I, the only superpower on earth

Chapter 134 Fobole Raid

Robert was sitting in a high-end suite on the seventeenth floor of the "Rossride" Hotel in Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, looking down from the window to a park square.

The dry air is filled with the aroma of wheat and beer, and only a few tourists can be seen on the square. In addition, there are some people who work in this square.

For example, the Mexican immigrant who was setting up a stall on the edge of the square, the dark-skinned man was sitting feebly behind the stall, fiddling with the obsidian crafts on it;

Or a small vendor pushing a trolley back and forth around the square, a little black man who looks less than fifteen years old, selling shaved ice everywhere;

And beggars and bums, and parking lot guards...

In the past few days, Robert has seen a scene like this many times.

However, he could only watch it patiently.

Because since he moved into this high-end suite and had a conversation with the president that night, Robert has never been allowed to go out again.

In order to prevent him from leaving the hotel without authorization, all three meals are brought in through the dining car, and there are FBI and soldiers standing guard at the door.

And yet... About that conversation, Robert himself was utterly bewildered.

In his memory, that night, the president only asked him some very broad questions, such as "how do you think we should treat the 'Blood Angel' from now on" and "what attitude should we adopt towards the entire East Asia".

At that time, Robert stated his thoughts to the President in a very serious and cautious manner-he believed that the "Blood Angel" was invincible; the United States should strategically abandon East Asia...

In my memory, the president at that time listened very carefully, held his hand, and said, "Thank you for your contribution to America."

Afterwards, with the departure of the president, he also slept peacefully, thinking that he would be able to return to Washington the next day and soothe his body with the bread cooked by his familiar wife.

...However, unexpectedly, from the next day, things changed.

As one of the highest-ranking officers in the American army, he doesn't even have the freedom to leave this small room.

However, no matter what Robert thought, he couldn't think of a reason why he would be under house arrest here.

He vaguely felt that his body was caught in a certain soft net, but he couldn't see the whole picture of the net clearly, which made him feel very uncomfortable and even panicked.

With a gloomy face, Robert took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Kelly, how long will it take me to see Mr. President?"

"Oh, sorry, Robert..."

The presidential secretary on the other end of the phone replied in a moderately gentle and regretful tone:

"—You know, there are a lot of things during this time, and the president needs to deal with them well..."

"I don't want to listen to that bullshit. Kelly, if the president doesn't want to see me then let me go back, I have a place in Washington, I don't need to take a vacation in the ghost weather in Arizona-I seriously, what the hell are you trying to do? Do you want me to be court-martialed as a deserter? Or let me rot in the sewers in a hotel in Phinney City? Whatever you want to do—even if you send me to Guantanamo, let me go back and meet you family?! fuck—”

There was a busy tone on the other end of the phone, which meant that the audio from the presidential secretary had been completely cut off.

Robert resisted the urge to smash his phone and made the next call:

"Hey... Shana—oh, I knew it."

The familiar "Sorry! The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later..." came from the phone, making Robert smile mockingly.

He knew it would end like this. In fact, in the past few days, he has called his wife's phone number countless times, as well as his son, old friend, colleague, subordinate...

However, apart from the direct line to the president, any number Robert wanted to dial to the outside world fell into a signal loss.

To some extent, this seems to be imitating the "dual track" of the Dragon Kingdom, but apart from the advanced experience of the eastern powers, there are also similar practices in the history of the United States-such as the famous McCarthyism, and this kind of house arrest method is exactly one of them. Robert, who is very familiar with history, naturally remembers the special tricks of the investigation subcommittee.

Robert unbuttoned his shirt with some irritability, and sat back on the sofa.

Although the air conditioner was turned on in the suite, it couldn't help feeling hot and dry.

He knew very well that at this moment, at least an entire fbi intelligence team was monitoring and controlling his cell phone signal, and there was probably another team monitoring his every move through the hidden pinhole camera in the suite.

Although he didn't want to show a little gaffe in front of those black skins, Robert's mentality was already a little out of balance at this time.

Robert let out a long breath. In order to adjust his inner emotions, he turned on the TV.

The content of the TV is not important, he just wants to use the sound of some signal relay to dilute the boredom in his heart.

——ATN, the largest TV station in the United States, is broadcasting news at this moment.

What appeared on the screen was Mencken's face that people hate and ghosts hate.

I saw him standing at the gate of the Congress, saying something to the reporters with a dignified face:

"...That's right, that's it..."

"...According to the current intelligence, the 'Blood Angel' has the following abilities: 1. Devour; 2. Disguise; 3. Simulate clone...We suspect that the ability of 'her', or 'it', is actually a kind of blood The development of the virus, which can lurk inside the human body... Yes, we are screening people returning from bases in Japan..."

Robert's original casual expression gradually became tense. He stared straight at the TV screen, watched Mencken's remarks to the reporters, and involuntarily stood up from the sofa and approached the TV step by step. , muttered in his mouth: "Oh... no..."

On the TV, Menken still said righteously:

"...After the initial screening of the returning personnel, we determined that the vast majority of American soldiers are still righteous American men, and they have not been affected by the 'Blood Angels'... But in the process, we also screened out some Personnel who may have been infected with 'it' - the list is as follows: Yokota Air Force Base Deputy Chief of Staff, Les Eyring; Commander-in-Chief in Japan, Robert Heinleth..."

"Mengken, you son of a bitch..."

Looking at the picture on the TV, Robert shook his head in disbelief.

The next moment, he lifted the ashtray on the coffee table and threw it at the TV furiously!


The picture on the TV was frozen on the snowflake screen, but at the same time, the door of the suite was also blasted open!

People in uniforms filed in through the open door, pointing the Glock at Robert, who hadn't recovered from his rage.

And the Secret Service headed by him even raised a thin piece of paper in his hand to Robert——

"Robert Heinleth, we suspect that you are related to the 'Blood Tide Incident' - now you are charged with 'endangering national security', 'separating the country' and other crimes, please follow us to investigate!"

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