I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

237: If they're really cheering...

The three of Li Tie's team were stunned!

They all opened their mouths wide, and their expressions were full of weirdness and shock!

They saw that the terrifying and mysterious beings who were incomparably powerful in their eyes, at this moment, folded their palms together as if human beings encouraged each other!

They form a circle!

Although they couldn't see their expressions clearly and couldn't hear their voices, the three of Li Tie's team could be quite sure that those terrifying beings were in all likelihood encouraging and cheering each other up!

Just like what humans do occasionally!

"This is really, so surprising... 01..."

The monkey's face was full of disbelief, he couldn't help but murmured and rubbed his eyes hard.

Only then can I confirm that the scene I see is indeed a real scene, not an illusion!

Li Tiehe Dazui also said in shock:

"I didn't expect that they would do this..."

Yes, they really couldn't imagine that those terrifying and terrifying beings who were incomparably powerful and mysterious in their eyes would fold their palms and cheer each other up like humans!

This very humanized behavior deeply shocked the hearts of the three Li Tie team!

More precisely, this should be a sense of contrast that the inherent impression has been broken!

At the very beginning, in the eyes of the three of Li Tie's team, the mysterious group was a powerful, mysterious existence that could not be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people!

After seeing the way they folded their palms and encouraged each other, the three of Li Tie's team suddenly felt that these powerful beings seemed to have more humanity...

Yes, they are still powerful, still mysterious, still elusive!

But again, they also have a little more humanity!

This discovery made the three of Li Tie's team feel a faint excitement in their hearts!

They don't know if what they're feeling is an illusion.

But there is no doubt that if those terrible beings really have human nature, it is really a wonderful thing for ordinary human beings like them!

Because, only with human nature, those powerful and mysterious beings, can they possibly help ordinary humans like them...

However, in the final analysis, these things are only the thoughts of the three of Li Tie's team!

They looked at the mysterious group and folded their palms. Although they were very surprised, they couldn't be 100% sure. The opposite side was encouraging them.

Maybe, a method of communication unique to those mysterious and powerful beings at that time?

Although it sounds unreliable, in this absurd era, anything is possible!

"Let's stop guessing, maybe they're just communicating

Li 903 Tie shook his head slightly and said softly.

Big Mouth and Monkey thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement!

The three continued to look at the mysterious group in the distance.

The surprise in my heart has disappeared silently.

Instead, there was awe, and a touch of confusion.

Just like this, after watching for a while, the monkeys in the three-person team suddenly spoke again:

"If... I mean if, if those beings are really encouraging each other, does that mean..."

When the monkey said this, he stopped and frowned deeply!

Li Tie and Dazui looked at him unconsciously.

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