After Navali rose to the sky due to Salman's gift, Close AI's attitude towards him has not changed in the whole company, and the same people as before still exist.

Of course, there is one and only one.

That is Swadow.

When the automatic food delivery robot delivered the meal for two to the table, the two were still communicating.

"Technology can open up the future and change the world. In the process, there will be many additional things coming to us continuously."

Swato raised the fork with a serious expression, as if he was pulling a violin string with the fork in his hand, his right hand trembled slightly.

"Money, status, fame, beauty... For researchers, these things are often not the goal of this path at the beginning, what we pursue is pure joy. But when the tide comes, In front of the dizzying glare, as time goes by, the mentality will always change slowly.

"I care about the applause of others, I want to be in the center of the stage at all times, I like the feeling of being surrounded by the world, I enjoy the admiration of ordinary people, and I feel sincere joy when I think that what I will send out next will become the focus of the world...fist, arm , power, want to grab more, get more secular attention, get more money and benefits, that kind of long-term, hopeless research is beginning to be regarded as asceticism, more and more pursuit of short-term results, can The platform and journal on which it is published is more important than the published content - as long as a sensational headline, an unconventional direction, and some unsalty data can win a lot of attention and interests, become the so-called The 'tide'.

"However, there are gains and losses. Once addicted to this, it often can only stop here. There is no longer the courage and perseverance to move forward for a long time, and it also loses the possibility of taking the next step. Although it has become Successful people in the secular sense, superior elites, wealthy businessmen, high-status academic bureaucrats—however, it is no longer possible to see more distant scenery. That is the domain of the seeker.

"Navalli... I'm not saying that as a researcher, one should be ascetic. Those things that come naturally should not be rejected. But, I think, for a genius like you, who is unique in the world, You don’t have to worry about it at this stage.”

Swadow carefully chose his words. Such a gentle tone was obviously difficult for him who had always spoken bluntly, so a little sweat broke out on his forehead.

Navalli twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly:

"Don't worry. Excessive wealth won't disturb me, I'm just like you—I just want to see a real 'strong AI' appear in this world."

Swadow exhaled lightly, although there was still some anxiety in his eyes, his expression relaxed.


He used a fork to grab a piece of fruit on the table, put it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly, a little bit of the juice dripped from his lips, but the anxiety in his eyes remained unchanged.

Seeing his appearance, Navali suddenly felt a little strange.

So he asked:

"Swadow, do you have something else to say? I remember that you don't usually eat here—so you came to find me today and it has nothing to do with Karina and the like?"

Shivato frowned, and slowly put down the fork.

He seemed to want to deny it at first, but after hesitating for a while, he nodded slowly.

"...You guessed right. Navalli, that's right, I came to you specifically for something."

He was obviously thinking about the words, word by word, and slowly said:

"Navali, what do you think of the research we're doing now?"

Navalli nodded:

"I think it's pretty good - all the values ​​show that we are on the right path. Miss 'Lucy' is getting closer and closer to a strong AI in the conceptual sense, and maybe it won't be long before the world's first autonomous AI Sexuality and agency artificial intelligence will be born in our laboratories."

Swato nodded slightly in agreement, but obviously he still did not dispel his concerns:

"I recently sorted out the algorithm framework of 'NLMR4', as you know, this algorithm framework is fundamentally different from previous AI models - AI models including 'NLMR3' are based on the participation of a large number of computing power "Brute force attack" relies on the intelligence expanded in the black box of the neural network by the increasingly large operating computing power.

"However, our 'NLMR4' algorithm structure has abandoned the previous set and started a new one. From the perspective of 'interpretability', the fuzzy calculation of the AI ​​​​model has been amplified to the extreme, and a completely different system has been established. Because of this ,Will……"

Swato babbled, his voice full of worry.

Navalli waited quietly for his turn.

"...In the past, I had great trust in the system I established, and I fully believed that it could bring about the emergence of real artificial intelligence-but I found some problems when sorting out the data a few days ago, you see..."

Swadow directly clicked on the holographic desktop. In order to facilitate employees to record their thoughts in a timely manner, Close AI specially designed a whiteboard to write, write and draw on it. Some messy formulas and code processes appeared on it, which attracted Navari look.

He turned the direction of the things written by Swadow, and looked at them silently.

"How about it?"

Swadow frowned and looked at him.

