Can a human do this?

That is a peerless magic weapon that has been forged after a thousand trials and tribulations!

Was actually destroyed by someone with his bare hands? !

Comparing the physical body with the weapon of the gods? !

be nice...

The Seventh Young Master is truly a monster!

Even Shao Siming was moved by it, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was full of shock.

"Destroy the weapon of God with bare hands..."

"Destroy the famous sword Yuanhong empty-handed!"

"This Seventh Young Master seems to be even more terrifying than the rumored one!"

Shao Si Mingmei looked at Ying Changge, and gradually began to notice that the latter pair of gray-white pupils seemed to have no vitality.

"Blind eyes..."

Shao Si Ming quickly looked away, and there was a strange emotional wave in his heart.


"I see……"

Ying Changge was stunned.

It turned out that Luna also accidentally passed by the battlefield next to the battle last night.

In this way, it can explain why the other party knows so much in detail.

"So today, Lord Moon God personally invited me to visit Yin Yang's house just to understand. Did I inflict heavy damage on Gai Nie yesterday and destroy the famous Jian Yuanhong?"

Ying Changge asked with a smile.

"It's not me, but the supreme leader of our Yin Yang family!"

"Your Excellency Donghuang, I want to meet you, the Seventh Young Master in person."

Luna shook his head gently.

"What about others? Why didn't he appear?"

Ying Changge asked again.

The words just fell.

Not waiting for Luna to answer.

"Seventh son, it's better to meet you if you are famous."

"As expected, he is the number one evildoer in the ages!"

"When I saw the seventh son today, I really understood it."

"turn out to be……"

"In this world, there really exist such terrifying geniuses that are beyond the scope of common sense!"

A Lang Lang's voice came from afar.


Accompanied by the sound of footsteps.


A stalwart figure in a black robe completely wrapped his face and sat beside the Moon God, as if he appeared out of thin air.

Before that, there was almost no sign!

"Your Excellency the East Emperor."

Seeing the black-robed figure, the Moon God immediately lowered his head slightly, and clasped his fists and hands in a respectful tone.

"Your Excellency the East Emperor."

The two daughters, Da Siming and Shao Siming, also took the initiative to greet each other.

The visitor is naturally Donghuang Taiyi, the supreme leader of the Yin Yang family!

"Your Excellency Donghuang?"

Ying Changge raised his brows.

A pair of gray-white pupils moved in the direction of Donghuang Taiyi.


This man is very strong!

When the other party appeared just now, it was almost teleported from a hundred meters away!


Even if it was the perfect level of knowledge and domineering that enveloped the audience, Ying Changge could only reluctantly sense the appearance of Donghuang Taiyi.

The opponent's speed is too fast!

It really seems to appear out of nowhere.

Unless Ying Changge's perfection-level spectacle is domineering, and it explodes into a place that spreads three hundred meters away, it will be difficult to grasp the whereabouts and movements of Donghuang Taiyi.

When the domineering and domineering look of the perfect level shrouded Dong Huang Taiyi's body, Ying Changge immediately grasped a lot of information and intelligence about the other party.

no doubt……

Donghuang Taiyi is probably the most powerful being among so many people Ying Changge has ever met!

Even the Sword Saint Genie is far inferior!

The surging internal power in Dong Huangtai's body is as exuberant as Wang Yang's sea, and it may be more than ten times that of Gai Nie!

"As expected of the leader of the Yin Yang family..."

"This strength is really outrageous!"

"Without strong enough strength, it is naturally impossible to be the leader of the Yin-Yang family! It is even more impossible for the arrogant and arrogant people like Moon God and Xinghun to submit to their feet and be ready to be dispatched at any time."

"East Emperor Taiyi should be the most powerful person in the world."

"One of the ceilings of combat power!"

Ying Changge thought in her heart.

Just give him the ability to unlock the third blind swordsman...


He is confident.

It can raise one's overall strength to a level similar to that of Donghuang Taiyi!

As for now?

Perhaps the overall strength is less.

But if Ying Changge wanted to leave, no one could stop him!

Even Donghuang Taiyi is no exception.

This is Ying Changge's confidence and confidence in his own strength.

"Unexpectedly, I happened to meet this mysterious and unfathomable Donghuang Taiyi today."

Ying Changge unfolded a perfect sense of domineering, and began to investigate the voice of the other party's heart.


There is very little information available.

It's not that Dong Huang Taiyi can block the detection of the perfect level of knowledge, but it is purely that he seems to have no distracting thoughts, and there are not too many thoughts for Ying Changge to gain insight.


Originally, Ying Changge thought that he could steal the plan and confidential information of the other party by the way.

But did not expect.

This Donghuang Taiyi's state of mind may have been tempered to a very terrifying realm!

peace in the heart……

This made Ying Changge unable to start.

"See you today..."

"Seventh son is really different!"

"I heard it long ago."

"Seventh son was born with congenital blindness, even if he has mastered a more terrifying ability than martial arts. I am afraid that there will be many inconveniences on weekdays."


Donghuang Taiyi has been secretly watching Ying Changge for a long time, and he has probably mastered a lot of information about Ying Changge.


He knew that Ying Changge possessed two terrifying abilities, which was in line with common sense.

Immediately after.

Dong Huangtai said earnestly: "In view of the inconvenience of the seventh son on weekdays, as ministers, we naturally have to be considerate for the seventh son."


"I plan to send an elder from the Yin-Yang family to follow you, Seventh Young Master, and take care of your daily life, Seventh Young Master."

"I don't know what Seventh Young Master thinks?"

The words fall.

Everyone was shocked!

Even Luna's face changed slightly.

"This is……"

"Want to send me the rhythm of the maid?"

"Or send a high-ranking elder from the Yin-Yang family to be my maid?"

Ying Changge had a weird expression.

Chapter 91 I'm blind, I don't know if she's pretty! 【2/7 ask for custom】

Ying Changge seemed unexpected to Donghuang Taiyi's sudden proposal.

This is the beginning of sending maids?

Or a maid sent by the supreme leader of the dignified Yin Yang family?

Even more powerful elders of the Yin-Yang family as maids~?

This is intriguing.

Ying Changge was surprised by Dong Huang Taiyi's generous hand.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he dispatched an elder from the Yin-Yang family as a maid who served daily life on weekdays...

What kind of courage is this?

To know.

Every elder of the Yin-Yang family is an indispensable and scarce resource for the Yin-Yang family.


Now Emperor Donghuang Taiyi directly gave a maid to Ying Changge.

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