Who is Li Si?

Dignified state of the country!

Under one person, above ten thousand people!

However, Li Si, a prominent and powerful prime minister, was dispatched by Ying Zheng to lead Ying Changge to use anti-Qin elements as a stepping stone to temper his hands and feet.

have to say.

Ying Zheng's attention to Ying Changge has reached a very high level!

If it wasn't for this, of course Ying Zheng would not let Li Si, the prime minister, as the leader, but personally guide Ying Changge's ability to lead the army in battle.

For Ying Zheng's kindness, of course Ying Changge can deeply appreciate it.


He couldn't help but cup his hands: "`〃Thank you, Father!"

This is a great time to hone yourself!

It's also a great opportunity to improve template integration!

Of course not to be missed!

As for leading troops?

He doesn't take that seriously.

What Ying Changge cares more about is...

How to better improve your strength!

How to better unlock the new abilities of the blind swordsman.

These are what he most desperately wants to think about and get.

The rest?

He didn't take it too seriously.

Ying Changge always thought in his heart.

As long as your own strength is strong enough!

Like a blind swordsman...

Movement pulls meteorites down!



As such.

Just ask!

In this case, who can become their opponent?

In the world, who can become his opponent?


If so, how much do you still need to worry about?


Once the template fusion degree of the blind swordsman is increased to 100%.

Then there is no doubt that Ying Changge will be able to truly control the power of the living immortals and Buddhas!

This power is enough to easily overturn the whole world!

Destroy the world with ease!

This is Ying Changge's ultimate pursuit!

For this pursuit...

Naturally, Ying Changge still needs it.

"The ultimate strength of an individual is my ultimate goal!"

"The degree of template fusion has increased to 100% of me..."

"Will do anything!"

"At that time, I will be the only living immortal Buddha in the world!"

"Moving mountains and seas, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, meteorites falling from the sky..."

"I will become a true god!"

"Become a true fairy overlooking a lifetime!"

Ying Changge thought excitedly.

Whenever he thinks of this, his whole body feels a burst of blood boiling.

If once fully controlled, the full power of the blind swordsman at his peak...

How terrifying power can that burst out?

Simply unimaginable!

That scene was so thrilling!

At that time.

It must be said that Ying Changge has the terrifying power and power that is comparable to the immortal Buddha in the sky!

Even if it is a real immortal Buddha, its power may be no more than this!


Gently exhaling, Ying Changge forcibly suppressed the many distracting thoughts in his head.

He was already thinking about it.

With the entry of Prime Minister Li Si into the palace this time, the action against the Mo family has truly begun!

A collapse operation specifically aimed at the Mojia Organ City...

It's about to start slowly!

Li Si personally appeared, targeting the Mo family and all their anti-Qin elements!


Quicksand Organization, Yin-Yang Family, Nets, Taoism, Gongshujia, the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State...

Each of these forces will, without exception, intervene in this huge chessboard dispute!

"And I will be involved in it too!"

"Do not!"

"More precisely."

"I am taking the initiative to enter the game!"

"Just to see, who will be the first to be eliminated."

Ying Changge's face was full of anticipation.

He firmly believed.

You will definitely be able to get a very rich template fusion degree from it! .

Chapter 100 Li Si Enters the Palace! Black Swordsman! Go to the tooth-devouring prison! 【4/7 ask for custom】

Once he can improve the fusion degree of more abundant templates, naturally, he will also unlock the third blind swordsman ability as he wishes.

Will it be Gravity Fruit?

Or swordsmanship?

Or the overlord color?

All of this made Ying Changge look forward to it.


Just as Ying Changge was full of anticipation, she was quietly waiting in the palace.

A quarter of an hour later.

With a respectful voice from the palace outside the door, the silence here was broken.

"Report to Your Majesty, Li Si asks to see you!"

Here comes Lis.


Ying Zheng's eyes were deep and piercing, quietly staring out of the gate of the palace, his voice was loud and full of majesty spreading in all directions.


A slight screeching sound.

The palace gate was pushed open.

I see.

Li Si, who was wearing an official robe, walked into the palace step by step with his head down, and came to the center of the palace. When he saw Ying Changge, he was obviously a little surprised.


Li Si was deeply surprised that Ying Changge appeared in the palace so late at night.

But soon, this strange look was quickly restrained by him.

"Sir, see Your Majesty."

Li Si lowered his head, clasped his fists and cupped his hands, his posture was very restrained and respectful.

"Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite."

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

"I don't know why His Majesty let the minister enter the palace late at night, and dare to ask why?"

Li Si's tone was very humble, and he took the initiative to ask.

"Aiqing, you might as well read this parchment first."

Ying Zheng directly summoned the servant to pass the parchment scroll on the table to Li Si.

After taking the parchment scroll, Li Si quickly read the contents on it.


Raising his head, Li Si's expression was full of anger: "Your Majesty, the anti-Qin elements such as the Mo family and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State are simply rampant. Wei Chen urges Your Majesty to let the minister be responsible for eradicating them all!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng smiled.

This is the main reason why he let Li Si enter the palace late at night!

"How does Aiqing view this matter? What are some good strategies to deal with?"

Ying Zheng asked.

Liston was lost in thought.

At this time.

Ying Changge also quietly sat aside and did not engage in the conversation between the two.

As a prince who has never had any experience in leading an army in combat, it is naturally not suitable for him to intervene in the conversation between the two at this time.

He listened quietly.

quite a while.

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