I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 38 The Audience Was Shocked: Isn't This Really Computer-Generated?

its scary!



If I was by my side, I'm afraid I'd be scared to death!

This is the first thought of those viewers.

In the previous Pangdi live broadcast, there were not many descriptions of the contained objects, and they even only mentioned their abilities.

And now...

They just feel the terror!

[I'm so stupid...isn't this really a movie? 】

【This... Are there really monsters in this world? 】

[It should be fake, otherwise why is this high-rise building just like paper? 】

[What's the matter, I'm from Quancheng City, I've been to this place, there's nothing nearby, but it's a business district, all company buildings! 】

They finally had a clearer understanding of the power of the Immortal Lizard.

However, these things seem too outrageous!

[You say, could this be fake? 】

[Yes, I went here a few days ago, nothing happened! 】

【Grass, I just saw it clearly, this shit, it’s our company’s building that’s been destroyed! 】

[It should be synthesized by computer technology! 】

They don't believe all of the contained items.

So at this moment, they can only speak words that convince themselves. ,

Even those who abused Fatty just now stopped their actions.

On the screen, it didn't stop,

Below, are the people lying in a pool of blood. They have no names, only numbers on their chests.

But even so, they still stood there mechanically without retreating.

Is it waiting to die?

Watching this scene, the audience paused for a moment,

[Are they robots? 】

Someone complained,

And with this person's opening, other viewers can express their views.

[However, this makes it even more obvious that it is fake, these people are not afraid of death at all! 】

[Yeah, facing such a monster, even if you have received special training, I am afraid that you will think of running away at the first moment! 】

[I feel the same way, they are just waiting to die, it's so strange! 】

[It should be acting... I have to say, it's really good! 】

The direction of the audience at this moment is no longer entangled in Fatty's authenticity, but to judge the monster.

As for the destruction in Quannan City, there is no way to confirm it now!


Yunhai City, Ability Investigation Bureau,

In the special team's office.

They shut down Zheng Rou's live broadcast, and at the same time, new news came from Fatty's live broadcast.

Chen Yi and the team members stared at the information above.

Looking at the number of victims line by line,

Looking at everything that was destroyed, there was an inexplicable pressure.

"Team leader... Are these people who sacrificed for real?" Someone slowly exhaled, trying to release the emotions that were pent up in their hearts.

"There is also Sennan City, is it really destroyed?" Someone asked worriedly.

You know, if it is such a powerful destruction, even if it is them, it will not be easy to follow up.

After all, if a building is damaged, it will take time to restore it to its original appearance.

Chen Yi looked at the screen with a calm expression and didn't speak, but the trembling of his fingers betrayed him.

He didn't expect that behind this organization, there was such an ending.

They actually have such a sacrifice.

At this moment, he knew.

It turns out that this special foundation is not that simple.

They don't just have advanced instruments, they don't just have powerful troops.

They also have tons of sacrifices!

"I need to report this matter!" Chen Yi calmed down and said softly, "As for Quannan City, you don't need to worry about it, just do your job well!"


Others nodded one after another.

Chen Yi exited the room, took out the cigarettes he bought from a small shop from the lounge, sat on a step, and looked at the sky.

The sky was a little dizzy because of the rain.

The tiny raindrops just dripped on the face and fell on the body along the cheeks.

He shivered unconsciously.

However, he couldn't tell whether it was the coldness of his body or the chill from the bottom of his heart.

He lit the cigarette, and the cigarette went down his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough!" He coughed violently.

This is the feeling of his first taste of cigarettes.

"This stuff is really hard to smoke!" Chen Yi's voice was a little hoarse, but he still put the cigarette in his mouth.

Some warm cigarettes entered the throat, diluting the depression in the chest.

He seemed to get used to it, until the first cigarette burned out, and Chen Yi threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out.

Then he took out a mobile phone from his pocket and called General Manager Shen.

The phone is connected.

"Hello? Chen Yi? What's the matter?" the voice of General Manager Shen appeared.

"I just saw something about the Special Foundation and Sennan City from the live broadcast room!"

Chen Yi's voice was a bit dignified: "Over there in Quannan City, did Yan Cheng give any news?"

"Give it!"

General Manager Shen replied: "It's just that he didn't approach, but kept a distance!"

"But the news that can be obtained is that they failed to communicate with the supernatural being!"

"Also, the supernatural object is extremely destructive, but the other party seems to be wary of something!"

"I don't know the specifics of these things. The Special Foundation seems to seldom communicate!"

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