I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

032: The Target... Can't Hurt!

Chen An eventually went back.

All in all, he waited about two hours.

But the beggar did not appear in the end.

Chen An was a little worried in his heart, but he still tried his best to think in a positive way.

It may be that the other party has something to do. After all, he is a homeless person.

Wait for tomorrow, see tomorrow.

Chen An remembered that yesterday morning, when the beggar talked about his daughter, his eyes were extremely bright.

It can be seen that the daughter is the spiritual support of the beggar and her god.

Chen An can be sure of one thing, that is, if there is time and opportunity, the other party will never miss the appointment.

Her love for her daughter is too deep.

No, it should be said that almost all mothers in this world have unparalleled love for their children.

As for why use almost...

That's because, in the world, there are always some people who are inferior to beasts.

Chen An returned home, cleaned up, and put the drawing on the studio table.

Immediately afterwards, he stood in front of the studio window and looked at the scene outside for a long time.

Finally, he pursed his lips and sighed slightly.

He turned back to the drawing board and sat down.

Forget about beggars.

After all, he still has his own business to do.

There is still a little time before the exhibition. Since Editor-in-Chief Chen has already promised to participate in the exhibition, he must paint the works that participate in the exhibition.

Chen An looked at the drawing board, and there were many lines on the drawing, which vaguely constructed a prototype of the world.

Chen An closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

A few seconds later, Chen An opened his eyes, paused, then picked up the painting tools and continued to paint the world that he had already conceived in his mind...



Time to go back to last night.

Special Operations Bureau, Qingshan City Branch.

The Qingshan City Branch, which was originally calm, suddenly received the latest news:

The mysterious source of pollution that just killed Li Hu, the son of Mr. Li's husband and wife, appeared again!

The place where it appears is Happiness Pedestrian Street!

This news shocked the management of the branch, and the director of the branch, Lu Feng, directly ordered to send a team to Xingfu Pedestrian Street immediately to control the source of pollution!

At the same time, the Action Bureau's ability team is also on standby at any time, ready to respond to emergencies!

After giving the order, Lu Feng hurriedly walked around the office.

The reason why Lu Feng is so nervous is because the pedestrian street itself is a densely populated place, let alone at night, when the density of people is even greater than during the day.

If there is an unknown change in the pollution source and a large number of people are infected, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

The entire precinct moved immediately.

Lines of lines quickly dispatched.

And arrived at the Happy Pedestrian Street at the fastest speed, and then prepared to carry out the action...

But soon...

The Action Bureau team was collectively stunned...

Because the situation at the scene was beyond everyone's expectations...

The original situation was that everyone thought that the source of pollution wearing white sheets would definitely show great hostility.

If you want to control the other side, then the confrontation between the two sides is an unavoidable result.

But because they don't know the specific nature of the other party, everyone feels that this confrontation will in all likelihood result in certain casualties...


The reality is quite the opposite!

After the staff of the Action Bureau arrived, everyone could only see the "weird person" wearing a white sheet, just standing quietly in the alley...

It didn't show the slightest hostility!

Even if the officers of the Action Bureau were about to stab it in the forehead, it didn't do anything...

However, in the same way, the operations bureau personnel also discovered that none of them could hurt each other...

Specifically, even if you want to kill someone, want to shoot, but no matter what, you can't really pull the trigger...

You can't hurt each other!

The officers on the scene were stunned.

This strange situation was quickly reported to the branch. After Lu Feng learned about it, he immediately ordered the team not to act rashly. Then, he informed the pollution source research experts of the Action Bureau.

After analysis by the expert group, recommendations are given for all members of the Action Bureau not to be hostile and to try to use gentle means to control...

In other words, use the "please" method to bring that mysterious source of pollution back to the Action Bureau...

Frontliners followed the advice, stopped being hostile to the source of pollution, and used gentle means to control it.

As it turns out, this approach is correct.

The Action Bureau team finally successfully brought the pollution source back to the Qingshan City Branch.

and temporarily detained in the containment room.

So far, the source of white bed sheet pollution suspected to be the "guest" body has been officially controlled in the Action Bureau.

But that's only superficially controlled.

In fact, what kind of weird nature this terrifying "weird" in white sheets has, yet to be studied by the Action Bureau...



First of all, I want to say sorry to everyone!

Bow ninety degrees!

The author of the comment area read it, and I'm sorry to bring you a bad reading experience...

I'm really sorry……

Xu Xiuqin's death, the little author can't bear it, but this is part of the outline set by the little author, and the current plot is advancing according to the outline. In fact, Xu Xiuqin will appear later...

I'm so sorry, guys!

Hey, I don't know how many big brothers will choose to abandon the book this time, and delete the book...

To be honest, the little author is also a little regretful, and he is very uneasy...

Moreover, the flower tickets have not been moved very much. The author estimates that the reason is that everyone is very angry...

Feel sorry……

I'm really sorry...

oh, it hurts, I want to cry...

If you are still supporting, can you give a little bit of movement?

Really, thank you so much...

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