

However, even though he is willing to dedicate his life to the Creator, the gluttonous rabbit also subconsciously understands that, even if it dies, it cannot really solve the problem for the Creator...

Although its intelligence is not high, but because it is the creation of the creator, the gluttonous rabbits naturally understand one thing, that is, the power of the "final terror" is far from their mysterious group.

Therefore, from just now until now, the emotions of the gluttonous rabbit, like Mr. Mask, Abel and other secrets, are extremely low and negative.

It doesn't know what to do anymore.

It doesn't speak.

In his heart, there is only anxiety and worry.

These kinds of emotions tormented the gluttonous rabbit, causing it to make some subtle calls on the spot.

It even has no heart to swallow things because of excessive worry.

You know, swallowing something can be said to be its instinctive response.

It doesn't even have its own instinctive reaction (abbc), which shows how serious its worries are...

Under this extreme worry, the voices of ordinary people such as Li Tie's team in another part of the city square suddenly came over...

The gluttonous rabbit's hearing should not be underestimated.

It clearly heard the speeches of those ordinary people.

But it is somewhat incomprehensible.

However, it doesn't matter.

It is faint, and it can also feel something from the mental state of those ordinary people...

That's a positive, upward mood!

That is something called hope!

Even in the face of adversity that you cannot resist and cannot escape, the spirit that will not give up...

Gradually, the cry of the gluttonous rabbit became weaker.

Its red eyes stared straight at the group of ordinary humans in the distance...

The extreme sense of unease in its heart gradually weakened...

It doesn't speak.

So it can't express the kinds of emotions in its heart at the moment...

However, faintly, it can be seen that in its bright red eyes, there is a touch of humanized firmness and hope...

Taotie Rabbit, Succubus, Abel, Mr. Mask, etc., many members of the mysterious group, all silently watching the group of ordinary people in the distance.

Unconsciously, the feeling of despair that has been pervading the mysterious group has also become much thinner.

Even in the sky, the old days in the endless clouds, and Ananda Shesha in the upside-down sea, are faintly watching...

For them, Li Tie's team and other ordinary people are really small existences like insects.

But at this moment, this worm-like existence burst out with a strong spiritual power!

The indifferent giant eyes of the old days, as well as the empty eyes of Ananda Shesha, still didn't seem to have changed, but the eyes they watched over had already explained something silently.

Yes, as powerful as they are, their emotions are also faintly influenced by the chicken soup speeches of ordinary people such as Li Tie's team...

And yes, the positive impact...

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