"I'm afraid it's everyone's nightmare!"

Sheng Qi held a giant tower, his eyes were full of fear and madness.

He wants to make a last-ditch effort!



A majestic surging innate qi burst out from Sheng Qi's body, turning into a crimson sword qi that entangled the giant sword blade that was only half left in his hand.



The crimson sword qi lingered around the blade, and the power emitted was very terrifying, forcibly disturbing the squirming and twisting of the airflow in the surrounding space.

"Total Annihilation!"

A loud drink.

Sheng Qi held a half of the giant tower in his hand and slashed it at the approaching Ying Changge.

The crimson sword energy was instantly forced out from the blade.

call out!

A piercing sound rang out.

The sword qi that contained the terrifying power of a half-step martial arts master, separated by a few meters, aimed at Ying Changge's position in the air, and cut it down without hesitation.

This sword qi carries the aura of power that seems to destroy the world.

Even the space seems to be shaken by force!

The amount of violent violence contained is enough to destroy all living beings!


In the face of this sword energy, Ying Changge had only simple movements.

Raise your right hand and slowly open it.

The right hand wrapped in black armor-colored armor blocked the area in front of him.

Take this sword qi from the front.


"Want to pick it up with bare hands from the front?!"

"is it possible?"

Sheng Qi's pupils shrank.

He was once again frightened by Ying Changge's actions.

He was very hopeful.

This sword energy must hit the opponent hard!

Otherwise, he will not have any chance of winning.


The crimson sword energy fell.

Hit Ying Changge head-on, the right hand covered with black armored armor.


The terrifying strength of the sword qi burst into full bloom in an instant, slamming into the palm of Ying Changge's palm, looking like it was about to shred his entire right arm.

Unparalleled power burst out, fully implemented in Ying Changge's right hand.


This force rubbed Ying Changge's right hand, and frantically flashed its dazzling fire, as if it hit a piece of indestructible bronze and steel instead of a human body.



Under the influence of the huge force, the floor tiles that Ying Changge stepped on shattered and cracked, and the cracks quickly cracked and spread.


The floor tiles then dented and collapsed.

Broken cracks, like cobwebs densely extending in all directions.

The explosive power of the sword qi swept the surrounding dust, the smoke and dust rose and spread farther, floating in the air and dancing gracefully.

a time.

There was dust flying in all directions, covering Ying Changge's figure.

In less than a moment.

The bursting power of the crimson sword qi was finally completely blocked and offset by the perfect-level armament color in the Ying Chang singer.


The smoke dissipated.

Ying Changge's figure was fully presented in Sheng Qi's eyes.

Seeing Ying Changge's figure, Sheng Qi's face changed dramatically, his lips trembled, and his eyes were full of shock and fear.

"Block, block!"

"Once again effortlessly blocked!"


"The sword qi that erupted from my full-strength sword couldn't even injure a single hair on him!"

"What is this concept?"

"Is the difference that big?"

"He obviously only has the cultivation realm of the middle stage of the innate!"

"who I am?"

"I'm a half-step martial arts master!"

"How could a person with a mid-innate cultivation realm stop me from the dignified half-step Martial Dao Grandmaster, who burst into a sword qi with all his strength?!"

Shengqi doubted life again.

in particular……

Seeing Ying Changge's unscathed appearance, he couldn't help but doubt his own strength.

Is it!

Is the cultivation realm of your own half-step martial arts master fake?

The dignified half-step martial arts master...

Today, being hanged and beaten by a young man in the middle of the congenital stage?

Don't you want to be embarrassed?

I am a black swordsman!

The black swordsman who makes countless martial arts practitioners in the world feel terrified!

"I do not believe!"

"It must be fake!"

"How could I be a dignified half-step martial arts master being hanged and beaten by someone in the middle stage of Xiantian?"

Sheng Qi does not believe in evil.


He erupted again with a terrifying innate qi, and once again aimed at Ying Changge and slashed with sword qi.

The crimson sword qi burst out from the half of the sword blade of Juque.

Although a few meters away.

However, the sword qi still carried extremely terrifying power, and it aimed at the place where Ying Changge was located and fell precisely.

210 However.

Long before Sheng Qi's sword qi completely fell.

Ying Changge had already anticipated it, and gently turned to the side, dodging the sword qi slash.


The scarlet sword qi passed by and hit the floor tile beside Ying Changge.

One shot down.

The entire floor tile was pierced by a ferocious crack that was nearly one meter long, and the gap was particularly terrifying.

The smoke and dust billowed up, and the dust flew freely.


Sheng Qi's face changed dramatically.

Just as he was about to hold the giant tower again, sword energy erupted one after another.

Ying Changge's figure had already appeared beside Sheng Qi.

"not good!"

Seeing Ying Changge's figure, Sheng Qi's pupils shrank again, and his face was full of shock and horror.

He was holding a giant tower and was about to cut down on Ying Changge.

Before the giant tower fell.

Ying Changge's right hand covered with black armored armor has already grabbed the blade of the giant tower.

Then pull a little harder.


The giant tower shattered again.

One after another cracks spread all over the sword body of the giant tower.

Pulled lightly.


The remaining half of the sword body of the giant tower was completely destroyed by Ying Changge's bare hands, reduced to shattered pieces of glass, which fell frantically from Sheng Qi's hands.


Sheng Qi moved his eyes dully, looking at Ying Changge beside him.

will be able to see.

Ying Changge's right hand covered in the armored armor, pitch black as ink flashed past, a plan knife suddenly aimed at Sheng Qi's heart, and suddenly pierced through the sky.

call out!

A piercing cracking sound.

The hand knives covered with black armored armor turned into the hardest weapon in the world, approaching Shengqi's heart with unparalleled sharpness.

"If you take this move head-on..."

"I will die!"

"Really die!"

Sheng Qi opened his mouth, his face was a little pale, and his face was full of fear.

At this moment.

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