I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 78 The Containment Shown In Front Of The World!

Everyone followed Ying Guoxing's gaze and landed on Lu Chen.

What does it mean?

The leadership of this meeting rests with this young man?

"Why is this person so familiar?"

Someone in the country spoke softly.

This sentence instantly made many people frown.

They feel this way at the same time!

They quickly rummaged through their memories.

You know, the people they have been in contact with are basically high-level people!

However, why does Lu Chen have this familiar feeling.

"That person is the youth in the typhoon..."

"This person is a devil, he harmed Sakura Country!"

"Long Guo actually dared to bring him here!"

Anping Yunsan pointed at Lu Chen and shouted loudly.

Want to lead others to put pressure on Longguo, or Lu Chen!


Those people did not answer,

Everyone stared at Lu Chen closely.

"Is this the person who controls the typhoon?"

"Sure enough, this matter is really related to the Dragon Kingdom..."

"How about we support Anping Yunsan?"

"To support you, our country does not want to suffer from this typhoon!"

When some people saw Lu Chen, they immediately fell into hesitation and fear.

But there are still people who stand up and support Anping Yun 3:

"Do you have to listen to them if you control the wind?"

"That's right, Longguo hastened to hand over this person to the doctor!"

"This kind of person cannot stay!"

For Lu Chen, they tend not to stay!

Although the authenticity of the typhoon remains to be verified,

However, they still understand the reason why it is better to believe in something than to believe in nothing!

Instead of being suspicious and afraid, it is better to force Long Guo to hand over this person once and for all!

After all, put it back, who knows if this person will really control the storm to sweep other countries?!

Listening to the sound getting louder and louder,

Ying Guoxing snorted coldly: "I can tell you that Longguo will not hand over Mr. Lu Chen!"

"Moreover, our Dragon Kingdom is not afraid of war!"

He thought very clearly,

One is because the Dragon Kingdom cannot retreat.

Once regressing, the opponent will definitely continue to persecute!

The second is that the Foundation does not belong to Dragon Kingdom at all!

Whether it's from Lu Chen's words, or from the Foundation's style of doing things!

It can all show that the ability of the foundation is even higher than that of Dragon Kingdom!

Of course, Ying Guoxing's words also surprised many people.

They never expected that Ying Guoxing would be so powerful!

At this moment, they fell silent at the same time.

Seeing that they were all quiet, Ying Guoxing spoke softly to Lu Chen: "Mr. Lu Chen, what should we do next?"

And Lu Chen still looked a little lazy: "Play the video that was deciphered before!"

"it is good!"

Ying Guoxing nodded.

Then he gave an order and began to prepare the projector.

The rest of the people looked at this scene in surprise:

"What does it mean?"

"I don't know, are you going to show us something about the typhoon?"

"It's also possible, I'm more curious now, what exactly can they do!"

"No matter what they do, Dragon Kingdom must give an explanation for the last Sakura Kingdom incident!"

Although they are puzzled, they are more unhappy.

And at this moment, a table appeared on the big screen!

The environment and the delicious food on it instantly attracted the attention of many people, and at the same time caused many people's doubts.

What does it mean?

Show them a picture full of food?

They looked around and talked incomprehensibly.

But in the end I still don't understand!

And just like before, when they saw the first person entering, they became more impatient!


The first man is devoured!

At this moment, the doubts in the audience disappeared!

Only tranquility surrounds everyone!

"That table just ate Smecta?" The person from Kimchi Country spoke first.

This sentence instantly caused many people to look at each other:

"It seems to be true, that table really ate people!"

"The table eats people? How is that possible?"

They began to communicate, talking about their views openly.

But, mistrust is more!

However, their words fell silent again.

The people in the picture are constantly changing.

And their focus began to change from people to food!

Because they discovered that the food on the table was changed in advance!

And, food from all over the world is included!

That is to say, this table appears all over the world, and has shot and killed people all over the world!

They are full of thoughts!

And the next moment, information about the grandma's banquet table also appeared!

When the video inside disappeared little by little.

They frowned.

They saw part of the information about the (cbfb) Containment Foundation!

I saw the number inside!

See the abilities of monsters!

This is completely unacceptable to them!

"Containment Foundation? What kind of organization is this?!"

"Not sure, but what does this video mean? What does a table that eats people mean?"

"Is it telling us that this so-called containment object exists in reality?"

"It's also possible. Could it be that Longguo wants to tell us that the typhoon is also a so-called containment object, Smecta?"

The voices of their conversation grew louder.

Of course, more of it is a kind of puzzlement!

They have seen weapons, and they have seen death!

Just a table, a video.

I have to admit, the table is really scary!

Many people died!

But, so what?!

Do you want to suppress them?!

They can only continue to look at Ying Guoxing, wanting an explanation.

"I know everyone is curious, but what I want to tell you is that this table..."

"No! In the whole world, there are many other monsters!"

"This table is one of them!"

If it was before, he might also join the suspicion.

But now, it is different!

Now he believes in everything in the video!

The Containment Foundation is real too!

Of course, this does not arouse the recognition of other countries!

They are still yelling!

"Play the second video!"

At this time, Lu Chen's voice sounded!

Still so peaceful!

It seems that the people here can't attract his attention at all


The people here, to Lu Chen, are like ants!

that disregard

Just like God cares about human beings!

"But the second video, seems to have not been deciphered by the General Administration of Electricity......"

Ying Guoxing was halfway through speaking when his cell phone rang suddenly!

He opened the phone and looked at the contents inside!

It was sent by the General Administration of Shenyang!

However, this time is different from last time.

This time, there is a very obvious note from the General Administration of Shenyang!

