The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Zou, the Furry Principality.

Today is a memorable day for all the furries, because after ten years of long struggle, with the help of the Beasts Pirates, they finally succeeded in regaining their country!

For this reason, Cindy, who restored the status of the furry tribe king, specially held a celebration to commemorate the victory and to repay Yakumo Bai and others who came from afar, and at the same time to reveal the truth that has been buried for many years.

"Fellow countrymen!"

In front of a huge bonfire, Cindy turned her back to the fire and announced to the gathered fur tribe,

"Ten years ago, the ancient races headed by Jellos conspired to steal our country, forcing us to leave our homes and live in a remote corner. For eight years, in order to regain our homeland, the fur tribe warriors fought one after another and made great sacrifices!

Now, we are finally standing here again, standing on the land of our homeland..."

Cindy looked around and saw all the joyful and excited faces. After taking a deep breath, Cindy continued,

"Today, here, I, the current king of the fur tribe, thank you all! Thank you for sticking to it until now, thank you for fighting until now!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Hearing this, the fur tribe cheered excitedly, and many people began to sing and dance around the bonfire.

"But I also want to apologize to everyone. I didn't see through Jellos's conspiracy in time, which gave them an opportunity..."

As he spoke, in the surprised eyes of the crowd, several old fur tribe members walked out of the crowd and bowed deeply to the surroundings with Cindy.

"The turmoil ten years ago was not caused by the nine-tailed fox at all, and the night of the red moon had nothing to do with the collective madness of the warriors!

Everything was caused by the long-lost national treasure of the fur tribe!"

As he spoke, Cindy took out the pills he had searched for from the ancient race and held them high above his head.

"The national treasure of the fur tribe, also known as the X murderous medicine in the literature, is a poison that exchanges reason for powerful strength!"

Cindy was excited, and obviously hated this vicious drug.

"It was Jellos who took advantage of the night of the red moon to secretly release the deadly drug to the warriors of the fur tribe, which created the illusion that everything originated from the red moon and Yakumo Bai!

However, the facts have proved that Yakumo Bai and Yaoye are the benefactors of the fur tribe!"

Cindy's speech was undoubtedly a huge shock to the fur tribe who still did not know the truth. They immediately looked at Yakumo Bai and others who were leisurely enjoying the celebration, and shouts of sudden realization, surprise, or disbelief rang out one after another.

"That's how it is?! It's all because of this murderous drug that no one has ever heard of?"

"That's right! I was at the scene of the battle two days ago! I saw with my own eyes that Jeros's group became irrational and crazy after taking the murderous drug!"

"So... hasn't Lord Yaoye been imprisoned for so many years in vain?"

"Yes! We owe too much! I have decided! From now on, I will only obey Lord Yaoye's orders! Even if it takes my whole life, I will pay back the mistakes made by the fur tribe!"

"Add me! Me too!"

"And Lord Yakumo Bai! As Lord Yaoye's younger brother, the reinforcements brought by Lord Bai are also crucial!"

"That's right! Lord Bai is the best in the world! (Yeah! I can finally say this sentence freely!)"

The celebration site was temporarily plunged into noisy discussions, and the contributions made by Yakumo Bai and others were spread farther and farther by the mouths of the soldiers on the battlefield at that time, and the more they spread, the more outrageous they became.

However, this is a good thing anyway. It is almost visible to the naked eye that the eyes of these upright fur tribesmen looking at Yakumo Bai suddenly changed, from the initial alienation, vigilance and even disgust, to the current admiration, gratitude, and perhaps a little greed?

On the other side, after finishing her speech, Cindy stood up and slowly walked to Yakumo Bai and others, knelt on the ground in the way of sitting down, and said solemnly,

"According to the agreement, you saved the fur tribe. Now please state your conditions! The fur tribe will definitely meet them!"


Seeing Cindy's performance in front of him, Yakumo Bai was a little amused.

The apology is true, and the other party's attitude is indeed sincere, but there may be fear and precautions against him behind this? Worried that he will start oppression again like the ancient races?

"Treat the fur tribe, use force to force

It is not feasible to make the other party surrender. Even if there are smart people among these guys, they cannot change their straightforward nature. Therefore, using gentle means to change them subtly is much more effective than direct military suppression...

Moreover, taking the initiative to propose that you have other requests... Haha, it is a smart move.

Well, anyway, I don’t want to force them into a dead end, so I will just make a few "not too excessive" requests as he said! "

Thinking about it, Yakumo Bai gave a reassuring look to Carrot and Panda beside him, and then said,

"It’s actually very simple. Just promise me three things and let me take three people away. That’s enough. "

"Please go on. "

Hearing this, Cindy breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not too much. Although the Beasts Pirates and the Kozuki Clan had cooperated before, Zou was still unfamiliar with them. For the current fur tribe, the fewer unstable factors, the better.

"Next, just keep him stable, try your best to meet the other party's conditions, and let the fur tribe get through this incident smoothly. In this way, when the fur tribe recovers, it will be easier for future cooperation..."

"First, let's talk about the three people I want to take away! Sister Yaoye naturally needs no further explanation..."

Yakumo Bai tightened his clasped hands and asked Panda,

"How is it? Now that the crisis of the fur tribe has been resolved, as my little brother, do you want to leave with me? Go and see the vast ocean! There are countless strong people on the sea!"

Hearing this, Panda immediately showed an excited expression. It seems that Yakumo Bai's temptation is indeed very effective for him.

"Of course! Since it is the boss's request, I will follow him!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Yakumo Bai looked at the ignorant little rabbit again and said mysteriously,

"Gallot, although the carrots outside may not be as delicious as Zou's, there is a legendary unique carrot that you must have never tasted. How about it? Do you want to go find it with me?"

"Eh? The legendary carrot?"

Hearing this, Garlot's eyes lit up immediately. However, she was still young and obviously relied more on her elders, so she asked Cindy with expectation,

"Is it okay? Is it okay! Chief? Can I go to sea with him?"

"This... Since it is the request of Lord Yakumo, it is naturally okay... - I just hope you can take good care of Garlot!"

Although she was a little surprised that the other party wanted to take Garlot with him, Cindy nodded and agreed, and at the same time solemnly asked Yakumo Bai.

"Of course! I will definitely raise this little rabbit to be plump and white~"

Reaching out and patting Carrot's furry long ears, the little girl was not at all dissatisfied with what Yakumo Bai said, but was already imagining her future happy life... "Carrot... Carrot... Hehe~"

Looking at the innocent Carrot with a smile, Cindy looked at Yakumo Bai and asked curiously,

"I wonder what your three requests are..."

With a smile on her lips, Yakumo Bai slowly said, in Cindy's bad premonition,

"First, I want the text of the road sign history!"

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