He doesn't know anything about mechanics, but he has the ability to penetrate the internal structural weaknesses of the mechanics, so that he can easily crack this top-level product of the Mo family's mechanics, the Heavenly Lock?

Can it really be done?

Ying Zheng had deep doubts in his heart.

It always feels a little unreliable!

Completely ignorant of mechanical techniques, how can one see through the internal structure and essence of mechanical techniques? And also pierce through the internal weak point of the mechanism?

After thinking about it, Ying Zheng couldn't think of a reason.


Since Ying Changge wanted to try, Ying Zheng might as well give the former a chance.

after all.

In Ying Zheng's eyes, Ying Changge is his greatest pride now!

"Father, my son is willing to give it a try."

"If it really doesn't work, Erchen will never act recklessly. Nor will it destroy the secrets inside the Absolute Heaven Lock."

"I implore the royal father to give my son a chance to try."

Ying Changge looked serious.


"I, allow it!"

Ying Zheng showed a gratified smile.

Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, seeing his son willing to take the initiative to share his worries is enough to make him feel very gratified and proud, and he is full of emotion.

Since my son is willing to try...

Feel free to give it a chance to try!

It doesn't matter if you fail.

But it's just a piece of confidential information.

Even if my son fails and accidentally destroys the confidential information inside, that's fine!

Compared to my son's long song...

The importance of a small piece of confidential information from the Mo family is hardly worth mentioning.

"In this way, you will enter the palace tonight."

After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng continued, "Perhaps Zhao Gao's side will send people into the palace at the same time tonight to try to crack the Mo Family's Absolute Heavenly Lock."

"Even if I fail, my son doesn't have to be disheartened."

"There are many talents in the net, and presumably, there will also be some talents who have a certain degree of mechanical skills. Even if my son fails, there are still people in the net who can stand up."

"So, Changge, you don't have to be too stressed."

"It doesn't matter if you fail, I won't blame you for this little thing."

"Let go of your hands and feet and play boldly!"

Ying Zheng said earnestly.

Hearing this, Ying Changge's mood surged: "Thank you father and emperor."


Ying Zheng left.

After staying here for a while, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace non-stop again to deal with the many memorials presented by the civil and military officials of the court.

As the ruler of a country, the first emperor Ying Zheng naturally did not have the leisure he imagined.

Especially during this period, the Huns outside the Great Wall of Shangjun in the north were eyeing the tigers, and there were frequent frontier wars, which naturally made Ying Zheng feel exhausted.


In addition to the Xiongnu's covetousness, there are also internal turmoil, and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State are waiting for the opportunity.

all in all.

This period was indeed a relatively busy period for Ying Zheng.

"`〃On Zhao Gao's side, they will also select from the net to select talented people with certain organizational attainments to enter the palace? Does this count as competing with Zhao Gao on the same stage?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"There are many talented people in the net, and there may be quite a few, and the masters of mechanical techniques with real materials are not sure."

"After all, the net has collected countless capable and strange people in the world, and there are masters of the mechanism who have mastered the skills of the mechanism. It is understandable and reasonable."


"It's not an easy thing to crack the Mo Family's Heavenly Lock."

"The Mo Family Absolute Heaven Lock, which has been continuously improved by the Mo family's tycoons in the past, is no longer as simple as the first-generation Absolute Heaven Lock."

"Ordinary organ masters, want to crack the Mo family's ultimate lock after generations of improvement? This is undoubtedly a very high degree of difficulty!"

"The Absolute Heaven Lock contains countless efforts and mechanisms of the Mo Family. It can be said to be all-encompassing. A little carelessness will cause the secrets inside the Absolute Heaven Lock to be completely destroyed and vanished."

"Under the whole world, the only ones who can break the Mo Family's Absolute Heavenly Lock are the Mo Family's organ masters."

"There is only one person with absolute certainty who can break the Heavenly Lock."

Ying Changge thought about it carefully.

That person is the loser who has been against the Mo family for thousands of years!

It has always been the mortal enemy of the Mo family!

Gongshujia's domineering tricks might be able to crack the Mo family's ultimate lock.

And the contemporary public loser, the head of the public loser, is better than the blue.


If Luo Wang can invite Gongshuoqiu, it is possible to break the Mo Family's Absolute Heavenly Lock.

In addition, Ying Changge couldn't think of a second organ master who could crack the Juetian Lock, a top-level organ technique product of the Mo (Zhao Zhao) family.


He himself is the biggest exception!


He wants to crack the mechanism himself, just like opening a bug!

As soon as the perfection-level seeing and hearing color is domineering, he can immediately penetrate all the internal structural essence of the mechanism on the spot, so as to easily find the weakest part of the mechanism.

Destroy it, you can easily crack.


There is no difficulty in the whole process!

only because.

Ying Changge is a natural nemesis to the formations and institutions in the world!

With the perfect level of knowledge, he has no formations and mechanisms in the world, which can cause him the slightest difficulty factor.

As for the Mo family's absolute lock?

That of course would not be an exception.

"Competing with Zhao Gao on the same stage? This is really exciting."

With this thought in mind, Ying Changge silently looked forward to the arrival of this evening.

Alternating day and night.

Time flickers.

Blink of an eye.

The scorching sun on the horizon is slowly falling.


A round crescent moon hangs in the sky, emitting a soft white halo, causing the temperature in the air to plummet and become a little cold.

The cold wind blows, and the coldness breeds.

The cold air filled the streets and alleys of Xianyang City, and it was biting.

At night, Xianyang City is very peaceful, peaceful and quiet.

Occasionally some insects chirped, breaking the tranquility of the night.

When he saw a crescent moon hanging on the horizon, Ying Changge had already made preparations, taking Meng Ying and the Yin-Yang Family Minister Mu, who had now become a personal maid, to take charge of the old and young.

A group of three people slowly rushed to the direction of the main central palace of Xianyang Palace.

Chapter 95 Fighting against Zhao Gao! A single thought penetrates the heavenly lock! 【6/7 ask for custom】

In less than a moment.

Ying Changge and his party of three successfully arrived at the gate of the main central palace in Xianyang Palace.

"You wait here for a moment."

"I can go to the palace alone to see me."

Ying Changge turned her head and faced Meng Ying and Shao Siming to instruct them.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and can clearly see the turbulence in all directions in all directions.

"Yes, son."

Meng Ying nodded in agreement.

And Shao Si Ming also tapped his chin lightly, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge's figure, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was calm, plain and natural.

Ying Changge's gray eyes and pupils stared at Shao Siming without any emotion.

It is worth mentioning that.

Although the contact with Shao Siming during this period of time was not too much, Ying Changge was very surprised that this woman was a little too quiet.

Not only does it look quiet...

Even in the heart, there are almost no distractions and waves.


Even if he uses the domineering arrogance of the perfect level, it is difficult to penetrate what Shao Siming is thinking.

In this regard, Ying Changge had to sigh with emotion.

There really is such a strange woman who can truly be free from distractions.

There's nothing you can do to see through the other person's mind.

"What a strange woman!"

Holding the emotion in his heart, Ying Changge walked step by step into the glorious palace ahead.

dong dong dong!

Knock on the gate of the palace.

A crisp and pleasant voice followed, breaking the silence in the dark night.

"Come in."

After getting permission.

Ying Changge decisively pushed open the door and stepped into the palace in front.

As soon as he stepped into the huge palace, Ying Changge's perfection and domineering look, he could see that the huge palace not only had his own father, the first emperor, Ying Zheng, but also two other outsiders.

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