Mastering the domineering arrogance of the perfect level is equivalent to allowing Ying Changge to analyze the Yin-Yang formations and observe the structure of the formations from the inside of these formations.


In this way, it is not difficult for Ying Changge to discover the weaknesses of these formations.

"Yin-yang formation?"

"It's full of loopholes!"

"If I didn't observe carefully, I wouldn't have found it. There are so many loopholes and weaknesses in these Yin-Yang formations that surround the entire Yin-Yang Pavilion."

"With ease, I can break through these so-called Yin-Yang formations!"

"Originally, I thought that the background of the Yin Yang family was terrible, but it was just a paper tiger that was not useful."

Ying Changge burst out laughing.

If it weren't for the domineering arrogance of the perfect level, of course he would not be able to detect that these yin and yang formations were full of loopholes.

It can be said.

These proud yin-yang formations arranged by the Yin-Yang family will become a fragile piece of garbage in the hands of Ying Changge!

after all.

Any powerful formation, in fact, looks almost impeccable from the outside.

However, once the inner structure of the formation is seen, the weaknesses of the formation will surface.

For the vast majority of people, the Yin-Yang formation is an extremely terrifying killing formation.

Because they often can only see the surface of the formation, but cannot penetrate the essence of the formation.

And Ying Changge?

With the perfect domineering look, he can easily penetrate the inner core essence of the formation.

Finding the weaknesses and loopholes of the formation from the inside will become extraordinarily simple and easy.

in short.

Mastering the Ying Changge of the perfect level of knowledge, that is the BUG for all formations!

Not only the yin and yang formations, but any ingenious and sophisticated mechanism in the world will inevitably become extremely fragile and vulnerable under the domineering arrogance of Ying Changge.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is the biggest nemesis of yin and yang formations, tactical techniques, and tactical formations!

Look at the whole arena.

There is no formation, mechanism, or formation that can pose any threat to Ying Changge.

As long as he wants, he can break through the world's deepest formations and mechanisms at any time.

Because he is the biggest nemesis of these formations and mechanisms!

Call it a BUG!

There is innate perfect restraint!

"I can experience it before the Moon God returns."

"Using the domineering arrogance of perfection, to test whether these yin and yang formations are really as I have investigated, it is full of loopholes!"

Ying Changge thought.

Slowly standing up from the seat, he walked step by step to a place where the Yin-Yang formation was depicted in the hall next to him.


Meng Ying was a little surprised when she noticed her son's actions, but she didn't ask too much. Instead, he remained silent and followed Ying Changge's side, acting as a qualified bodyguard.

"Is this the Yin-Yang formation of the Yin-Yang family?"

"It seems pretty weak!"

"Looks absolutely vulnerable!"

The arrogance of the perfect level of seeing and hearing swept away lightly, allowing Ying Changge to see almost no less than thirty loopholes from this formation.


At least thirty loopholes are presented in Ying Changge's insight.


These are all fatal loopholes that can easily and completely destroy the operation of the entire formation!

"Too clumsy."

"These so-called yin and yang formations are fragile and vulnerable!"

After coming to Yin Yang Pavilion this time and seeing the fatal loopholes in so many formations, Ying Changge seemed to have opened up a new world.

The new domineering role of the perfect-level sight-seeing color has allowed him to develop a brand new one.

Not only can it be used for combat...

It can also be used to break arrays!

Disintegrate all the institutions in the world!

"If I, who possess the perfection-level arrogance and arrogance, go to deal with the Mo Family, and go to deal with the Mo Family's mechanical city that is full of dangerous institutions, wouldn't it be easy to break through it?"

"I, for the Mo family..."

"It will be a huge nightmare in their hearts!"

"I am the biggest nemesis of all institutions in the world!"


"Even if it's that one, the inside of the city contains the essence of the Mo Family's mechanism for hundreds of years. Once it is swept up by my perfection-level knowledge and domineering, it will immediately appear full of loopholes!"

"Become vulnerable!"

"Easy to break through and disintegrate with little effort!"

Ying Changge is looking forward to it now.

Until the moment when I personally go to the Mo Family Organ City and go to deal with the Mo Family!

By the time……

The Mo family is most proud of the city, which contains the essence of the Mo family for hundreds of years. But in the end, when this mechanical city was tragically destroyed by its own effortless effort, it disintegrated.

At that time, the expressions of those Mohist disciples will definitely be very exciting!

Just imagining it makes Ying Changge look forward to it.


Gently exhaling, Ying Changge slightly suppressed the many messy thoughts in his head.

Immediately after.

He raised his right hand and gently slid across the surface of the wall next to him. With his index finger, he tapped a marker with a blue pattern on the wall.



Accompanied by a burst of brilliant purple halo flickering.

The Yin-Yang formation depicted on the wall was then manually activated by Ying Changge!

The purple light flickered, blooming with a particularly dazzling halo.

In just an instant, Ying Changge's body was completely enveloped by this purple halo, as if a small space was formed, isolating all external sounds and air transmission.

The purple halo seemed to form an indestructible barrier.

Ying Changge, on the other hand, was in the narrow space enclosed by the enchantment.


When she saw the movement on Ying Changge's side, Meng Ying's pupils shrank and she couldn't help being shocked.

Seeing Meng Ying's panicked expression, Ying Changge waved his hand casually, signaling for the other party to calm down.

Seeing Ying Changge's plain and calm face, the panicked Meng Yingcai gradually calmed down.

He believed.

The son of his own will never do some dangerous behavior.

"Is this the Yin-Yang formation?"

"It doesn't look like it?"

"Is it a trapped formation? Once touched, it will trap me in the formation?"

Ying Changge thought for a while.

Gently touched the barrier formed by the purple light.

In an instant, you can feel a burning sensation from the enchantment.

Retracting his scorched fingertips, Ying Changge had a preliminary understanding of this formation.

"It's really a trap."


"It's still full of loopholes!"

With the perfect domineering look, Ying Changge can see at least 40 fatal weaknesses and loopholes from this formation.

Just when Ying Changge was about to disintegrate this yin and yang formation at will.


the other side.

The Moon God has already brought a group of high-level Yin Yang family members and gradually arrived at the scene hall.

Beside her, stood a man and two women.

The man is a young man, and he protects the star soul for the left side of the Yin-Yang family!

The two women are two of the five elders.

"Seventh son..."

Just after returning to the scene, Luna was about to make an introduction.


She saw Ying Changge who was trapped in the barrier by the Yin-Yang formation.

"not good!"

"The formation was touched?!"


"Fortunately, this is just a trapping formation, not a yin and yang killing formation..."

"Otherwise, Seventh Young Master will be in danger!"

"Seventh Young Master, it's really too careless! The mechanism of the trapping formation was actually dispatched!"

Luna's pretty face changed slightly, just as she was about to take a step to resolve the formation.

can be clearly seen.

Ying Changge was located inside the formation. He slowly raised his right hand, aiming at one of the weakest spots in the formation. His right hand pointed and tapped lightly.

"Seventh son, this is..."

"Want to break out?"

Seeing Ying Changge's actions clearly, Luna's footsteps paused for a moment, and her pretty face was a little suspicious.

what happened?

Seventh son, this is the intention to crack the yin and yang formation alone?

This is simply delusional!

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