The six kings of the underground world will be given a certain amount of strength. After all, it is a world where force is supreme, and it is not the Celestial Dragons who are protected by the World Government and the Navy. If the strength is too weak, it does not make sense.) Dense black and red lightning covered the sky. The collision of two powerful auras caused the surrounding air to tremble slightly. The fragile cups and plates trembled and fell to the ground, and turned into scattered fragments in the next second~ This round of impact was more powerful than the simple big-mom's domineering color impact. In addition to the small characters who had already fainted, many people followed the same path. The rest who were still able to stand here could not help but be deeply amazed by the rare domineering color confrontation in front of them. To some extent, they were more surprised by the fox-tailed man. At such an age, his level of Conqueror's Haki was not inferior to that of Big-Mom, who had been famous for a long time. Even if Big-Mom had not really taken it seriously, it was enough to attract their attention. Should we say that he was worthy of being the guy that Kaido had hidden for a long time?

With the opponent's potential, in time, he might become another monster-level combat force!

"I didn't expect that this guy would also..."

Resisting the oppression of the Conqueror's Haki from both sides with difficulty, Du Feld couldn't help but take out his handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat on his head.

Being able to fight all the way from the quagmire to the current position, breaking through the intrigues along the way, and becoming the notorious "Loan Shark King", Du Feld naturally has his own courage and means, but his ambition can only support him to this point. After successfully reaching the top, the power of money that has never failed can already settle most things. Therefore, facing the collision between Yakumo Bai and the other party at this time, it is inevitable that he is a little nervous.

"Really... I didn't expect that such a trouble would happen at a tea party! The guys in the Beasts Pirates are really not quiet guys! This kid is the same!"

Umit, the shipping king, dressed like a medieval captain, frowned and said with a serious expression. Facing the collision of two domineering colors, he was also very uncomfortable, and it seemed that he had something against the Beasts Pirates?

"Hehehe~ Fight! It's better to fight! More people die! This way I can make more money!"

Drag Piercro, known as the "big-name funeral company", said this while carrying an exaggerated huge sickle. For him who is in charge of funerals and killer affairs in the pirate world, death means wealth!

"Sparasi! Sparasi! It's amazing!"


Unlike Du Field, Morgans, who was very interested at the beginning, was now completely excited. He was holding the camera hanging on his chest and taking pictures of the scene in front of him. As the president of the World News, Morgans' photography skills were naturally excellent. He quickly produced several photos that were worthy of being on the front page, and shouted excitedly for this-

"The general of Wano Country, the junior admiral of the Beast Pirates, the unique nine-tailed fur tribe, And the mysterious devil fruit ability!!!

This guy is a treasure!

And now, he has even had a Conqueror Haki collision with Charlotte Linlin, one of the overlords of the New World and the queen who rules all nations!

I have a feeling that this will be big news that will shock the whole world! "

Just as Morgans was jumping up and down and patting left and right very professionally, Stussy, who sat elegantly as always, pretended to be weak, frowned slightly and patted his chest, and seemed to be depressed by the pressure from Yakumo Bai and the others.

However, even so, Stussy still had an intriguing smile and said softly,

"Ah~ It seems that today's tea party is destined to be uneasy~ Lingling must be very upset that her domineering color was blocked by a young man who just showed up?

Hehe~ There will be a good show to watch~"

Speaking of this, Stussy focused his eyes on Yakumo Bai. Did he want to use this tea party as his debut ceremony? What a bold little brother? I just don't know how many surprises you can give your sister?

————Dividing line————

As Stussy speculated, big-mom was first surprised by Yakumo Bai's outbreak of domineering color, and then she was full of annoyance. She used her ability to make trouble from the beginning.

That's fine, such an undisguised retort... This kid is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!

Thinking of this, big-mom's eyes gradually emitted a purple light, and at the same time, an elusive field also quietly enveloped the two of them——

"Boy, it seems that I still have to teach you what it means to respect elders on behalf of Kaido!

First of all, it's what happened two years ago, plus this offense, for Kaido's sake, I will take away twenty years of your life!"

big-mom said in a faint tone, her eyes like ghost fire looked particularly creepy, even if they just looked at each other for a few times, they could feel the chill from the depths of the soul rushing straight to their heads, not because of the disappearance of the body, but from the fear of the loss of a deeper meaning!

"Choose! Kaido's little devil! Life or die!"


It was as if an invisible wave swept through the body, and the consciousness seemed to be separated from the body for a moment. It should be said that the Soul Soul Fruit is indeed powerful, and big-mom has developed it to a height that the nun has never reached. Facing this soul spell, even if there is only a little fear, it will be ruthlessly extracted from the life. If you really want to resist it by force, I am afraid that only the Yomiuri Fruit that relatively restrains the opponent can do it.

"What a pity~ Fear? It's just something like this~"

He shook his head lightly with some emotion. Big-mom's soul spell can be said to be hard to defend against. After all, fear is human nature. Even Kaido can't avoid moments of fear.

And life is also a deadly poison that imprisons the strong in this world. For example, Whitebeard, to what extent has his strength regressed under aging and the side effects of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit? Even with the face-to-face attack of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Sakaski was not beaten to death~

Thinking of this, Yakumo Shiro couldn't help but feel fortunate that he had obtained the Fear Fruit in Marijoa before. As soon as he got it, Yakumo Shiro thought of its unique use - to hone his willpower!

You know, Haki is a kind of idealistic weapon, and willpower undoubtedly plays an important role in enhancing Haki!

Therefore, after returning to Wano Country, Yakumo Shiro gave the Fear Fruit to Yaoye!

The improvement of strength by the Fear Fruit will be put aside for now. The Fear Illusion created by Yaoye alone is enough to benefit Yakumo Shiro a lot.

After all, if you have experienced the eighteen levels of hell in your mind, there will be very few people who can shake your heart...

"Want to take my life? Then you have to be prepared to lose money, big-mom!"

Muttering softly, in the surprised eyes of big-mom and Katakuri beside him, Yakumo Shiro did not retreat at all, but took a few steps forward again!

At the same time, a strange light bloomed in the red and blue eyes!

"Childish Words Green's Hand!"

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