
Gai Nie was already on the verge of dying.

Looking at the famous generation of Sword Saint Genie in the whole world, it is today that Ying Changge has been tragically separated by a hundred steps away.

With just one blow, he was dying on the spot! .

Chapter 75 Shocked! Who is the holy man who severely wounded the swordsman? ! 【8/8 for custom order】


Zhang Han, Meng Ying, and more than 20 shadow guards all rolled their throats without exception, swallowing their saliva uncontrollably, staring straight ahead.

They stared blankly.

The dilapidated ruins that were hundreds of meters away.


Under the ruins, the piles of broken stone wreckage piled up like a mountain...



Like a ruined wreck.

This scene fell into the eyes of Zhang Han and the others very clearly.

Their perceptions were overturned on the spot.

What did they see just now? !

The dignified number one swordsman in the world, Genie, a real martial arts master...

Actually, it was hit hard by a single strike in the air? !

A hundred steps away, one blow hit the Sword Saint Genie?

What is this concept?

At this moment, whether it was Zhang Han or Meng Ying, or the group of elite shadow guards beside them, they were all in an extremely shocking mood.

They were stunned.

Can't even imagine dreaming.

As strong as the Sword Saint Gai Nie, he was instantly killed by the Seventh Young Master with a single blow from a hundred steps away!


Simply subverting perception!


"This this……"

"Is it really not a hallucination?"

"Or, am I dreaming?"

"Oh my God!"

"It's so shocking!"

"The Sword Saint Gai Nie was killed by the Seventh Young Master with a single blow from a hundred steps away!"

"Can you believe it?"

"The figure who was so embarrassed and flew hundreds of meters away was actually the famous swordsman Gai Nie?"

"I can't imagine it!"

Zhang Han and Meng Ying's lips trembled and their throats were dry.

Their faces were filled with a strong sense of shock, their eyes could not be taken away from beginning to end, and they were always fixed on the young figure in white elegant robes in front of them.


Look around.

They looked at the distance a hundred meters away.

That place is in ruins.

The Sword Saint Genie was lying under the ruins.


Seriously injured!

On the verge of death!

no doubt……

The blow just now must have severely injured the Sword Saint Genie, killing the Martial Dao Grandmaster in one second!


Thinking of this, Rao Shi's mentality was as calm as Zhang Han, and he couldn't help being deeply moved and shocked.

"I thought that even if Seventh Young Master wanted to defeat Sword Saint Genie, it would take a lot of effort."

"It's unpredictable after all..."

"Seventh Young Master, the whole process is effortless, and you will kill Gai Nie in an instant!"

"Finally, when Gai Nie was about to flee the scene, he threw an iron ball through the air with extremely terrifying power, and severely injured the Sword Saint Gai Nie on the spot!"

"Everything is incredible!"

"Like a dream!"

Zhang Han's eyes were lost for a while, and his expression was full of shock.

Previously, although he was certain that the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge would definitely be able to take down the Sword Saint Genie.

But he never expected it.

This battle will be so neat and tidy!

So easy!

For the seventh son, Ying Changge, there was simply no pressure.

And this is the main reason that makes Zhang Han feel the most shocking.

He thought that the Seventh Young Master could win, but he never imagined that the Seventh Young Master could win so neatly!

Without any sloppiness!

On the spot, the contemporary swordsman Genie was smashed with one blow!

This really made Zhang Han dare not even dream.

"That's the Sword Saint..."

Zhang Han couldn't help but speak.


That is a terrifying existence that is widely known as the number one juggernaut in the world by countless practitioners of martial arts in all corners of the world!


Just now, he was tragically wounded by the Seventh Young Master who was separated by a hundred paces with a single blow.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have believed it?

"So strong!"

"Young Master is too strong!"

"Beyond a hundred steps, you can still kill the Sword Saint Genie in one blow!"

"This move is like a dream!"

Meng Ying's eyes are full of emotions such as excitement, shock, worship, admiration and so on.

He stared blankly at his son Ying Changge, his eyes were lost for a while, and he was in a trance.

"Juggernaut, was instantly killed by the seventh son!"

"Can you believe it?"

"Although this is not the Sword Saint Genie in its heyday, it is definitely not an ordinary Innate Perfection Realm powerhouse who can try to shake it."

"However, even such a powerful Sword Saint Gai Nie was forcibly achieved by the Seventh Young Master, relying on his cultivation level in the middle stage of Innate, to forcibly accomplish the world-shattering feat of killing the Sword Saint in one second!"

"Across four or five realms! Kill the Juggernaut with a single strike every 100 steps!"

"This move is simply unprecedented!"

"Under the whole world, only the Seventh Young Master, the number one evildoer in the ages, can reach four or five realms, and finally kill the sword sage Gai Niezhi by 160 in seconds."



The more than 20 elite members of the shadow guards also involuntarily expressed their inner shock and amazement.

For Ying Changge, they feel admiration and admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

At such an age...

Not only has the cultivation base reached the mid-innate stage!

Relying on the cultivation level of the middle stage of the innate, he spanned four or five realms, and finally killed the famous swordsman Genie with a single blow from a distance of a hundred steps!

This amazing feat is enough to make all of them remember it in this lifetime!


They have never heard that there are such terrifying monsters in this world!

Just a monster!



After exhaling heavily, Zhang Han forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and quickly walked towards the battlefield ahead and came to Ying Changge's side.

Under the soft white moonlight.

Ying Changge, wearing a white elegant robe, looks extraordinarily stalwart and eye-catching!

Zhang Han, who was constantly trying to get close at this time, felt a sense of awe and worship from his heart, almost wanting to kneel and surrender.

"This this……"

"So domineering!"

Zhang Han's throat was dry, and he stared blankly at Ying Changge's back.

in a trance.

He saw the shadow of His Majesty the First Emperor!

Do not!

This is a more powerful and domineering figure than His Majesty the First Emperor!

After adjusting his mentality a little, Zhang Han came all the way to Ying Changge's side.

"Seven sons."

The tone is very respectful, admiring, admiring, complimenting.

Even Zhang Han, whose cultivation base has reached the Innate Perfection Realm, can feel a sense of disparity in the face of Ying Changge at this moment.


Facing the current Ying Changge, Zhang Han did not dare to be as casual as before, but seemed very cautious and uneasy.

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