The plan to deal with the Sword Saint Gai Nie and the anti-Qin elements did not include the Black Swordsman Shengqi. Sheng Qi was just a trivial detail in the plan.

Sheng Qi died, and it would not have much impact on the plan.

And this is also the reason why Li Si didn't show too much emotional turmoil about Sheng Qi's death from beginning to end.

To die is to die.

Just a little black swordsman.

Do you really count on him alone to subvert the entire anti-Qin elements?

This is clearly not possible.

The main function of Shengqi is to create trouble for anti-Qin elements.

And now that the others are gone, this link can be directly eliminated from the plan.


It will not affect the progress of the plan.

But what surprised Li Si was that...

The strength of the seventh son, Ying Changge, exceeded Li Si's original expectations.

Terribly strong!

Powerful and unfathomable!

It made Li Sidu feel heart palpitations and panic.

"Seventh Young Master at such an age already possesses such a powerful strength and cultivation..."

"Two more years."

"I'm afraid..."

Thinking of this, Li Si did not dare to think further.

He just knows.

The future seventh son, the prestige will inevitably deter the entire empire inside and outside!

"On the basis of the cultivation realm in the middle stage of Xiantian, the seventh son has powerfully killed the half-step martial arts master of the black swordsman Shengqi. Now, the seventh son has entered the realm of the late stage of Xiantian."

"Presumably, this cultivation base and realm are enough for Seventh Young Master to face Sword Saint Gai Nie head-on!"

"hard to imagine."

"Seventh Young Master, who is still in his weak crown, possesses such a powerful strength!"

Li Si is still very emotional.


Meng Ying looked at her son Ying Changge's eyes, and couldn't hide the deep admiration and admiration.

Shao Si Ming's beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge with strange flashes.

After this earth-shattering thing that happened just now, the eyes of everyone present looking at Ying Changge will change more or less.


"This is the legendary monster!"

The two guards who have guarded the Tooth Devouring Prison for many years have said so in their hearts.

Just after killing the black swordsman Shengqi, he immediately broke through a realm of his own, and it was only less than ten days away from the last breakthrough.

Isn't this a monster what is it?

It's a monster!


For the first time in their lives, they have witnessed such a terrifying enchanting monster with their own eyes!

at the same time.

Ying Changge didn't care about the ups and downs of the people around him, but focused on the brand-new ability he just unlocked, and carefully studied and explored.

"The basic ability of Gravity Fruit..."

"It's about applying gravity to an object!"


"The magnitude and scale of gravity will depend on my own cultivation and realm, to what extent can I support it."

"In addition to gravity, there is also the repulsive force generated by the opposite gravity."

"Similar to 0....."

"Shen Luo Tianzheng and Vientiane Tianyin!"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Unknowingly, he also referred to the abilities of others, and developed two new combat techniques for the perfect gravity fruit he had now mastered.

Shen Luo Tianzheng, using the repulsive force generated by the reverse gravity, bounces off the opponent directly!

And Vientiane Tianyin is even simpler.

Directly apply gravity to the life, and let the life form absorb itself in front of you.

A perfect gravity fruit can affect not only inanimate objects, but also living creatures.

This is the terrible thing about the Gravity Fruit.

You can even manipulate the rocks to float at will, and let yourself stand on the rocks and float above the sky, like a fairy.

You can also fly with a sword and become a sword fairy!

all in all.

There are so many uses for Gravity Fruits.

As long as it is properly developed, it can naturally destroy the world!


With the current cultivation base and realm of Ying Changge, he wants to use the fruit of gravity to drop the meteorite from the sky tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground...

This is undoubtedly a very high degree of difficulty!

If the cultivation base and realm are not enough, it is naturally impossible to do such an incredible and shocking act.

"My cultivation and realm are far from the blind swordsman!"

Ying Changge felt a little helpless in her heart.

With insufficient cultivation and realm, it is naturally impossible to fully explode the full power of the Perfect Gravity Fruit.

If it is because of a momentary impulse that you want to pull the meteorite down from the sky, and cause all your internal strength, physical strength, and experience to be exhausted, then it will not be worth the loss.

The current Ying Changge, although unlocked the perfect gravity fruit, still has a long way to go and cannot be too blind and arrogant.

After adjusting his mentality a little, Ying Changge began to sort out the abilities that he was currently able to use.

With the current realm of Ying Changge's cultivation, there are two other abilities that can be exerted in addition to pure gravity and repulsion.

That is……

The blind swordsman's signature attack!

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

"as well as……"

"Hell Brigade!"

The former is what blind swordsmen often use to attack.


The power is terrifying!

Even a sea is enough to easily cut through!

It can even move mountains and seas!


All this, in the hands of a blind swordsman, would be easier than ever.


With the realm of Ying Changge's cultivation, the Gravity Sword, Tiger, which is truly displayed, naturally cannot be as destructive as the blind swordsman.

Gravity Knife · Tiger, the main purpose is to continue gravity on the blade and swing it out.

At the same time, an extremely powerful horizontal gravity was released in the direction of the swing, crushing, destroying, and destroying everything in front of it.

This move will also be accompanied by extremely terrifying airflow and wind pressure. Even if the object hit by gravity is not destroyed and crushed, it will be rolled upside down by the terrifying wind pressure and will roll upside down.

In summary.

This move is powerful!

Very strong!

Let Ying Changge be a little obsessed with it.

It was because of the blind swordsman's signature trick that he stayed, the magic weapon Longyuan sword that Wang Li had given him before.


The Longyuan Sword, which ranks fourth in the Fengbeard Sword Manual, can finally come in handy.

Gravity Knife · Tiger, naturally use the last weapon to display!

Although it's just a pretense, this is also a kind of respect for the enemy.

"Finally there is..."

"Hell Brigade!"

"This trick is to control the gravity around your body as the center point, covering a radius of tens of meters, so that the surrounding ground gravity reaches a very strong state."

"And within the scope of this area, all living beings and all living beings will be subjected to extremely terrifying gravitational oppression."

"Therefore, all the life forms that bear the terrifying gravity will be forcibly oppressed and lie on the ground shivering. The body is under the suppression of the huge gravity, and it is close to the ground and unable to move at all."

"This move is a group 4.9 attack method!"

"It's a good time to use it to deal with the little ones."

"As long as the beings close to the body will be oppressed by the unparalleled ground gravity, they will be pressed to the ground and unable to move."

Ying Changge thought about it carefully.

Hell Brigade, this trick is perfect for clearing the field.

simply put.

This move is not very lethal for individuals.

However, it can be a group attack.

It can probably kill all enemies within a radius of tens of meters in one shot.


This is only aimed at those who are weak in their own strength.

If the strength is stronger, it is possible to forcibly block the oppression of gravity by virtue of the strong physical quality and the surging innate innate energy contained in the dantian in the abdomen.

"It's like a tyrannical domineering..."

"It's mainly used to clean up some petty pawns and pawns."

Ying Changge thought.

Totally try it.

Just a thought...

In an instant, it was easy enough to instantly kill hundreds of people in a radius of tens of meters.

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