how is this possible!
Do not know why.
When seeing Ying Changge deal with his attack calmly, what Meng Tian could see from Ying Changge was a strong sense of oppression.
A trace of cold sweat suddenly overflowed from Meng Tian’s forehead, and slowly flowed down along the track from both sides of his cheeks.
what is the problem? !
The seventh son who is blind…
It’s too strong!
The scariest thing is.
How could it be possible that the seventh son happened to see his own attacking intentions every time?
Do the top powerhouses in the innate realm really have such terrifying insight?
Do not!
It’s not that Meng Tian has never seen a congenital strong man.
But those innate powerhouses are definitely not as terrifying as the seventh son!
Seventh Young Master, was he able to penetrate any of his offensive methods in advance?
What kind of monster is this!
Meng Tian started to panic.
He thought so.
The Seventh Young Master whose eyes have lost their light, even if he has the cultivation level of the Innate Realm, his strength will not be so strong.
But the final result proved it.
He was wrong.
He was so wrong!
The seventh son is very strong!
Not only is it very strong! Still the kind of strong exaggeration!
Especially the kind that can penetrate one’s own offensive intentions.
It’s just a monster!
“What exactly is going on?!”
Meng Tian’s head was in a mess.
Can anyone explain.
Why is the seventh son who lost his eyes still so terrifying? !
It’s too strong!
Even those innate experts with intact eyes are probably far less powerful and terrifying than the Seventh Young Master, right?
Facing Ying Changge’s attack, Meng Tian felt a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.
The self-confidence generated in his heart before the start of the battle made Meng Tian feel ashamed in an instant.
How embarrassing!
Facing the blind Seventh Young Master, he was powerless to fight back!This made Meng Tian’s mentality collapse.
He never dreamed of it.
The Seventh Young Master was so exaggeratedly strong.
Are you sure that the seventh son is entering the innate realm for the first time?
Instead, an old monster who has stayed in the innate realm for many years?
How can a person who has just entered the innate realm be so powerful? !
“Seventh Young Master, do you really only have the cultivation level of the innate early stage?”
“Why do I always feel…”
“What you are facing is a top-notch expert who is innately perfect!”
“Is this my illusion?”
Meng Tian’s throat was dry, and his mood was shaking wildly.
He couldn’t help but think of those civil and military officials who laughed at the seventh son in the past.
“Who will dare to call the seventh son a disabled person in the future…”
“I hacked him first!”
“Handicapped? How dare someone call this monster a disabled person?!”
“Seventh Young Master, you are ten thousand times fiercer than normal people!”
Meng Tian, ​​who was suppressed the whole time, couldn’t help roaring in his heart at this moment.
Chapter 37 Brother, I seem to have been educated by the seventh son! 【Four more flowers】
Cold sweat!
A trace of cold sweat continuously overflowed from Meng Tian’s forehead, flowed on both sides of his cheeks, fell from his chin to the ground, and melted into the soil.
Unprecedented pressure shrouded Meng Tian’s heart.
He never expected.
The Seventh Young Master whose eyes have lost their light…
It’s so fierce!
Too fierce!
Meng Tian couldn’t believe it.
Obviously lost his eyes, but the seventh son is more terrifying than those innate powerhouses who have not lost their eyes!
This discovery made Meng Tian couldn’t help doubting his life.
What is the situation?
Can anyone explain.
Why is Mao Qigong so powerful?
What about entering the innate realm for the first time?
I retreated steadily from my own oppression, almost powerless to fight back…
This is called entering the innate realm?
Which bastard said that!
His heart can be punished!
It’s because I was blinded by lard that I believed these words!
“Can a strong person in the early stage of the innate state oppress me into this situation?”
“not to mention……”
“Seventh Young Master, are you blind in both eyes?”
“Why do I always feel that the insight of the seventh son far surpasses countless innate top powerhouses?”
“Is this my illusion?”
“Every time I attack, the Seventh Young Master dodges me by coincidence. Is this really a coincidence that can explain it?”
“From the beginning to the end, I didn’t even touch the corner of Seventh Young Master’s clothes!”
Meng Tian’s mentality collapsed.
Who called this monster a disabled person? !
I was the first to be anxious with him!
Some people dare to call such a powerful monster a disability?
Simply blind!
All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were blind!
Even I am blind!
I couldn’t see that the seventh son was so terrifying!
“Being completely crushed by the Seventh Young Master…”
“I admit it!”
“Skills are not as good as others, and the gap in realm is huge. I have nothing to say.”
“Can you explain it?”
“Why does the Seventh Young Master at the early stage of Xiantian give me a sense of déjà vu when he is facing a top-level powerhouse with consummate perfection? Is it my illusion?”
“Or, the strength of the monster, Seventh Young Master, is already strong enough to shake the congenitally perfect top powerhouse?”

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