I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 92 On The Eve Of The War, Hand Over The Containment Foundation!

Persecute the Dragon Kingdom?!

They froze.

"However, how to force the Dragon Kingdom? The Dragon Kingdom is still relatively strong in the national alliance, and it also has the blessing of the Foundation..."

"That's right, if you try to force them, it's very likely that Vegetable Country will be driven to a dead end!"

"Sir, is there no other way?"

They are a little scared.

In their eyes, how terrible the containment is.

How scary is the Foundation!

An organization capable of so many monsters, one can imagine how much energy it has.

"Other ways?"

The old man gave a wry smile and shook his head: "Then tell me, is there any other way?!"

A rhetorical question silenced everyone.

The old man shook his head: "This matter must be done, and you have also seen that we do not have the ability to deal with it!"

"So this is the only way!"

"Okay, go and communicate with those who oppose the Foundation's move!"

"By the way, give them what we investigated, and ask about the progress of their investigation!"

"and also……………"

"We need an interim meeting of these countries!"

"It has to be today!"

Hearing the words of the old man, the rest dared not object.

Quickly back out.

And the news spread quickly!

A video quickly spread among those people's countries.

They were frightened and frightened, and at the same time they saw unreasonable cases in their own country.

Out of fear of the contents and fear of the Containment Foundation!

They responded quickly!

And gathered together!

And the meeting place this time is also in the conference room of the largest hotel in Vine Pepper Country!

It is like a palace, with picturesque carvings, and there are goldfish swaying in the pool next to it!

This place is too extravagant, and as a result, basically no one comes here.

Therefore, many places here are used to receive Kuilu from other countries!

Or high-level personnel in some countries!

However, something is different today!


Soldiers surrounded the place!


Vehicles passing by will be strictly screened to confirm their identity!

It is not an exaggeration to say that not a single mosquito can get in!

In one of the innermost rooms of the hotel,

More than fifty people were seated!

Among them is the old man from before!

"Old Mr. Mingda, you don't know, what can you do to make us fight against the contained objects?!"

It is a young man who speaks!

There is some anticipation and curiosity in the words.

The word falls,

Others also spoke one after another:

"Yes, three cases have been detected in our country. These three cases are weird! And there are other unknown forces involved! Our country discusses that it should be the Containment Foundation's action!"

"That's right, it's the same in our country. A lot of cases have been uncovered!"

"Hey, I regret it now, if I agreed to it then it would be over!"

"Grass, do you have any backbone, our country will not agree!"

These people have their own words!

A quarrel soon ensued.

And Mingda didn't speak, just waited quietly.

Until the center is quiet again.

"I know, I'm worried because of my family!"

"I also know that you have some fears and fears!"

"To tell you the truth, so is Vine Pepper Country!"

"We investigated two cases! I think you should see!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that we really don't have the ability to face these monsters!"

Mingda said.

The rest of the people also nodded.

Mingda was silent for a while, and continued: "If this continues, the country will be destroyed.`!"

"So, we have to find a way!"

"I plan to oppress the Dragon Kingdom! Let them hand over the army in the meeting!"

"Or, let them hand over the method of facing the containment!"

"What do you guys think?!"

Having said that, I will take a look around tomorrow.

The rest were silent, and then said:

"Mr. Mingda's words do have some truth...but, as you know, we are just representatives, and we need to ask the country for instructions on this matter!"

"Mr. Mingda, please wait a moment, I will contact the country right now!"

"So are we!"

Those people did not refuse, but left their seats and reported the situation.

On the side, the top management of the Vine Jiao Country came to Mingda and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Sir, what if they refuse?!"


Mingda chuckled: "Do you think they might refuse?!"

"It is their entire country that is facing the inmates now, and they have no right to choose!"

"This meeting is just a formality!"

His voice already has a winning chance!

Able to climb to the highest position in the country.

He has great abilities in his own right!

Whether it is discerning ability or decisiveness, it is unmatched by others!

Therefore, from the very beginning, he guessed the core of the containment incident.

Also be the first to organize a meeting!

This is confidence!


Shortly after he finished speaking,

A group of people have returned after calling:

"Sir, we agree with your approach!"

"And we, our country agreed!"

"Now it's like this, if our country withdraws, wouldn't it be embarrassing?!"

They showed a smile and agreed to come down.

Then other people also came back and expressed their opinions.

The countries that came here basically agreed.

They returned to their seats and began to wait for the clack to arrange.

Mingda also spoke at this time: "Everyone, you also know that only one day has passed since the last international joint meeting!"

"It should also be understood that we have to explain to a country!"

"So, we can only take advantage of the fact that the Dragon Kingdom is not yet ready to oppress the Dragon Kingdom!"

"And this is our only chance!"

Mingda's voice made many people frown.

In the crowd, someone asked: "How to oppress?!"

"Assemble the troops now and go to Dragon Country!"

"Let them hand over Lu Chen!"

"Otherwise, declare war directly!"

Mingda's voice was extremely indifferent.


At this moment, they gasped at the same time.

"Is it really appropriate? If they directly declare war, they will face war if they don't agree!"

"It feels right to me, now we've run out of options!"

"That's right, the contents can't be dealt with, and the country's demise is only a matter of time!"

