I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 30 The Previous Disaster, Block It!

[Tomorrow after tomorrow, send a super rocket. Message: What is awesome? Isn't this playing popular Chinese comics? 】

[User 'Do you know what my composition is? ’ Send a super rocket. Message: Don't be embarrassed upstairs, just this monster is already a movie-level special effect! 】

[User 'Listening to the Rain' sent a super rocket. Message: Anchor, what is this thing? 】

They shocked the monster image in front of them!

But this time the Indestructible Lizard was far clearer than last time.

Even just watching, I feel chills in my heart!

This fear seemed to be engraved in his bones, as if it had appeared before!

not just them,

Fatty was shocked, but he quickly reacted and pretended to be cute and pitiful: "The Immortal Lizard is so scary!"

With the background of the previous two times, Fatty now has an idea.

Anyway, I don't know much about this thing.

So, for Pang Di, this thing is probably related to Lu Chen.

And about this event it doesn't end there.

A big red exclamation mark appeared on the computer screen!

[Currently detected, SCP-682 escaped from the containment container! 】

[Currently, SCP has dispatched a task force of no less than 7 people to investigate and track the traces! 】

[O5 meeting, request ██ to take action! 】

[Currently, the longitude and latitude of SCP-682: longitude 117, latitude: 36.67, azimuth 147.26! 】

Information one by one is displayed in front of everyone in this way.

[Brothers, I checked, this place seems to be Sennan City! 】

[I'm stupid, really, I'm in Sennan City, I'm already getting scared! 】

[Brothers, how is it possible, I work in Sennan City, so how can there be any monsters? 】

At this moment, the barrage began to discuss frantically,

Keep searching for information about Sennan City.


Supernatural Investigation Bureau,

The General Administration of Shen looked at the above information and could no longer calm down: "I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!"


This number is the information just deciphered!

And the content of this live broadcast happened to be related to deciphering.

It's just that my own understanding is too little.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, a person came in suddenly, holding a stack of thick documents in his hand: "General Administration of Shen, this is the information about the natural disaster at that time. The specific things are basically recorded here!"

"Yeah!" General Administration Shen nodded, and then took the document, and General Administration Shen also motioned for the other party to leave.

Watching each other leave.

Only then did the General Administration of Shenyang open the information.

There is a lot of information in it.

And the General Administration of Shen looked through it bit by bit,

[In 2007, on August 11, a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred in Mingyun Village! And without any warning! 】

[In 2007, on August 14th, Longguo sent rescuers to Mingyun Village to complete the rescue work! 】

[However, according to the investigation, there was no casualty in the earthquake! The specific reason is unknown! 】

[Longguo has arranged for the surviving personnel in Mingyun Village to be compensated accordingly, and then successively approached the people of Mingyun Village to inquire about how to escape! 】

【According to the investigation, some people predicted the collapse of the dam and evacuated ahead of time, but the specific personnel have not been confirmed! 】

[Regarding the Mingyun Village incident, corresponding compensation has been given, and I asked about the details of the earthquake later, but the villagers didn't know much! 】

[There are many mysteries in this incident, but because there were no casualties, there was no follow-up investigation of this incident! 】


The following are photos taken about Mingyun Village.

Cracked land, mixed with damaged houses, filled the entire photo.

The breath of destruction spread over the face.

General Manager Shen looked over slowly, but there were more and more doubts in his eyes: "It seems that something is not right..."

He found a very serious problem!

Among these photos, there are many photos of the destruction of houses!

But there are no photos of the people of Mingyun Village.

Logically speaking, even if it is a local disaster, when taking photos, more victims are the main focus.

But now, the preserved photos are all photos of the victims!

He looked through very slowly, and even looked at all the details very carefully, for fear of missing something.

Soon, his eyes froze!

In my hand is a different picture from before,

The picture was taken from a height!

Below is the village that has been destroyed!

But the only difference is that the traces of destruction in these villages are a bit strange, as if there are scratches on them!

Not only that, the same is true on those trees!

What's even more strange is that there seemed to be a few vague figures on the mountainside!

Of course, there was only this one photo, and other clues were interrupted.

Is it the foundation?

The moment he saw the blurred figure, General Manager Shen's heart jumped wildly,

For some reason, in his heart, these blurred figures were suddenly fixed on the foundation that appeared recently.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and directly called out.

"Hello? General Administration of Shen?" Chen Yi's voice came from the phone.

"The Quannan City mentioned in the live broadcast, do you need to arrange someone to investigate!"

After pondering for a moment, General Administration Shen replied: "I have noticed this matter!"

"Go and connect with the Ability Investigation Bureau in Sennan City, and quickly investigate according to the latitude and longitude of the live broadcast!"

"I have notified Sennan City to block it!"

"I'm afraid the incident this time is not small. When necessary, necessary measures can be taken!"

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