I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 82 The Meeting Is Terminated, And The Contents Appear?

They stopped what they were doing.

All looked towards the door.

Before I knew it, the sky outside the door had already darkened.

And at this moment, several people stumbled in.

They are bodyguards from various countries. After entering, they are still breathing heavily.

And one of the country representatives got up and shouted: "What happened? Don't you know that you can't disturb during the meeting?"

"Outside.....There are monsters outside..."

The front bodyguard spoke tremblingly, unable to articulate a word because of fear.


The rest frowned.

The man stared angrily, looked at Ying Guoxing and said coldly, "Is this the method of the Dragon Kingdom?"

After a word fell, the rest of the people reacted in an instant.

After all, they're broadcasting about the containment right now!

And it was Long Guo who asked them to come here.

What a coincidence!

When they come here, there are monsters invading here?

"Ying Guoxing, do you know what you are doing?"

"That's right, convene an international joint meeting, and then make us compromise through the so-called containment?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"We die here, and the Dragon Kingdom is also waiting to be destroyed!"

Their voices were full of displeasure.

Even the Dragon Kingdom has been set on the cross.

Everything now points to the Dragon Kingdom.

Otherwise, besides them, who would let the containment come to this place?!

Of course, Anping Yunsan didn't speak this time, he just stared blankly at the ceiling with a livid face.

He knew that the current self had been abandoned by Mies.

Only then did he understand why during the international joint meeting, the other party left first, saying that they used the contained objects to attack Long Guo.

It turned out that from the very beginning, he had already been abandoned.

"So ruthless!" Anping Yunsan murmured.

"Is it your handwriting?" Ying Guoxing looked at Lu Chen.

He also suspected Lu Chen immediately.

Because he really couldn't think of anyone else who could use the contents.

Moreover, Lu Chen triggered the typhoon at that time, using Qingyun City as a bargaining chip, and then even triggered the typhoon to attack the Sakura country.

It's so spicy and icy cold!

It is not impossible for this joint international conference to take action.

Lu Chen shook his head: "This method is too low-level!"

"If I want to make a move, I don't need this meeting at all!"

This sentence is true.

If Lu Chen really wants to make a move.

Not to mention other contained objects, the typhoon last time was enough to sweep across various countries.


Ying Guoxing nodded: "But who else in the world can use the contained objects?"

"There are many that can use the contents!"

Lu Chen said at this moment: "I said it before, you so-called countries know too little about it!"

"Before I found you, or before the Containment Foundation was exposed, did you know anything about the Containment Foundation?"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing did not object.

Although there was a Supernatural Investigation Bureau in the past, they really didn't know much about the contained objects.

Lu Chen also continued to speak: "In this world, the Containment Foundation is not the only one that can control the contained objects!"

"Among them, the Serpent's Hand has a certain understanding of the contained objects, and has certain monsters!"

"And a GOC!"

"Follow-up, Dragon Kingdom will also have contact with them!"

Having said that, Lu Chen didn't speak anymore.

Ying Guoxing did not refute.

For Ying Guoxing now, Lu Chen is more like a behind-the-scenes boss, relying on Lu Chen for many things.

With Lu Chen's confirmation, Ying Guoxing also stood up.

Seeing Ying Guoxing get up, everyone quieted down.

"I know everyone has a lot of grievances`.!"

"But this matter, I guarantee in the name of Long Guo, this matter has nothing to do with the Containment Foundation or Long Guo!"

Ying Guoxing coughed: "After all, I'm also afraid of death!"

"If it was really done by Longguo, I don't have to come here at all!"

"Even, if we really want to force you, we can take the contents and go directly to that country!"

"There's no need to play these tricks!"

"And what we need to do now is to confirm first!"

"Look what's going on outside now!"

Ying Guoxing's voice made many people regain their composure.

After all, what Ying Guoxing said did make sense.

"Let's go out and have a look first, to make sure!"

"It's just right, let me see what abilities monsters have!"

"Hmph, I have hundreds of elite teams under my banner, can this monster still be invulnerable?"

Without saying a word, they got up and walked towards the door.

Seeing them believe, Ying Guoxing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He slumped on the seat, already drenched in cold sweat!

Breathe incessantly.

You know, in this situation, if you say a wrong sentence, you may be heading for the abyss!

Fortunately, everything is stable!

"Mr. Lu Chen, why don't we go out and have a look?" Ying Guoxing looked at Lu Chen and asked.

"Go!" Lu Chen also got up at this time and walked towards the door.

On the small island, the sky was very gloomy.


There was a loud noise in the air, like Thor.

In the palace, hundreds of people came out of it.

I want to see the figure of the monster.

However, even if it is a premonition in my heart.

Even if it is, it has been prepared from the beginning!

They were still shocked by the sight in front of them!

It was a sight like the end of the world!

The ground is full of dead bodies!

Blood stains the earth red!

The blood flowed down the earth into the sea, even dyed the sea red!

