I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 12 Tell Me, Should We Investigate This Room?

in the room,

[Longguo Investigation Bureau exits the live broadcast room! 】

[Good guy, the official account is finally gone! 】

[Now the anchor is really awesome, the official is here! 】

[Hey, brothers, I don't care about this wave, I just play, what should I say? 】

With the withdrawal of the official account, the originally suppressed live broadcast room instantly eased a lot.

Watching the official account leave, Fat Di also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's nothing serious, so calm down, the anchor is also a person who has experienced major events! Standing upright is not afraid of the shadow!"

After all, this can also prove that at least Lu Chen's matter is not a big problem.

In this way, Fatty also sat down and chatted with the barrage, looking forward to the emergence of new things.

But after waiting for a long time, I was thirsty talking with the audience, and there was still no information about the new monster.

There was no movement either.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has reached 1.5 million now!

The number of people has reached 50,000!

Although it wasn't much, it was obviously more than a little bit higher than the previous popularity.

The gift keeps blinking.

Of course, the more people there are, the higher the expectations.

[Where is the anchor, bring up something new, who are you showing this thing to? 】

[That's right, the official accounts are here, shouldn't you step up your efforts? 】

[Gkd, gkd, the anchor is not taking advantage of it to make a big deal! 】

[A group of NC fans actually watched such a fake live broadcast? 】

Barrage began to quarrel!

And Fatty also knew that this was an opportunity, so he hurriedly said: "I know everyone is looking forward to it, but you can't become fat with one bite!"

"You have to give me some time to prepare!"

Hearing this, many barrages agreed.


[Anchor, the big screen of your smart computer has changed! 】

A barrage appears.

Attracted everyone's attention!

As a result, there was nothing on the big screen.

Instead, a few lines of blue words appeared,

[Abnormal fluctuations in containment energy detected! 】

[Containment energy is unknown (waiting for confirmation)]

[Containment number unknown (waiting for confirmation)]

[Estimated location of containment outbreak: New District of Yunhai City! 】

[Outbreak time: unknown! 】

[Foundation personnel have been notified to investigate, and after confirming the danger level, containment will be confirmed! ! 】

Looking at the words one by one, Fatty blinked.

So fast?

As soon as I finished speaking, it was time to prepare, and the new one started?

And the barrage in the entire live broadcast room began to get excited!

[Good guy, last time it was a monster, this time I don't pretend, right, I even have the location and time! 】

[New city in Yunhai City? Is there anyone there, hurry up and slap me in the face! 】

Of course, some people began to look forward to it, and of course some people abused it.

[Anchor, there is no cost of spreading rumors on the Internet, but you can't talk nonsense! 】

[That is, what should I do if this causes unnecessary panic? 】

[I'm from Xincheng District, so I think I'm capable in the whole job? 】

[Anchor, say something! 】

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"You guys know me, I'm just a live broadcaster waiting to die!"

Fatty was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he directly threw out a triple denial.

And this thing, the audience didn't buy it!

【Anchor, I'm a law student. I can tell you now that what you're doing now is spreading rumors! If it causes panic, it will constitute a crime! 】

[This is true, a previous star was caught spreading rumors! 】

[Yes, yes, right, as soon as the official left, the anchor started to make trouble! 】

Seeing that the barrage became more and more intense, the barrage said directly: "Well, by the way, everyone, I haven't confiscated my clothes at home, so I'll run away first!"

After finishing speaking, Fatty directly pressed the stop button, the speed was really fast!


In a room full of computers,

More than a dozen people kept typing on the keyboard,

The progress of deciphering is still in full swing.


At this time, General Administration Shen opened the door and walked in.

Several people focused their eyes instantly.

"Everyone, let's take a break first. I sent a message earlier, and now an emergency meeting is called!" Shen said in a serious tone.

Several people looked at each other with suspicion in their eyes.

For five years, their work has never stopped.

Almost day and night, they know how important the work of deciphering is.

But now, an emergency meeting is going to be called.

Could it be that something big happened?

With speculation, they stopped what they were doing and followed Mr. Shen to the next room.

The middle-aged man stepped forward and skillfully transmitted the video to the screen.

They looked at the video of the middle-aged man with doubts, but continued to watch.

Their eyes widened when they saw the SCP, the number, the slogan, and the contents.

"This...how is it possible?" Someone exclaimed: "The General Administration of Shen...where did you see this thing!?"

"A live broadcast!" General Manager Shen dragged his chin and looked down.

Naturally, they can feel the complexity of their emotions.

You know, they have been deciphering this so-called SCP and number for five full years!

But now, all of this is actually unfolding in front of them.

It makes them feel a sense of frustration.

The General Administration of Shen continued to speak: "I know, you have a lot of doubts in your heart!"

"This time, I am also here to discuss with you!"

"Should we use our strength to investigate here!"

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