Must fight!


Sheng Qi clenched the heavy sword Juque in his hand, and his eyes were staring at Ying Changge.


He took the initiative to attack.


The knees were slightly bent, and the feet suddenly trampled the ground, and there was a loud noise.


The ground shattered and cracked, and the cracks were like tiny cracks in a spider web.

next second.

Sheng Qi took the giant tower in his hand and launched an attack on Ying Changge's position.

"Total Annihilation!"

A loud drink.

Sheng Qi displayed the domineering swordsmanship of the farmer, and a very strong red sword energy erupted on the giant tower. Suddenly, he aimed at Ying Changge who was several meters away.

call out!

Accompanied by a piercing sound.

The space seems to be cut off by a giant tower.

A fierce and terrifying sword energy rushed forward from Juque's blade and spread straight to Ying Changge several meters away, wrapped in extremely violent and terrifying power.

This power is heart palpitating!

The power between the innate perfection and the martial arts master burst out at this moment.

Sheng Qi's eyes were sharp and fierce, his eyes full of murderous intent, and he stared at Ying Changge without blinking, for fear that he would miss some important scenes in the next second.

"Nice move!"

In the face of this sword qi slashed by Sheng Qi, a smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

Very interesting attack...


Everything, within the domineering range of the perfect level of seeing and hearing, will be impossible to hide!

For Shengqi's attack, Ying Changge had already prepared for it.

The body is slightly turned sideways.

will be able to see.

The red sword energy passed by Ying Changge's side.

The violent sword qi squeezed the space, causing the space to squirm wildly, and a surging wave of air swept through, affecting Ying Changge's hair and clothes fluttering in the wind.



The red sword energy slashed down fiercely, hitting the place where Ying Changge was standing.



The ground was then cut off by a ferocious crack, which looked particularly terrifying and ferocious.

As can be seen.

How terrifyingly destructive is the power released by this sword energy.

Even the hard floor tiles were pierced with a ferocious crack that was nearly one meter long, and it was about twenty centimeters deep.

If this sword energy hits a person's body, I'm afraid that the person's body will burst open instantly and die on the spot.

As the cracks on the ground were revealed, bursts of gray smoke and dust rose up, and the smoke and dust rolled around. Spread in all directions.

at the same time.

Seeing Ying Changge dodging this sword energy again, Sheng Qi's pupils shrank, his face changed dramatically again, and his right hand clenching the hilt of Juque's sword couldn't help but tighten.

"Dodged again?!"

"Seventh son..."

"It's terrifying!"

Sheng Qi took a deep breath and was shocked.

This sword, he shot extremely fast.

But he still didn't expect it.

Still being avoided by the opponent!

And, as always, relaxed and calm, unhurried, effortless...

It's exactly the same as the way he avoided his attack just now!

What is this concept? !


The opponent really has the strange ability to penetrate his own offensive tricks!


Sheng Qi felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

His eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, his right hand was holding the giant tower, the pitch-black giant tower exuded terrifying oppression, and strands of red internal force were still entangled in the huge sword body.

The surging innate qi burst out from Sheng Qi's body.

This innate qi is far superior to Ying Changge.

But even so, this powerful internal force still could not give Sheng Qi a certain sense of security.

He just knows.

Today, he himself may have encountered the most difficult and terrifying enemy in his life!

In the eyes of Sheng Qi, the seventh son, who is still in the weak crown, is already the most terrifying existence he has ever encountered in this life!

Even the Sword Saint Gai Nie back then couldn't give Sheng Qi this feeling.


Sheng Qi was ruthless in his heart and continued to launch a fierce attack.

Holding the giant tower, his entire figure is like a beast, exuding unparalleled terrifying pressure.

Carrying the Juque's Shengqi, he quickly launched a series of offensives against Ying Changge.

This made Li Si, Meng Ying and the others on the sidelines tremble with fear.

They were obviously deeply worried about Ying Changge.

The two guards guarding the tooth-devouring prison also looked at the battlefield ahead with worried expressions.

Only Shao Siming can still wait and watch calmly.

She was not worried about Ying Changge's life safety.

after all.

Even the left guardian star soul of the Yin and Yang family was severely damaged by the seventh son!

No matter how strong the black swordsman in front of him is, I am afraid that it will definitely be difficult to hurt Seventh Young Master!

Do not know why.

Shao Siming always had a blind trust in Ying Changge in his heart.

This feeling, even she herself can't explain it.

The battlefield is changing rapidly!

As Shengqi's offensive became more and more rapid, Ying Changge kept dodging the former's fierce offensive.

After the whole fierce battle, Ying Changge still seemed to be at ease.

In contrast.

On the opposite side, Sheng Qi, his forehead was gradually getting sweaty, and even his breathing rhythm began to become a little disordered.

can be clearly seen.

Even a strong man like Shengqi with infinite divine power would feel very tired if he used the middle giant tower excessively, and his sword swing would become slower and slower.

"If this goes on, I will lose sooner or later!"

"And it will be a very miserable defeat..."

Sheng Qi felt bad in his heart.


He was anxious, but helpless.

Because Ying Changge's ability is too weird!

Sheng Qi can't do anything at all!

Do nothing!

This is definitely the weakest and most difficult battle he has ever experienced in his life!

The sense of oppression brought by Ying Changge completely shrouded Sheng Qi's body.


Sheng Qi's swordsmanship became more and more chaotic.

His heart is messed up!

He was impatient, and even the giant tower in his hand was no longer brave, and became a little indecisive.

It's a big no-no for a swordsman to wander freely!

A swordsman, he would rather bend than bend, and be indomitable.

And now Sheng Qi, the heart has obviously had a retreat in the heart.

This made the sword in his hand lose its sharpness and sharpness as before.

"Your sword is messed up!"

"Continue like this……"

"You're going to lose soon!"

Ying Changge can feel the changes in Shengqi, and can better understand the emotional ups and downs in Shengqi's heart.


Hearing Ying Changge's remarks, Sheng Qi was even more annoyed and helpless.

How could he not feel that his heart was disturbed.


He can't adjust his mind on his own!

From the beginning to the end, the sword in his hand could not touch Ying Changge, which made Sheng Qi, who was already short-tempered, gradually lose his patience and calmness.

The giant tower in his hand became more and more violent and brave, but it lost the original sense of rhythm of swordsmanship.

one word.


One after another fierce sword energy swept the place where Ying Changge was located.

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