The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

About Orochi's desire to secretly take back the things he traded out was, of course, a lie, and that guy didn't have the guts to do that.

But this didn't affect people's stereotype of him, and Tianyueshi and the others almost preconceived that this was true.

To a certain extent, it can be said that from the time Yakumo Shiro ended, Orochi's right to speak, legitimacy, and even life were no longer under his control, and he could only follow the predetermined path to his own end.

At this time, Shimotsuki Ushimaru was in a complicated mood. He was silent for a long time before he sighed deeply and said,

"I have reminded Oden long ago that he should act earlier. If he does not make a decision, he will suffer from the chaos.

That guy Orochi is like a maggot attached to the bone. If it is not removed as soon as possible, it will become a stubborn disease...

Now, this stubborn disease has not only knocked down the big tree of the Kozuki family, but also made it lose the trust of the people of Wano...

Fearing and avoiding war will result in more bloodshed and sacrifice. The samurai of Wano should have fought to death, but Oden died so cowardly. It's really ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Yakumo Shiro raised his eyebrows, then turned his head slightly to look at Tianyue Toki, and found that the other party just frowned tightly but did not make any intense reaction, which was a bit surprising.

Not to mention that Shimotsuki Ushimaru was much more sober than he thought, but he didn't expect Tianyue Toki to be unexpectedly calm about his words. It seems that he obviously agrees with the words of the daimyo.

"Well, it's not surprising. The "rebellion" of the Nine Red Scabbards proved that Kozuki Oden had met the wrong person and also broke that glamorous coat. Not to mention that Momonosuke died tragically in front of him. Now, Amatsuki Toki might be more dissatisfied with Kozuki Oden and even resent him more...

After all, as a man and a husband, he died in vain in the oil pan, which not only made his wife and children end up like this, but also placed the fate of a country on an illusory future...

Now he is almost deserted by everyone, and it can only be said that he deserves it!"

He shook his head gently. It is not worth wasting his brains to think about the dead. There are more important things in front of him now.

"It seems that Lord Shimotsuki knows it very well. So, as a samurai, do you want to end your life in this prison?

To live or to die, to fight or to be imprisoned, this is the question you should choose now."

Hearing this, Shimotsuki Ushimaru raised his hand and drank the wine in the cup, then looked at Yakumo Bai with burning eyes and asked in a deep voice,

"If the Great Snake is defeated successfully, how will the Beasts Pirates treat Wano Country? I hope you can tell me clearly! Otherwise, if after killing a big snake, it is replaced by a more powerful dragon, then Wano Country might as well remain as it is now."

"That is naturally to launch a thorough reform in Wano Country and establish this country!"

Yakumo Bai said with a smile in Shimotsuki Ushimaru's surprised eyes.

"Open... establish a country? You actually have such an idea?!"

Shimotsuki Ushimaru said in shock.

"What's so strange about this? Although the isolation of the country has protected Wano Country from foreign invasions, it is also because of this that when facing foreign enemies, situations like Kozuki Oden will occur...

Isolation may not necessarily lead to progress, but it will definitely lead to regression. Only by facing the challenges on the sea can this country become stronger.

Whether it is for the people or for our Beasts Pirates, this is a good thing, isn't it?"

Yakumo Bai said as a matter of course. The lessons of history are painful, and this is deeply rooted in the hearts of every tomato person.

In addition, for Wano Country, Yakumo Bai has a more personal idea, that is, to make it completely rabbit-like!

Start from the baby, start from the most basic education, eliminate all the uncomfortable factors of Wano Country, and in less than 20 years, transform this country into what you want.

Moreover, history must be recorded in its original form. For example, the last general of Wano Country, Shogun Takeru, was incompetent and disregarded his country, causing the country to fall into the hands of Kurozumi Orochi. It was the wise and powerful His Majesty Yakumo Haku who turned the tide, united some people with lofty ideals, saved the entire country from danger, and made Wano Country move from closed to open.

This is indeed the truth seen by the people of Wano Country, and it is a veritable official history.

After hearing what Yakumo Haku said, whether it was Tianyue Shi

It was Shimotsuki Ushimaru, both of them had a gleam in their eyes.

Kozuki Oden once wanted to open up Wano Country, but due to the chaos of Kurozumi Orochi, he had not made any progress. The only opening up was the credit of the Beasts Pirates. Now, after hearing that Yakumo Shira wanted to lead the opening up, the two of them suddenly had some expectations.

The development and construction of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country is well understood by everyone with a discerning eye. The huge trade from overseas has made many regions and people rich. If such an opening up can be spread all over Wano Country, then... Wano Country may become a veritable "Golden Country"!

"Sir Shimotsuki, if you really care about Wano Country, Master Yakumo's proposal is the best solution now... I hope you can make a choice that lives up to your heart!"

Tianyue Shi advised earnestly.


He exhaled a breath of foul air, suppressed the surging thoughts in his heart, and then as if he had made some kind of decision, he heard Shimotsuki Ushimaru say,

"For the sake of Madam Toki, I will assist you, but I still need to use my own eyes to investigate and measure the things you just said. If you do something that harms Wano Country, I will definitely stop you even if it means a fight to the death!"

Hearing this, Tianyue Toki was relieved. After all, they were once companions. If it was not a last resort, she would not bear to see these daimyo die. Fortunately, in this way, she can be regarded as helping Master Yakumo, right?

Thinking of this, Tianyue Toki looked at Yakumo Bai with expectation, and the other party happened to cast a look of relief. At that moment, an inexplicable atmosphere spread.

"Ahem, Bai, aren't there other daimyo we need to talk to? Let's go, I don't want to stay in this place any longer."

Yao Ye, who had been silent all the time, suddenly reminded him that when he was outside, he just had to stay by Bai's side and kill all the enemies who dared to invade. However, this strange atmosphere in front of him was also a danger, and he must stop it for Bai!

"Yeah... That's right..."

Withdrawing his eyes naturally, as if nothing had happened, Yakumo Bai asked Shimotsuki Ushimaru for a specific token, and then they turned and walked towards the other daimyo.

With the assistance of Tianyue Shi, coupled with Yakumo Bai's perfect mouth persuasion, the remaining three people soon agreed to help fight against Orochi.

In this way, in addition to the gangs of Wano Country, the remnants of Kozuki Oden have all gathered. Next, as long as these chess pieces are pushed to the forefront of the battle with Orochi, the internal hidden dangers of Wano Country will no longer exist!

Ha, do you really think that you will let these remnants fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to revive?

As long as the method is clever enough, no matter how many of these people die, it will not be your fault. As the old saying goes, wildfires cannot be extinguished, and spring breezes will bring new life...

You mean Tianyue Shi and her daughter? Haha, since my heart has been stolen, I will not be buried with that foolish prince.

"Hey... I am really looking forward to the future of Wano Country! Don't you think so? Sister Yaoye? Madam Shi?"

"Well... Where you are is the future."

"I... I... the same..."

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