Sheng Qi carried the Juque sword in his hand on his shoulders, and looked at Ying Changge nonchalantly.

"Anyway, your trip will end in failure..."

"Compared to the strength of Sword Saint Genie, you are still too far away!"

"Since it is doomed to fail, why not let your life be of greater value?"

"how do you feel?"

Ying Changge spoke slowly.

"Well? What do you mean?"

Sheng Qi's face became ugly, and his tone was particularly cold and stern.

"Simple meaning."

"That is…"

"I want to use your life!"

The words fall.

Ying Changge suddenly burst out.


An invisible air wave spread out in an instant.

The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of seeing and hearing erupted rapidly at this moment!

The area of ​​100 meters in radius was enveloped in all directions by this spectacle.

at the same time.

Shengqi's position, the opponent's every move, and the voice of the opponent's soul...

Everything has been completely penetrated by Ying Changge!

at the same time.



A surging innate innate energy of the mid-innate cultivation realm radiated from Ying Changge's body, and it intensified, becoming more and more terrifying and powerful.


The surging innate true qi entangled in Ying Changge's body in an instant.

The light blue internal force fluctuations lingered around his body, making his figure look particularly eye-catching at this moment, exuding an unparalleled monstrous pressure.


Facing Ying Changge's sudden attack, Sheng Qi's pupils shrank, seemingly unexpected.

He obviously didn't expect it.

This seemingly young Seventh Young Master unexpectedly attacked him suddenly.


The other party is actually a top powerhouse in the middle stage of innate!

Mid-genius at such an age!

Undoubtedly an amazing genius!


"The cultivation base and realm in the middle stage of the innate are still too much inferior."

"Seventh Young Master, who gave you the courage to attack me?"

Sheng Qi quickly calmed down, slowly lifted the giant tower in his hand, and stared at Ying Changge who suddenly attacked with sternness and coldness in his eyes.

In the face of Ying Changge in the mid-Xiantian period, he didn't have any timidity at all, but felt disapproval.

However, the cultivation realm of the mid-innate innate realm...

For a powerhouse of this level, Sheng Qi killed not a thousand or eight hundred in that year.


4.9 He subconsciously thinks.

There is basically no big difference between Ying Changge and those innate middle stage he killed in the past.

not to mention.

The seventh son in front of him is blind...

Obviously, the insight will be far inferior to the powerhouses of the same realm!

Holding these many thoughts, Sheng Qi felt that he could deal with it very calmly and indifferently.

And reality...

But it made Sheng Qi seem caught off guard.

I see.

At this time, he held the giant tower in front of the incoming Ying Changge, and slashed it ruthlessly.

The epee has no sharp edge, and it doesn't work!

A wave of terrifying air exploded from the blade of Juque.


This extremely destructive surging air wave forcibly squeezed the surrounding space, causing the airflow floating in the space to continuously twist and wriggle.



The space seemed to be collapsed and shattered by the bombardment of this sword, followed by bursts of ear-piercing sound of breaking the air.


The epee fell rapidly!

But at a critical moment.

Ying Changge seemed to have anticipated it long ago, and had already penetrated all his offensive intentions.

Just turn your body slightly to the side...

It was easy to dodge this sword in advance!

There was no slack in the whole process!

Very decisive!

Do not hesitate!

It's like an absolute confirmation.

Sheng Qi's sword will definitely be slashed in this direction.

"This, this is..."


"Have you predicted my attack direction in advance?"

"At such a young age, he already possesses such an amazing fighting instinct?!"

"This Seventh Young Master of the Empire is by no means simple!"

This is the first time that Sheng Qi was deeply moved and gaffe.

Chapter 108 The Juggernaut who hit you hard, was maimed by me a few days ago! 【5/7 for custom order】

As Ying Changge suddenly launched an attack, Sheng Qi naturally launched a counterattack without falling behind, holding an epee and a giant tower, almost wanting to kill Ying Changge.

can be followed.

Ying Changge easily avoided Juque's sword in advance.

Sheng Qi's whole body turned pale with shock.

"Not some kind of fighting instinct..."

"More like."

"He seems to really see through all my attacks!"

"It's beyond the realm of fighting instinct."

Sheng Qi's heart was shocked.

He stared intently at the approaching Ying Changge, his right hand only held the heavy sword Juque, and when he let go, the Juque seemed to fall along with it.


He grabbed the iron chain of the epee giant tower and used powerful brute force to forcibly spin the giant tower like a whirlwind, sweeping it in all directions.


"Very good adaptability..."

Ying Changge's movements were forced to abruptly stop, and she thought silently in her heart with interest.

The heavy sword Juque was tightly grasped by Sheng Qi's right hand on the iron chain beside the hilt, and then pulled hard, forming a whirlwind-like attack.

Juque frantically surrounded Sheng Qi's body, wandering and dancing around.

A burst of air flow followed.

A wave of air spread and swept further afield.


Around the place where Shengqi was standing, the dust on the ground was rolling and flying, and the dancing ripples were scattered in the air, dancing recklessly.

The violent waves of air blowing towards Ying Changge's hair and clothes made his attacking move pause for a moment, and his face was filled with emotion.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, shrouding Sheng Qi's body all the time.


He clearly felt it.

At this moment, it can be said that it is difficult for Sheng Qi to get close to him with this defensive method!

The heavy sword Juque is like a meteor hammer, connected by an iron chain to the hilt.

After the terrifying urge of Sheng Qi's brute force, wrapped in the blade of innate ingenuity, he took Sheng Qi's body as the center point and wandered frantically around Sheng Qi's body.

The unparalleled surging shock wave spread to Ying Changge's body, so that he could only forcibly stop the forward movement to avoid being blindly injured by Juque.


Sheng Qi stopped what he was doing, and kept a safe distance from Ying Changge. His eyes were full of vigilance and solemnity, and he stared at Ying Changge coldly.


He was holding the Juque in his right hand, his eyes were piercing, and his whole body exuded a strong sense of oppression.

The terrifying aura that intervened in the realm of Innate Perfection and Martial Dao Grandmaster slowly erupted from Sheng Qi's body, and this momentum vaguely surpassed that of Star Soul.

Although it's actually almost the same, Sheng Qi's strength is obviously a bit stronger than Star Soul!

Holding Ju Que's sword hilt with his right hand, Sheng Qi stared at Ying Changge and asked in a low voice, "Seventh son, what do you mean? Why did you suddenly kill me?"

His voice was full of sternness and deepness, revealing Sheng Qi's inner dissatisfaction and anger at the moment.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction just now, he felt that he might have been hit hard.

Even if it is a martial arts master level powerhouse, if it is hit by a top powerhouse in the innate realm, the body will inevitably fall into a state of serious injury.

Cultivation and realm will not change the defense of the human body.

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