"I'll go down and take a look first."

While chatting, the whale below had already finished breathing and was about to dive, Lu Lin said hurriedly.

Then, without waiting for the other people to stop him, he rushed down alone.

He was not afraid that the iron sand platform would fall without his control. After all, whether it was Nagato or Konan, they could keep the iron sand platform floating in the sky.

The reason why Lu Lin went down alone was because he was the only one among the few who was good at water escape and could stay in the water for a long time.


Lu Lin fell into the water like a cannonball, barely opened his eyes, saw the whale diving rapidly, and hurriedly followed.

After approaching the whale, Lu Lin realized that the whale was huge. The powerful tail alone could seriously injure a shadow-level warrior with a single swing.

The whale didn't notice it, or it might be because Lu Lin was too small. Anyway, it kept diving to the bottom of the sea, one hundred meters, two hundred meters...

Finally, until the bottom of the sea became dark, the whale still didn't stop.

"Damn, this is too deep."

Lu Lin shouted in his heart, not because he was short of oxygen, but because the pressure of the deep sea had brought him a lot of obstacles.

If it was in the sun, you could see that a colorful chakra shield had formed on the surface of Lu Lin's body, resisting the pressure of the deep sea and protecting Lu Lin inside.

But even if Lu Lin had felt the strong resistance, the whale still didn't stop and continued to dive.

Lu Lin was also a little numb at this time. He didn't even remember how deep he had dived.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to follow. He finally found a group of spiritual beasts, and he was unwilling to give up easily.

I don't know how long he dived. Just when Lu Lin was about to be overwhelmed by the pressure, he finally touched the bottom of the sea. Now he was probably in the deepest part of the ocean, where the sun could never reach.

But in some places, a ray of light would flash from time to time, probably because some deep-sea creatures were hunting.

Lu Lin could feel that the huge creatures around him seemed to have become more and more numerous, and he could hear the calls of whales from time to time, which were extremely deep and long, constantly surrounding Lu Lin.

However, although he had seen many huge whales here, the gap here was still too big compared to the three fairylands on land.

"Have I not really reached the base camp of this group yet?"

He thought for a while, and then began to search carefully on the seabed.


In his perception, a huge, whip-like thing was whipping towards him.

"What is that?"

In the pitch-dark seabed, Lu Lin couldn't see anything clearly, and he had no means to illuminate the seabed. He could only rely on perception to avoid the attack.

Carefully feeling the whip, if he guessed correctly, it should be the tentacle of an octopus.

"So, how did an octopus get mixed up in the whale group?"

The octopus must not be too small to be able to dive so deep into the seabed, but it can't be as big as those whales. Moreover, how could whales allow octopuses in their territory?

Lu Lin didn't plan to figure this out for the time being. If this octopus dared to attack him, he would just fight back. By the way, he could also see how powerful these sea monsters are.

The chakra in his body began to surge, and the powerful pressure instantly turned Lu Lin into a small sun on the seabed. Although there was no light, the creatures living here all felt Lu Lin's presence.

The calls of the surrounding whales also became sharper and more urgent, as if they were summoning their companions.

The octopus that attacked Lu Lin before seemed a little panicked. It didn't understand why this little bug that suddenly appeared on the seabed would burst out such dangerous waves. It felt the threat of death.

But Lu Lin didn't care what it thought. If it dared to attack him, it should be prepared to die.

The chakra in his hand began to constantly control the sea water and spread towards the octopus. He wanted to strangle it directly. The octopus also waved its tentacles in panic, at a loss.

Just when he was about to succeed, a voice suddenly came to his ear:

"Human, stop."

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