I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

224: Mr. Mask's speech!


Hope has come!

Xiao Qiqi pursed her lips and hugged her mother tightly, her small body trembling slightly.

The heart that was originally deadly still, at this moment, was slightly moved by an emotion called hope.

Her set age is still young, so overall, she is still a very simple little girl.

Although her own strength is very powerful, the power of the rule system allows her to easily cause killings and destructions that ordinary people can't imagine.

But in essence, she is still just a little girl who is easily impressed...

Because of this, the touching "chicken soup speech" of ordinary people such as Team 900 Li Tie had a greater impact on Xiao Qiqi than on other members of the mysterious group.

"Now all we have to do is wait!

Mr. Mask spoke again.

He even took a few steps in the direction of the giant white sheet monster.

Then, he turned around and looked at his colleagues.

Succubus and other members of the mysterious group also looked at him.

"Yes, that thing has noticed our great creator at this moment. I'm afraid it won't be long before it will show its fangs..."

(abbc) Mr. Mask paused, then continued:

"If you look at the power comparison, there is no doubt that we, even our great creator, are not the opponents of that existence..."

"Or, far from...the two are hardly on the same order of magnitude..."

"It's not that I don't have confidence in the Creator, in fact, I believe in the Creator, and I will always believe in the Creator, but there are some things...

When Mr. Mask said this, he paused again, and there seemed to be a trace of frustration and helplessness in the eyes behind the white porcelain mask.

However, soon, this trace of frustration and helplessness disappeared, replaced by a war!

"Although it is very powerful, even to the point of making us despair... But, as the group of ordinary people over there said, as long as we don't give up hope, we will always have hope!

The light in Mr. Mask's eyes flickered slightly.

Even his voice was much higher than usual, showing a sense of strength!

After he finished speaking, he could see that the succubus, the flame bear and other secrets were a little excited!

There were even tears in the eyes of the succubus.

The flames on the flaming bears also rose a few degrees, becoming extremely hot and eye-catching!

Devouring the vines, Abel, Xiao Qiqi, and even the gluttonous rabbit, all opened their eyes slightly at this moment.

An indescribable emotion was brewing in his heart.

That emotion is hope!

It is hope for the future!

"I'm not afraid to confess to you. Just now, just when the Creator just knew all the truth, I felt despair in my heart..."


Mr. Mask spoke again, with a trace of self-deprecation in his voice.

He shook his head slightly and continued:

"Now that I think about it, it's true that sometimes, in some ways, maybe, we're not as good as ordinary people.

"At the very least, ordinary people didn't give up, even if they were in such a desperate situation for them...

Having said this, Mr. Mask turned around again and looked at the ordinary people such as Li Tie's team in the distance.

There was some emotion in his eyes.

Even, faintly, there is a hint of smile:

"Since none of them have given up, then as the creation of the great creator, why can we give up lightly?"

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