"Thank you, Father."


Ying Changge got his wish and took over the Mo family's Tongtian lock.

at the same time.

He thought about it...


An invisible air wave spread out from his body.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and it explodes rapidly!

Seeing and hearing colors swept in all directions, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.


Then manipulate this perfect level of seeing and hearing, all gathered in the Mojia Tongtian lock in his hands.

Just for a moment.

The internal structure of the Tongtian Lock held in his hand was very clearly presented in Ying Changge's mind.

All the secret structures inside the entire Tongtian Lock will be invisible at this moment!

Being won by Changge can penetrate its essence with just one thought! .

Chapter 96 Is it hard to crack it? No challenge at all! 【7/7 for custom order】

Inside the huge palace.

The atmosphere is very quiet!

Ying Changge held the Mojia Tongtian Lock in both hands, and with a perfect look and domineering look, he was constantly sweeping the detailed structure inside the Tongtian Lock.

Everything, there is no way to hide under the sweep of his perfect-level knowledge!

All secrets remain unreservedly in his insight.

The entire Tongtian Lock seemed to form a three-dimensional figure, which appeared in Ying Changge's mind, allowing him to investigate the inside of the entire Tongtian Lock.

No matter how subtle the details are, it is difficult to escape Ying Changge's perception.

The slightest trace will be completely pierced!

This is the terrifying thing about the domineering look of the perfect grade.

Just a thought...

The Tongtian Lock, which was made by the Mohist master of the mechanism, took the top-level mechanism of the Mohist for hundreds of years, and finally made a decision-making mechanism product.

But right now.

All the information about its structure and structure has been seen through by Ying Changge.

It was as if he had witnessed the manufacture of the Tongtian Lock with his own eyes, and all the internal structures could hardly escape Ying Changge's insight.

Every detail inside the Tongtian Lock, every interlocking mechanism is connected into one piece, infinitely magnified and presented in Ying Changge's mind.

All the details are magnified countless times!

The perfect level of seeing and hearing has given Ying Changge the ability to construct a split diagram of Tongtian Lock in his mind.


The Tongtian Lock that Ying Changge sees now is a picture of the internal organs and structure of the Tongtian Lock after being disassembled.

The most mysterious place of the agency...

It will fully appear in Ying Changge's head, and he will see it clearly.

Why is it so hard to crack?

That is precisely because the internal structure of the Tongtian Lock is too cumbersome and complicated.

One by one, the organs are interlocked, and they lie dormant inside the Tongtian Lock. If any one of the organs is damaged, it will cause all the organs to operate.

In the end, these organs will destroy the confidential information inside the Tongtian Lock.

That's why it is so difficult to crack the Tongtian Lock!

But for Ying Changge.

This so-called difficulty was almost reduced to the bottom of the valley under his perfect knowledge.


No difficulty!

Wanting to crack the Tongtian Lock has become a simple matter for Ying Changge.


He can penetrate the mechanism and structure of the Heavenly Lock from the inside!

And this is impossible for all organ masters to do, unless it is the organ master who created the product of this organ. Otherwise, even the most accomplished master of the organization would not be able to see through the internal structure of the organization.

But Ying Changge is different.

He can do things that all the masters of mechanical techniques are completely unable to do.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing will give him the ability to easily crack any and all institutions in the world.

No matter how difficult the mechanism is, it will be broken and disintegrated by him at will!

"I think I have probably understood the overall structure of this Babel Lock."

"and also……"

"I have already understood the internal organs of Tongtian Lock."


A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

Have to sigh with emotion.

The Tongtian Lock from the Mo family is indeed well-deserved.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing can see that there are countless organs inside the Tongtian Lock, each of which is interlinked, and the methods are subtle and mysterious.

If it wasn't for the perfect level of knowledge, Ying Changge would not care about imagination.

Inside this small Tongtian lock, there is still a hidden universe.

The entire inner space of Tongtian Lock seems to have formed a small world and belongs to a small world. Countless exquisite mechanisms are interlinked and built in this small world.

Have to admit.

The person who made this Tongtian lock is indeed a well-deserved master of mechanical techniques, a rare top-notch mechanical master in the world.

The only pity is that...

"You met me!"

Ying Changge shook his head.

Any institution, in his own hands, will become no secret.

With a single thought, you can penetrate the mystery of all the organs and the mysterious main structure inside.

in this way.

Want to use the mechanism to stumbling Ying Changge?

This is a big joke!

Once the main structure of the organization is exposed, this mysterious and mysterious organization will no longer have any secrets at all.

Slowly raising his head, Ying Changge put down the Tongtian Lock he was holding, and said, "Father, my son probably already has a way to crack it."

The words fall.

His resounding voice lingered in the huge palace.

For a while, it seemed very quiet here.

above the steps.

Ying Zheng was stunned.

He stared at Ying Changge dazedly, his whole head was a little dizzy.


What the hell?

Already have a solution?

My son, can you really crack the Mo family's Tongtian lock?


From the very beginning, Ying Zheng didn't think that his own son Ying Changge could crack this, because it came from the Tongtian lock made by the Mo family using extremely high mechanical techniques.

after all.

His son's accomplishments in mechanical techniques are a few pounds and a few taels, and he, as a father, is naturally well aware of it.

The Tongtian Lock is a product of a higher level than the Mo Family's Heavenly Lock!

How difficult is it to crack this thing?

In this regard, Ying Zheng is of course clear.

But right now.

What is this situation?

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Changge blankly.


Can you really crack the Babel Lock?

Are you kidding me?

Obviously don't know anything about the mechanics!

But now it suddenly said.

Can you crack this Tongtian lock, which is one level higher than the Mojia Tiantian lock? !

How can Ying Zheng believe this?

Not only Ying Zheng was stunned.

Even Zhao Gao and Master Mo Lin beside him were dumbfounded.

They stared at Ying Changge in a daze, their throats dry and unable to speak.

"I must have heard it wrong?"

"Seventh Young Master, he actually said that he can crack the Tongtian Lock?"

"I must be hallucinating."

Merlin shook his head, thinking so to himself.

Want to crack the Babel Lock?

This is absolutely impossible!

Even if he can't do it, he naturally doesn't believe that others can do it.

not to mention.

He understood more deeply than everyone present.

If you want to crack the Mo Family's Tongtian Lock, how high is the difficulty factor!

The Tongtian Lock is a higher-level mechanism product than the Absolute Heaven Lock!

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