
In the original smart screen,

The video about containment has played most of it!

Because of this video, the popularity continues to rise.

At the beginning, many people recognized the scenery of Sennan City.

He even sneered at Fatty from the barrage.

And soon, they shut up!

D-class personnel, keep coming forward, keep dying!

They rocked!

Seeing the Mole Squad, and Lei Lingfeng quickly contained the Immortal Lizard!

They were relieved.

But, just when they breathed a sigh of relief,

The next moment, the metal box collapsed!

And the Mole Squad, start the second containment!

In the video, the members of the Mole Army pressed the communicator on their chest with trembling hands: "Containment-682, containment is complete!"

this sentence,

Like a depth charge!

In an instant, the barrage began to scroll crazily!

[Grass, why? This Containment-682 is actually so scary...]

[I'm crying watching it... the anchor pays me money! 】

[Don't be afraid of death, but also complete the task! Does such a force really exist? 】

They don't understand and feel even more sad!

Watching them fall one by one, their hearts felt as if they were being pulled, and even their breathing felt stagnant.

[User 'I love you, you love me' sent a super rocket! Message: The Mole Squad is a real man! 】

[User 'Tomorrow Fumingri' sent a super rocket! Message: Mole Squad, real men! 】


The screen is filled with gifts!

They keep giving gifts!

At this moment, they are gifts for the mole army.

The video continues,

The blood rain stopped!

The sun broke through the dark clouds and shone on the mask.

"It's sunny..." the man murmured.

He looked at the sky, as if feeling the warmth of the sun.

However, under the sun, he gradually lost all his voice!

The picture freezes!

[It's's really don't go...]

[I'm a big man, holding my phone and crying non-stop, do you understand my feelings? 】

【This is his last happiness...】

This scene made everyone feel an inexplicable sadness.

Some even cried out loud.

"Mole Rat Army... Containment Foundation, are they facing these monsters?"

"Is the task completed?"

Fatty watched from the sidelines, tears dripping down his cheeks onto the ground.

She remembered the former Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force.

If it is true, then what is my husband facing all the time?

Fatty's heart is even more chaotic!


Yunhai City,

Ability Investigation Bureau, in the special team office,

They stared blankly at the screen,

A few people even started to cry.

They were overwhelmed by the spirit of the mole army.

"If it is such a force, it is indeed worthy of respect!"

"Just, what should we do in this situation?"

"Huh? What should I do?"

"In this case, how to press?"

In a word, everyone was silenced.

Only then did they realize that their job was to pay attention to the live broadcast.

Watch the content of the live broadcast, and then report everything.

But now, how to suppress the content in this video?

The deeds of the mole army may shock the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Thinking of this, they set their eyes on Chen Yi at the same time.

Chen Yi frowned tightly, before speaking after a long time: "Let me ask about this matter!"

He also knows that if this matter is still the same as last time, it will create public opinion.

I'm afraid it will be backlashed by public opinion!

Moreover, he was the first person to contact the Containment Foundation at the beginning!

For the Foundation, I still know a lot about it.

He exited the office and walked aimlessly on the road.

At the same time, he also laughed and cried: "Anyone who sees such a video will be shaken!"

Afterwards, he called General Administration Shen: "Hey, General Administration Shen... Have you finished watching the live broadcast?"

"Hmm!" the voice of General Manager Shen came from the phone.

"Then how should we deal with this matter, I'm afraid... we can't hide the matter of the mole army..." Chen Yi's voice was a little helpless.

Hearing this, the General Administration of Shen was silent for a long time.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "Let's break out about Lu Chen!"


Chen Yimeng: "Exploded?"

How can this explode?

It is already certain that the current Lu Chen is a member of the foundation.

If it explodes, wouldn't it explode those supernatural events together?

Is it really okay to go on like this?

Does it really not affect panic?

There are many thoughts floating in Chen Yi's mind.

The General Administration of Shen also continued to speak: "I know what you are thinking, if Lu Chen is exposed, it will make the incident worse!"

"So, the place I want to expose is not the Foundation!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi couldn't help asking: "What is that exposure?"

"His work!" General Manager Shen said softly: "You can do this matter!"

It was only then that Chen Yi reacted abruptly.

He suddenly remembered Lu Chen's work!

"Yes!" Chen Yi agreed.

Quickly back to the office,

The expressions of the rest of the people were all looking at Chen Yi. Although it had only been ten minutes, the live broadcast room had already caused quite a stir because of the mole army.

Chen Yi also said directly: "There is already a solution to this matter!"

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