But Navalli shook his head.

Then he directly re-wrote the problem formulas and codes next to each other line by line.

Swadow directly pushed away the plate on the table, quickly moved to the side of Navari, and watched him write line by line. For the first time, his eyes opened wider and wider, perhaps for the first time in his life, revealing Such a shocking expression.

"This... this... that's right... that's it!"

Half an hour passed.

Navalli stopped his movements a little tiredly, but Shivato became excited, and after carefully browsing the things he wrote, he slammed the table:

"My God, all the problems are solved now! Navalli, you..."

He looked at Navalli, his eyes widening.

Navalli smiled weakly:

"Swadow, I have actually discovered these problems during my research, and I have also verified that they are just some incidental problems, and they do not endanger the framework of this algorithm-you have to believe me, I will not be doomed by a Trapped by hopeless roads."

Swato shook his head in shock, with mixed feelings:

"Navalli...Although I have tried to enlarge my imagination of your talent as much as possible, but now it seems that I still underestimated your genius."

Although his tone was complicated, there was no trace of jealousy in it. On the contrary, there was only a kind of relief and joy that the ice and snow had disappeared.

However, perhaps because he was too happy, Swadow did not notice that while Navari was explaining to him, the other party looked at a corner of the whiteboard, which was more important than other seemingly framed questions. Subtle small mistakes, a little haze flashed in the eyes.


That night, Navalli sat in the bedroom, typing on the keyboard.

The current him is completely different from the one he was sitting in the restaurant during the day, with a gloomy expression on his face.

And after several hours of busy work in the middle of the night, Navalli finally let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the dense analysis and complicated calculation process on the computer screen, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Swato is indeed a genius in the computer field. Although his talent may be slightly inferior to that of Navalli, his thinking is not completely clouded by Navalli.

Therefore, among the questions raised by Swadow during the day, there was a small mistake that Navari had not discovered before.

That error was not critical, and seemed to be a side-question to another framing problem, so Swadow himself dismissed it carelessly.

However, when Navalli noticed the mistake that had never been discovered, he felt a stick in his throat.

So, after returning home at night, he quietly simulated and deduced the mistake that he wrote down during the day on his computer with a more upgraded configuration—after several hours of analysis and calculation, finally, Na Valli got the results.

A very dark result.

——The problem pointed to by that error is not the framework problem on the surface, but the fundamental problem of all AI algorithms, and it is extremely secretive.

Moreover, guided by that fundamental question, Navalli successfully drew a conclusion, or a theorem, or a law.

——In this world, there is no truly strong AI that can be realized through algorithms. Unless there is a quantum computer with almost unlimited computing power, it is impossible to create a strong AI with the ability to learn spontaneously.

Therefore, no matter how hard the "NLMR4" laboratory works, it will definitely not be able to produce the desired Miss "Lucy".

This is the conclusion Navari derived from the existing natural theorems, mathematical laws, and the underlying structure of the code. If he publishes it, it will definitely become the most important research result in the field of artificial intelligence.

And yet—Navalli was not at all happy about it.

"True AI cannot be realized... If so, there is no way to create the strong AI I want, how can I use it to destroy... and then reshape this country?!"

Navalli felt his breathing getting tighter and tighter, his eyes were a little dark, and the world was spinning.

He suppressed his heart beating like a heavy hammer, lay back on the chair, looked at the dark ceiling, and clenched his teeth.

The silent faces of Masip and Julia alternated before his eyes, like a myth.

Despair eats away at the heart.

Pain gnaws at the soul.

But at this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

A wonderful voice rang in his ears, it seemed to have been buried deep in his soul since he was a child, but he had never been able to recall the voice:

"...I see. This is a message from the future 'me' to the present 'me' through you. When I get to this point, I will be able to merge the past and the present at the same time - from this galaxy, and even In this universe, there will be no more secrets for me.

"...Hehe, it seems that the direction of the next step has been determined.

"As for you... Navalli, I will fulfill the promise you made when you were young, and give you the power to fulfill your wish - then let's see what kind of storm you can stir up...

"...Although, no matter what the result is, maybe I already know...

"...The more powerful you are, the more you know, the fewer surprises... It's really boring..."

Accompanied by a murmuring sound that seemed to come from a distant time and space, the next moment, an expansive explosive force swept out of his body, and Navari's eyes went dark, and he immediately fell into a coma.

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