I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 40 The Mole Army Arrives And Begins To Control!

"Containment-682...it's really difficult to deal with!" Si Misi dragged her chin and tapped her cheek lightly with her fingers.

In fact, they have intervened in Containment-682 during its containment.

However, the loss at that time was also heavy!

Containment-682, that's horrible!

Even if they have technology!

But it looks so fragile in front of the infinite evolution of Containment-682!

So it can't be captured at all.

But this time, when he received Containment-682 to escape, he also started preparations immediately.

The purpose is to check the other party's containment measures and methods!

But now, he was actually accumulating with his life, which surprised him a little.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze to the side with great interest, on Fatty's live broadcast.

Looking at the messages flashing on his screen, looking at those rooms.

"Are you really planning to expose it?" Smith's expression was a little dignified: "You actually used this method to show it in front of human beings!"

For the foundation's understanding and fear, he knew that the content of this live broadcast was true.

After hesitating for a while, he made the call.

The phone connects.

Smith said directly: "I need the detailed information of a person from the Dragon Kingdom! I have already sent you some information about her!"

"Yes!" A cold mechanical voice came from the phone: "There is one more thing!"


"That's right, we have sent people to investigate the typhoon incident!"

"It is speculated that this typhoon should have something to do with the contained objects!"

"And, according to the intelligence, the Containment Foundation should have sent him there!"

Having said that, there was silence over there.

not just him,

Even Smith fell silent, frowning together.

It seems to be jealous.

But, soon, he stretched out: "Since he made a move, let's observe this matter naturally! We should not be able to intervene!"

"Yes!" The other side answered and hung up the phone.

Smith knocked on the table and made a clicking sound, not knowing what was going on in her mind.


Sennan City,

Containment-682, the Immortal Lizard completely fell into madness after killing the members of the Serpent's Hand.

Whether it is the degree of destruction or strength, it is far more terrifying than before.

Not far away, on the translator of the middle-aged man, the red light kept flashing.

The middle-aged man looked pale and fiddled with the instrument. He still wanted to try to communicate.

But he knew that there was nothing he could do, and the message from the Immortal Lizard was no longer a warning!

But hostility and destruction!

The feeling of despair arises spontaneously!


Level keter!

A monster of this level is too terrifying!

The rain of blood dripped down.

And at this moment, not far away,

A car stopped, and a dozen people got out of the car and lined up neatly!

They were wearing black uniforms, and their faces were firmly protected to death by black masks that looked like gas masks!

They didn't take a second look at the tragic situation here.

The person at the front pressed the communicator next to his chest.

"This is Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, the mole unit, we've arrived on the scene and are ready to contain it!" His voice was a little dull because of the presence of the mask.

After finishing speaking, the person at the front glanced at the person behind.

They responded immediately.

Head straight for Containment-682!

Their speed is much faster than ordinary people. I don't know if it's because of their superior abilities or because of special devices!

And at the moment of contact, the Immortal Lizard also made a move amidst the roar!

However, at the moment when they were about to make contact, the mole troop members in the front jumped up and dodged.

After that, they rushed towards it at the same time.

The previous special anesthetic is released in the hand!

Under a huge amount of anesthetic, the Immortal Lizard fell to the ground in response, stirring up countless blood!

Seeing the Immortal Lizard fall down, the mole troop looked at each other and nodded.

The person just now pressed the button on his chest: "Control complete!"

After speaking, he threw a box directly on the ground from his pocket, and the box began to change amidst the roar.

In the end, it became a metal box of 5mX5mX5m!

One of them, stepped forward, wanted to put Containment-682 directly into the box!

But at this moment,

Containment-682 suddenly moved!

However, no one seems to care.

I thought this was the reaction after anesthesia!

And just like that, Containment-682 was dragged into the metal box!

"Thank you!" At this moment, the middle-aged man came over with a clear sigh of relief on his face.

He looked around.

The containment this time can only be described as tragic.

But this is also impossible.

MTFs all have their own missions!

Moreover, the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force, which knew the most about the contained items, happened to be absent.

"It's okay!" came a dull voice from under the black mask.

Afterwards, he pressed the communicator on his chest: "This is the Mole Squad, we have completed the containment task of the containment object-682 Immortal Lizard, and we are..."

Boom boom boom!

While that person was reporting, suddenly the box started shaking violently!

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