【Watch carefully!】

He knew that the General Administration of Shen would not say this casually.

However, he still set his sights on Lu Chen.

And Lu Chen was still the same, without any expression.

After hesitating, he still took a deep breath and arranged the video!

In any case, in this situation, there is no way out!

He believed that Lu Chen would not joke about this kind of thing either!


The picture appears on the screen again!

It's still the same logo of the Containment Foundation!


This time, the picture on the screen has changed!

It is a third-person perspective like a movie!

Everyone's eyes fell on the screen.

With a sneer, they wanted to see what the Dragon Kingdom could do!

In the picture, there is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, looking around!

And the side looks a bit like a forest!

From time to time there is a whining sound!


Not far away came a girl's cry.

Joey turned his head and looked!

It's a woman!

Dressed in hot, tall ball.


Joey greeted with a smile.

"Joey, the car turned off! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to drive me into the country!" Monnie said.

"Well, it's all right!"

"I just called, let's go ahead!"

Saying that, Joey walked ahead, and Monny followed behind!

After walking like this for a long time, they saw a sign ahead!

It is written in a foreign language: It is easy to get lost ahead, please go back and leave here!

There are crows chirping from time to time next to it, as if warning people coming.

Looking at the text above, Joey set his eyes on Mo Ni.

"Shall we keep walking?" Joey asked.

He knows it all!

After all, the purpose of coming here this time is to send Mo Ni back to the countryside to visit her seriously ill grandfather.

"Go on, we don't know how long we will go back!"

"And in my memory, it seems that this neighborhood is very close to the town where my grandfather lives!"

Mo Ni hesitated for a moment before speaking.

And Joey nodded almost without any hesitation.

And they just ignored the warning above and walked forward.

These boring things in front instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of the representatives of those countries!

"What is this? A video? A movie?"

"I don't know, but from their tone of voice, they seem to be from country M!"

"Just where is this place?"

"No matter where it is, if it is still such a boring thing, I will leave!"

"That's right, there's a lot to do in the country, and we don't have the time to watch movies here!"

They complained about their dissatisfaction.

It's just that they talked about it, but they didn't leave.

After all, the purpose of their coming here is more to want Long Guo to give an explanation.

And the next moment, the angle of view of the video also continued to advance!

Joey and Monnie came to a path full of hedges!

"It's really weird here!" Joey murmured.

And Mo Ni also expressed a little surprise. She looked around, but there was nothing here except the endless long road.

Strange places, let her fear!

"Let's go back!" Mo Ni's voice trembled, and she moved closer to Joey.

Joey didn't refuse either, but the moment he turned around, he found that his origin had disappeared!

Instead, there is a long road with no end in sight!

"How...how is this possible? Didn't we come along this road?" Joey murmured.

He remembered very clearly that there was a warning sign not far away when he came.

But now, after only a few minutes of walking, how could the slogans have disappeared!

He quickly took out his phone

But found that the above signal logo has disappeared!

"No signal, thanks!" he swears.

But, he calmed down quickly: "Let's go back the way, maybe we can see the warning signs just now!"

Mo Ni nodded, as a promise.

In this way, they walked along the way they came for a long time! 【Time is accelerated in the video!】

two hours later,

"How long have we been walking..." Mo Ni gasped.

Joey was a little dazed, and shook his head: "It should be more than an hour!"

But soon, he was confused!


It's been two hours!

They haven't seen the way they came!

He was very sure that he came along this route!

He turned on the phone again, wanting to confirm the time!

However, time was frozen at the moment they came in!

Joey's eyes widened and he was playing with the phone, but all functions of the phone are normal!

Time is fixed!

At this moment, they were stunned!

not just them,

Even the people watching were stunned!

"What does this mean? Time freezes?"

"It shouldn't be. We can see that there is obviously an acceleration effect. According to the pace and time calculation, they walked for at least an hour!"

"What the hell is this place?"

"Haven't you noticed that the sun here has not changed?"

This sentence made everyone react instantly.

Only then did they realize that the sun had been hanging above Joey and Monnie!

Never any changes!

Scenes of bizarre events made them not know what words to use.

This is so strange!

Moreover, other functions of the mobile phone are normal, which means that the mobile phone is not damaged!

That is to say, time is fixed?

Their doubts just now began to decrease.

Instead, pay more attention to the content in the video.

They are still walking!

Finally after a long time,

Mo Ni couldn't help kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath: "I can't walk anymore..."

Joey followed suit and sat down directly.

He took out the bag on his back, and took out a bottle of water and a piece of bread from it.

After breaking it in half, I handed it to Mo Ni: "We're lost, the food in the bag won't last long!"

"Thank you..." Mo Ni took the water, gulped down several mouthfuls, and then ate half of the bread.

And so is Joey!

After ten minutes of rest, they continued walking!

In this way, they stopped and went all the way, and passed through countless forks in the road!

If you are tired, just lie down and rest!

Time has completely blurred!

Maybe three days?

Or seven days?

No one knows!

And finally, the state of the two of them has begun to be abnormal!

Joey would often wake up in his sleep and look at the food in his backpack!

In his eyes, bloodshots began to increase!

However, Mo Ni is not much better, she has lost her youthful beauty at the beginning.

His hair was messy and his body was covered in dirt.

She began to cry, and began to fear that Joey would abandon her.

Finally, in a sleep.

Joey woke up suddenly, opened his schoolbag, and searched desperately: "One piece of bread is missing... one piece of bread is missing..."

He scratched his throat frantically, his eyes became more and more bloodshot!

The next moment, he set his bloodshot eyes on Moni!.

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