And in the very center, is a monster!

It has black hair all over its body, and its body is huge, with blood dripping from its fangs. It is about as tall as a three-story building!

The huge body is awe-inspiring!

However, there are some strange places,

At his throat, there is a pair of restraints, pulling a long chain!

Not just in the throat, but also in the limbs!

At this time, he kept biting the flesh and blood around him.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

The officials of a certain country in uniforms nearby stared blankly at this monster!

bang bang bang!

He raised the gun, the muzzle sprayed flames.

And it's not just him who made this move, even other official personnel also made such a move!


However, guns can't do any damage at all!

On the contrary, it seems to have aroused its anger!

It roared at the officials.

The roar of the huge monster made those who faced it keep retreating.

Blood began to flow from the ear, and finally fell to the ground with a crash.

It stepped forward and tore the opponent's body to pieces!

The debris of the corpse even dyed the bodies of the officials not far away red!

Even if he had received professional training, he couldn't help kneeling on the ground and throwing up at this moment!

Suddenly, a shadow covered him!

He seemed to feel something, he was short of breath, and raised his head in horror.

It is in sight!

The next moment, it raised its paw and patted it directly!


With the screams, he died!

Those high-level personnel are fixed in this way!

They just watched this scene.

His eyes widened.

It's the end of the day here!

Some people couldn't help but knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

"Is this a monster?"

"This is the containment? But, aren't the containments we see all buildings?"

"This kind of monster is also a containment object? Even guns can't face it?"

"How did this monster come from?"

They murmured.

Saying there is no fear is a lie!

This is even scarier than war.

War, no matter what, at least we can see the end!

At least there is hope of victory.

And this monster...

They don't see any possibility!

Official professionally trained personnel, die and run!

And it just roared at the sky.

Afterwards, its nose twitched slightly, and its bright red eyes shifted its gaze to these high-level people.

It is obviously hundreds of meters away!

However, that feeling of death came over my face!

A chilling feeling permeates the whole body!

"It.....saw us..."

Someone exclaimed.

No one answered, and no one even looked at the person who exclaimed.

At this moment, they could only focus on the monster.


two steps!

Every step is like thunder!

Step on everyone's hearts every step of the way!

crushed their hearts.

Someone knelt on the ground and started giggling.

Fear has made them completely desperate!

Finally, the monster came not far from them!


The piercing sound of the iron chain echoed in their ears!

They just waited for death in a daze.

But, suddenly, it stopped!

Roaring full of hostility, looking behind those people!

That feeling!

And where it can see, it is Lu Chen.

At this moment, Lu Chen leaned against the gate, looking at it with great interest.

But it kept retreating, roaring in front of its body.

For some reason, it seemed to sense danger and wanted to stay away.

This scene is confusing.

They looked back, but only saw Lu Chen and the palace.

They don't understand why the monster feels fear.

"...it's... gone.....it's gone..."

"I almost thought, I want to see Jesus, Smecta!"

"Shet, it's too scary, is this the containment?"

Those people, at this moment, sat down on the ground directly.

The fear just now almost frightened them out of their wits!

However, the monster was still retreating, but his eyes kept looking in Lu Chen's direction.

As if afraid, his shot!

Just when it retreated to the sea and wanted to leave,


At this moment, voices began to echo in the sky!

The sudden sound made many people look up!

There, is a helicopter!

After the helicopter reached a position, more than a dozen people jumped off the helicopter directly.

It fell to the ground, sending a large amount of blood flying out!

"Whose official team is this?"

"I don't know, we seem to have never seen such a team?!"

"Look at their chests, it seems to be..."

"It's the logo of the Containment Foundation!"

This sentence seems to remind everyone!

They quickly looked over.


They read it right!

This is indeed the Containment Foundation logo!

For a moment, they looked at Lu Chen.

Because in the beginning, he seemed to represent the Containment Foundation!

But, even if you don’t doubt it!

Even if they have thousands of questions in their minds.

The most urgent task now is to face the monsters in front of us!

They can only set their sights on this army, hoping that they can deal with this monster!

After the troops fell, the person at the front directly pressed the button of the communicator on his chest:

"Here is a tail!"

"The Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force has arrived!"

"Currently, according to the president's information, we have arrived at the containment outbreak site!"

"Preparing for containment!"

"Purchase information requested!"

【Allowed to investigate!】

Soon there came a cold voice!

All of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force looked vigilant.

They didn't do it the first time, but directly took the instrument out of their pockets.

This time, they didn't send any D-class personnel to investigate the information dragon.

So I don't know anything about the contents this time!

They took out the instrument, an item like a mobile phone.

He pressed the button in the center of the phone, and the information on it instantly turned blue, then cyan, then yellow!

And finally red!

And the moment he saw the red color, Yiwei's expression instantly became serious.

He hits the button again!

"The test is complete! Test result: Keter level, with warning meaning!"

"Apply for space blockade!".

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