"Young master, let's leave immediately and go to the Quicksand Organization?"

"Now time waits for no one, and the matter of dealing with the anti-Qin elements needs to be completely resolved as soon as possible."

"Avoid these arrogant anti-Qin elements, and then make some big moves in the future, which will cause some unnecessary trouble and impact on the empire."

"What do you think, Seventh Young Master?"

Li Siwang asked Ying Changge actively.

"Master Xiangguo, you can arrange it yourself."

"Don't forget, I'm just an escort, not a decision maker."

"So, you can make up your own mind about these things. I won't ask too much."

Ying Changge laughed and shook his head.


Li Si also smiled.

However, he couldn't help thinking bitterly in his heart.


How dare you make your own decisions in a humble position!

Before seeing your terrifying strength, your subordinates may still have such courage.

But since seeing your terrifying strength, even if you give your subordinates ten thousand courage, your subordinates will never dare to act without your consent!


With Ying Changge's remarks, Li Si did not hesitate at all, and was very decisive, and immediately ordered the two thousand elite iron cavalry of the empire.

"The whole army obeys..."

"Let's go!"


A group of 2,000 elite iron cavalry, plus two carriages were located in the central safe area of ​​​​the iron cavalry, and gradually left the edge of the coast of the tooth-devouring prison.

The destination of this trip is…

The residence of the Quicksand Organization! .

Chapter 121 Two days later! Finally meet! The mountain is full of wolves howling under Ma Wei! 【4/7 ask for custom】

Time flickers.

Alternating day and night.

In the blink of an eye.

Two days passed.

Two days and two nights have passed since Ying Changge and the others left the Tooth Devouring Prison.


The destination of this trip is finally infinitely close-!

We are about to arrive at the destination of this trip!

That is…

The quicksand organization station in the rivers and lakes that has made countless martial arts practitioners terrified!

The quicksand organization is famous in the arena.

As a well-known killer organization, almost every martial artist in Jianghu knows how terrible the Quicksand Organization is.

In particular, its leader, Wei Zhuang, was an extremely powerful martial arts master, only one point inferior to Sword Saint Gai Nie.


The Quicksand Organization was the target that Li Si led the army to find!

Please come out of the Quicksand Organization and deal with the swordsman Gai Nie and the anti-Qin elements Mo Jia and others.

This is the plan and plan in Li Si's mind.

And Ying Changge's plan is even simpler.

Let the Quicksand Organization deal with the anti-Qin elements, and when the time is right, he will directly take away the Quicksand Organization and Gai Nie, the anti-Qin Mo Family, the remnants of the Chu State remnants and others.

Kill them all in one go!

This is what Ying Changge wants to do most.

He believed.

If he really does this, he will definitely get a very rich template fusion degree!

in particular…

Among the anti-Qin elements are the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, and there is a famous Western Chu overlord Xiang Yu.

If Xiang Yu can be killed in advance, the degree of template fusion will inevitably usher in a huge surge!

Xiang Yu, this is a more important key person than Chen Sheng!

If you kill Chen Sheng, you can get 10% fusion.

As such.

After killing Xiang Yu, Ying Changge is confident, and the improved template fusion must be more than double that of Chen Sheng!

Liu Bang too!

They were the most important targets that Ying Changge wanted to kill.

"Let the Quicksand Organization fight them first."

"And I came out at the last crucial moment and wiped them all out. In this way, I don't need to spend much effort."

"You can easily gain a rich template fusion degree! And it is very possible to successfully unlock the fourth ability of the blind swordsman."

Ying Changge thought so in her heart.

at this time.

He was in the carriage, and he traveled all the way and was about to arrive at the destination of the trip.

The journey was very smooth, and there were no rogues without eyesight, but the two thousand elite cavalry against the empire acted rashly.

The vast majority of rogues, seeing the two thousand elite cavalry of the empire from afar, would be frightened and flee, their faces pale and fled to all corners and shivered immediately.

It is for this reason.

On this trip, I rushed to the residence of the Quicksand Organization, but nothing unexpected happened.

Unhindered all the way!

In two days, they arrived at the quicksand organization's residence from the tooth-devouring prison.

The process went so smoothly that Li Si couldn't help but be amazed.

After a while.

The carriage gradually stopped.

As the carriage drove all the way, the muddy ground left two marks of gears extending all the way.

at the same time.

As the two carriages stopped at the same time.


The entire army of 2,000 elite iron cavalry from the empire also stopped moving forward.

Take a closer look.

in front of the entire army.

at a distance of hundreds of meters.

You can clearly see a town that looks like a village.

The town is surrounded by mountains and trees.

Like a simple paradise, it is not stained with the mundane world, detached from the world and isolated from the world.

"Seventh son, we are here."

Li Si opened the curtain of the carriage and whispered to Ying Changge in the carriage next to him.

"I see."


Ying Changge slowly got off the carriage.

Li Si, who was in the carriage on the other side, also landed smoothly from the carriage.

After Ying Changge left the carriage, Shao Siming followed closely, looking around the surroundings with beautiful eyes.

Her beautiful face hidden under the veil, without any emotional ups and downs.

Like a lake without ripples, calm people can't catch any emotional ripples.


Meng Ying also jumped down from the war horse, came to the side behind Ying Changge, followed quietly without saying a word, and acted as a qualified bodyguard.

Both feet stomped on the muddy soil smoothly, causing Ying Changge to subconsciously burst out a terrifying invisible wave.


Invisible air waves burst out from Ying Changge's body rapidly.

Just for a moment.

This air wave swept the environment in a radius of hundreds of meters, sweeping it all over, and surveying every inch.

Wherever you go…

All the objects and lives that were swept up, without exception, all appeared in Ying Changge's mind.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, bursting out!

After the explosion of knowledge, Ying Changge could clearly see the topography of the surrounding environment, and some microorganisms lived under the soil.

All of this could not escape his insight.

Even the slightest disturbance will be clearly discerned by Ying Changge.

All the hidden secrets…

All will be invisible!

Together with the more than 2,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire, the voices of their souls, as well as their physical conditions, etc., all swept the next investigation in Ying Changge's knowledge.


Ying Changge noticed a more interesting thing.

The corners of his mouth suddenly twitched, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.


He said to Li Si's body shape beside him, "Lord Xiangguo, it seems that some people don't welcome us here."

The sound fell.

Li Si's pupils shrank, and he asked subconsciously with some surprise: "Well? Seventh son, what do you mean, what clues did you find?"


Ying Changge continued: "Master Xiangguo can observe the traces on the ground."


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