"Let Dragon Kingdom hand over the Containment Foundation, and then the control will be in our hands!"

Their voices became more and more passionate as they spoke.

This is indeed a method!

Mingda also continued to speak, expressing his thoughts:

"I am afraid that every country in the world has its own ideas!"

"Even if you agree to the Containment Foundation's release of the country's contents."

"But they will certainly investigate past cases as well!"

"As long as you take action at this time, other countries will not be able to respond. They will not be able to support you!"

"It's even said that they will still observe and want to see how the Dragon Kingdom responds!"

"At that time, Dragon Kingdom will face more than 20 countries!"

"We'll have a chance of success too!"

Mingda said the action plan this time, and even people nodded.

It has to be said that Mingda has already calculated everything clearly!

"Okay, I'll call now and gather the team!"

"That's right, this is indeed an opportunity! I'm also notifying the country now!"

"Instead of waiting for death, it is better to take advantage of it!"

After speaking, they didn't leave, they directly made a phone call.

The announcement of the convening information is over, and the official teams of various countries are also heading towards the Dragon Kingdom!

dragon country

high-level conference room,

A dozen people gathered together,

Ying Guoxing's complexion is much ruddy after a day of grooming!

As for the above video, Ying Guoxing has already given them.

They also looked scared for a while.

"Fortunately, the Containment Foundation helped to deal with it, otherwise, these monsters would be enough to cause headaches for all countries!"

"However, Lu Chen is really powerful. From the first incident, to the outbreak of the containment, to the last incident, I'm afraid all of these are in those calculations!"

"Who says it's not? Those countries that refused are probably already very busy!"

"This is stupidity. Before the unknown things are clear, you choose to believe in yourself instead of trusting professional handlers. This is already a failure!"

They said nothing.

The words were full of admiration for Lu Chen and praise for the Shelter Foundation.

For Lu Chen, there is only trust in them!

After watching them discuss for a while, Ying Guoxing said: "Russia asked you to come here mainly because of two things!"

two things

This sentence attracted everyone's attention.

And Ying Guoxing continued: "We have already discussed with Mr. Lu Chen before!"

"After this international meeting, I will visit him!"

"And, he'll show us around the Containment Foundation!"

.Give us an understanding of Containment Foundation!"

Hearing this, many people nodded.

This matter, only two days have passed, so they have some impressions.

"Visiting the foundation......it's a little exciting to think about it!"

"You said, what's in the foundation?!"

"A bunch of monsters? A bunch of technology?"

"I don't know, we know too little about this containment foundation!"

They couldn't help but speak.

It's like opening a door to a new world.

They are in high positions, but they never imagined that there would be such a mysterious organization!

"And the second thing?" someone asked.

The rest of the people reacted.

Visit the Shelter Foundation and learn about the Shelter Foundation first thing!

So what about the second one?!

"The second... is about the containment!"

Ying Guoxing's words were a little dignified: "Mr. Lu Chen, when you were in contact with us before!"

"I also said it more than once when I participated in the follow-up meeting..."

"Containment is about to explode frequently!"

"The reason for the frequent outbreaks is still unknown!"

"So, we also need to be on guard against the impact of the outbreak of the containment!"

"This is what we can do, the most important thing!"

Listening to Ying Guoxing's words, the others clicked one after another.

Containment Explosion!

National defense is indeed the first thing to do!

"We will issue an order now to let the General Administration of Shen..."

"No, let the entire country's departments be mobilized to deal with the contents


"That's right, and this matter must be kept secret, otherwise the whole country will be in turmoil!"

"We'll arrange it now!"

Many senior executives got up directly from their seats and were about to leave.

bang bang bang!

at this moment,

There was a hasty knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Ying Guoxing shouted.

And He Haorui also pushed the door and walked in at this time (Hao Hao Zhao).

His face was pale, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he kept panting.

"What's wrong?" Ying Guoxing looked at He Haorui's expression and asked with a frown.

"Win the bureau chief, something bad will happen..."

"Just now, when the relevant departments inspected the satellite, they discovered that teams from more than 20 countries were dispatched suddenly!"

"And, the target... seems to be the Dragon Kingdom!"

He Haorui said anxiously.

This sentence made many people present a little stunned.

And Ying Guoxing also hurriedly said: "Quick, send the real-time video from the satellite!"


He Haorui hurriedly arranged, and soon there were countless small screens in the conference room

And in the picture...

It is the fleets of various countries!

And the purpose is obvious!

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Ying Guoxing's phone rang.

"Hello!" Ying Guoxing answered the phone.

"Win Guoxing, I'm Mingda!"

Mingda's old voice came from the phone.


Ying Guoxing looked at the satellite image, and said coldly: "You, the Vine Pepper Country, organized other countries to engage in such a big battle. Do you want to declare war and trigger a war among all countries?!"

He said things very loudly, hoping to suppress the other party!

There was no panic on the phone, but Mingda's laughter came: "Hahahaha, declare war?"

"Win Guoxing, our Vine Pepper Country and Dragon Country have never had a war!"

"And this time, we won't start a war!"

"What we want is very simple, to teach that Qing Bang named Lu Chen in the meeting!"

"Then share all the materials of the Containment Foundation with all countries!"

"Otherwise, if you say it is a war among countries, it will be a war among countries!".

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