How strong is Hell Brigade?

He was already deeply experienced.

In the case of no real action, he can easily overwhelm the audience, killing hundreds of prisoners who are not weaker than third-rate warriors in a single thought.

This attack ability for a large range of groups is indeed quite amazing!

Used to clear some miscellaneous soldiers, absolutely no problem.

from today.

Ying Changge will no longer be afraid of being surrounded by people.

Even if one day he is surrounded by thousands of well-trained troops, he is confident that he can easily kill a **** road with the help of the **** brigade.

Even if he is surrounded by many, Ying Changge can easily break the game!

With the fruit of gravity, he is so confident!

The perfect level of domineering and domineering can make Ying Changge insight into the scene of hundreds of prisoners in the cage struggling.

He smiled again.


Want to break free from the oppression of gravity?

is it possible?


It is the top powerhouse of the innate realm!

A first-class warrior might also be able to counteract this gravitational pressure by relying on that surging internal force.

But second-rate warriors?

Excuse me.

Both second-rate warriors and third-rate warriors couldn't stand the gravitational oppression of Ying Changge's Hell Brigade!

For them.

This move of Ying Changge is a terrifying move that is enough to instantly kill them!

It is simply impossible to guard against!

There is no way to hide!

It is used for a large-scale group attack, and it is enough to easily sweep away all the martial arts practitioners under the second-rate martial artist!

As long as his realm is only at the level of a second-rate martial artist, he will be unable to find any way to resist in Ying Changge's "Hell Brigade".

simply put.

Ying Changge, who has mastered the perfect Gravity Fruit, is the nightmare of all those who practice martial arts below second-rate warriors, including second-rate warriors who are also unable to resist this terrifying might! .

Chapter 119 Shocked the audience! Fairy way! too scary! 【2/7 ask for custom】

Having mastered the Gravity Fruit, no matter how many elites surrounded him, they would no longer have the slightest threat to Ying Changge.

Unless you use a group of innate realms to besiege and kill.

Otherwise, including second-rate warriors, all those who practiced martial arts under the realm of second-rate warriors would not be able to withstand the terrifying gravity oppression that Ying Changge erupted.

This is the terrible thing about the Gravity Fruit.

It is also this ability, the main reason why Ying Changge is so looking forward to it.

It's too strong!

"As expected of..."

"The strongest ability of a blind swordsman!"

"Now, with the perfect gravity fruit. I believe that with my cultivation and realm, I have no fear of any strong person in the world."

"Even in the face of the siege of thousands of troops, I can do it with ease. I can easily cut a **** path from the heavy siege, and finally leave calmly."

Ying Changge thought confidently.

The Gravity Fruit gave him a very strong strength increase!

Let his overall strength climb to a very high level!

Look around the world.

This strength can be said to be already at the top.

Even in the face of Dong Huang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin-Yang family, Ying Changge felt that with his current terrifying overall strength, he would never be inferior to the other party.

As for Sword Saint Genie?

Has been completely surpassed!

The current Ying Changge is completely superior to the Sword Saint Genie.

once Upon a time.

Considering the number one swordsman in the world as his biggest goal, he is already enough to step on the swordsman Genie with ease!

"With the strength I have now, it is probably no longer a problem to use it against anti-Qin elements such as the Mo family and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu state."

The original Ying Changge had no absolute certainty about dealing with anti-Qin elements.

But now.

With the Gravity Fruit in hand, he is 100% confident that he can eradicate anti-Qin elements!

This confidence is based on his terrifying strength.

Even without Li Si, without the two thousand elite cavalry of the empire led by Li Si, Ying Changge is confident that he can do it, and disintegrates and eradicates anti-Qin elements by himself.

This is the terrifying strength of Ying Changge now.

Just when Ying Changge was overwhelmed with emotion.

The pain and mourning of the prisoners in the cage naturally spread out, spreading to the entire tooth-devouring prison hundreds of meters away.

"damn it!"

"What the **** is going on here?"

"Why did my body suddenly become so heavy? I couldn't move for a while!"

"What exactly happened?"

"It's like being weighed down by a heavy stone, pressing my body heavily."

"Even the fingers can't move at all!"

"I have never experienced such a terrifying taste in my life. Obviously there is no object pressing my body, but my body seems to be suppressed by a majestic mountain."

"what is the reason?!"


Hundreds of criminals in the cage fell into extreme panic.

Panic boils over!

Facing these mysterious and strange unknown events, one criminal felt an unprecedented fear from the bottom of his heart.

Fear, pierce your heart!

Even their bodies were completely dominated by fear.

This is the first time in their lives that they have experienced this.

Obviously nothing is pressing against their bodies...

But the invisible air gave them a terrifying weight, squeezing their bodies heavily, and even their internal organs were squeezed and trembling.



Many criminals couldn't stand the oppressive feeling, spit out blood from their throats, and there were signs of damage to their internal organs.

for a while.

The whole cage looked particularly eerie.

Hundreds of criminals, all without exception, lay motionless on the ground.

If you look carefully.

Then an amazing phenomenon can be found.

That is……

The surface layer is constantly sinking. Although there are only a few centimeters of movement, it is an overall depression on the surface.

In a radius of tens of meters, it fell several centimeters under the suppression of terrorist forces.

As you can imagine.

What a terrifying force it is.


These hundreds of criminals are obviously in a state of extreme fear, and it is impossible to detect the terrifying movements and abnormal changes in the surrounding environment.

They just know.

The body is under the suppression of some extremely terrifying energy, which causes the body to stay close to the ground and motionless, and even the fingers cannot move.

This is the terrifying effect of the "Hell Brigade" on them.

For a moment.

It's enough to kill them all in one second!

No one can stop it, from the terrible gravitational pressure that Ying Changge erupted.

at the same time.

As the wailing and painful voices of these criminals spread, it was inevitable that it would spread to those outside the scope of gravity. Li Si, Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others lingered in the ears.

"What happened? ~"!"

Li Si's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

He was shocked to hear the wailing of pain and fear from the group of criminals.

Obviously in his eyes.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, did nothing.

Just standing in front of the cage door.

That's all!

But it actually caused such a terrifying effect?

What exactly happened?

What's going on in the cage?

Countless thoughts and confusions were entangled in Li Si's mind, leaving him puzzled, and he felt a strong curiosity in addition to being shocked.

"There is an extremely terrifying energy..."

"Surrounding the Seventh Young Master's body, it spreads out in all directions."

"This terrifying energy cannot be accurately described and generalized."

"only know."

"Very scary!"

Shao Si Mingmei's eyes were full of surprise, and she stared straight ahead without blinking.

After her careful observation.

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