“Up to now, there is no need for subordinates to lie.”
“This subordinate is dying, I hope that all I have said can remind Mr. Zhao Gao.”
Duan Shui coughed violently again, vomited blood, and his breath became weaker.
It seemed that he was about to die.
“you say.”
Zhao Gao forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
“Seventh Young Master, he is very strong!”
“He’s a real monster!”
“He also possesses two extremely terrifying abilities!”
“One is to be able to predict the future, and be able to see the trajectory and intentions of any enemy in advance. That is to say, any enemy’s moves will be impossible to hide in front of the seventh son!”
“Relying on this terrifying ability, this subordinate once fought against the Seventh Young Master. Even with all his strength, he still couldn’t touch a single hair on the Seventh Young Master’s body.”
“With this ability alone, Seventh Young Master can be invincible!”
Cut off the water said.
“how can that be?!”
“Predict the future? See through the enemy’s trajectories and moves in advance?”
“Does this really exist?”
Zhao Gao turned pale with shock, and asked back with a face full of astonishment.
He still couldn’t believe such a terrifying phenomenon that subverted cognition.
“It’s my subordinates who have personally experienced it.”
“This ability is a kind ofThe more powerful perception ability of the mind and eyes! ”
“It is precisely because of this that even though the seventh son is blind, his subordinates still have nothing to do with him.”
Shuan Shui language is not surprising.
Immediately, Zhao Gao was shocked again.
Martial arts mind? !
Do not!
It turned out to be a more powerful perception ability than martial arts mind?
how is this possible? !
The heart of martial arts is one in a million!
If there really exists a more terrifying ability than the martial arts mind, what is the probability of that?
With such a probability, how could it be possible that the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge would happen to meet him? !
“This this……”
Zhao Gao’s throat was dry and he couldn’t speak for a while.
He didn’t expect that.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is so terrified!
It completely exceeded his previous expectations!
It was countless times more terrifying than he had imagined!
“It’s still in the weak crown year…”
“But you have mastered an ability that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind?”
“What kind of monster is this?!”
Zhao Gao swallowed involuntarily.
He was quite shocked by these words of cutting off the water.
I thought.
The Seventh Young Master just happened to have the innate realm of cultivation.
Never thought.
The other party not only has the cultivation base and realm of the innate realm, but also has a skill that is more terrifying than the martial arts mind eye!
This is also the main reason why Zhao Gao was most shocked.
“In addition, Seventh Young Master also possesses a second ability.”
Cut off the water and go on.
“You, what did you say?!”
“Is there a second ability?”
“What is it?!”
Zhao Gao opened his mouth, his eyes were full of horror.
“The second ability is a terrifying ability that can be compared to a magic weapon with a mortal body! It can increase the defense power of the body to a point far exceeding that of a magic weapon!”
“It is because of this ability.”
“Seventh Young Master, slap me hard on the spot!”
“If I hadn’t practiced horizontal and hard kung fu in my early years, I might have been instantly killed with that slap.”
Duan Shui’s tone became weaker and weaker.
“how is this possible?!”
“a slap?!”
“You were hit hard by the seventh son’s slap?!”
Zhao Gao was shocked.
He was stunned.
what’s the situation?
Duan Shui, whose cultivation had reached the realm of congenital perfection, and Luo Wang’s Tian Zihao, a first-class killer, would be severely injured by a slap on the spot?
What is this concept?
What amazing and terrifying strength is needed to do it?
. . . . . . .
Zhao Gao was dumbfounded.
Is it really that Seventh Young Master?
The blind seventh son Ying Changge who is not yet twenty years old?
How could he be so strong? !
Do not know why.
Zhao Gao always felt it.
Things are getting more and more outrageous!
It’s like a dream!
Everything is like a dream!
“Lord Zhao Gao, please take a look.”
After spitting out a mouthful of blood again, Duan Shui’s words became a little smoother, and he quickly handed the half of the hilt that he was only holding in his hand to Zhao Gao.
After taking the hilt of the sword, Zhao Gao was stunned, and couldn’t help asking: “What is this?”
The hilt is too broken.
As a result, Zhao Gao was unable to judge for a while.
heard the words.
Broken Water’s lips trembled slightly, and a strong sense of fear appeared on his face.
He told the truth.
“This is……”
“One of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, the Broken Water Sword!”
The words fell.
Zhao Gao’s forehead seemed to be hit by five thunderbolts, his whole head was about to burst open on the spot.
It was as if he had been hit hard on the forehead by a heavy object, causing Zhao Gao’s head to buzz, and his thinking became chaotic, and he was unable to recover for a long time.
“One of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, the Duan Shui Sword?!”
“Goujian Sword, King Yue?”
“The magic weapon forged by the famous swordsmith Ou Yezi back then?”
“Can it be compared to the peerless magic weapon that is at the top of the list of Fengbeard’s swordsmanship?”
“Why did it fall to this point? It became so miserable? So dilapidated?”

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