But compared to before.


The Heaven-Shocking Wolf Howl at this moment did not have any imposing manner. Instead, it was more like being intimidated by some kind of huge, trembling all over, and the wolf howls were full of fear and begging for mercy.

Compared with the previous howling, the wolf howling now is full of cowardice and pity.

Without the previous majesty, it looks like a group of fragile and insignificant little beings.


It's more like a pack of dogs!

No more ferocity of any wolf pack.

Majestic fear penetrates their hearts.

They were suppressed by gravity, and it was impossible for them to move.

after all.

This is a gravitational field where even the strongest of the second-rate warriors will be suppressed and unable to move.

How can the mere wolves crack the field of gravity?

What a joke!

Although the number of wolves is large, they are all within the scope of Ying Changge's gravity field.

The area with a radius of hundreds of meters was suppressed by this terrifying gravity without exception.


This is not a small consumption for Ying Changge himself, although it can't be said that his physical strength is exhausted in an instant.

However, if you want to maintain the maintenance time of the gravity field, this will undoubtedly be very difficult.

Now the scope of the gravity field has reached a radius of hundreds of meters in diameter.

This huge range, even at the realm of Ying Changge's late Xiantian cultivation, cannot support such a huge consumption.

In the blink of an eye.

in all directions.

can be clearly seen.

All the wolves that had originally surrounded Ying Changge were lying motionless on the ground at this time, only screams of wailing and fear could be heard, no longer as majestic as before.

Three hundred wolves were all wiped out without exception!

Just for a moment...

The wolves that surrounded Ying Changge suffered the fate of annihilation.

Although they did not kill them, it directly defeated their beliefs, making them no longer dare to hold any hostility and killing intent towards Ying Changge.

can be clearly seen.

They were terrified!

The move that was suddenly released by Ying Changge completely frightened his nerves!

If you look closely.

can still be noticed.

Surrounding Ying Changge's area with a radius of hundreds of meters, the soil surface has fallen to a depth of several centimeters, although the depth of the fall is not enough.

But don't forget.

This is, at the same time, the area with a diameter of hundreds of meters fell into a depression!

Ying Changge forcibly caused a lot of movement and impact on this side's environment in just one thought.

As you can imagine.

What a terrifying power this is!


"It's hard to say who gave whom."

Ying Changge released the perfect level of knowledge and domineering arrogance that could see the wolves lying on the ground in all directions, unable to move, and could only keep wailing and screaming.

Aware of the fear in the hearts of these wolves, he already knew it.

These wolves no longer pose any threat!

"Want to use the wolves to give the empire's soldiers a disservice?"

"This approach is still too naive after all."

"And what's even more unfortunate is..."

"You still met me!"

Ying Changge had a playful smile on his face.

Within the envelope of his gravitational field, these wolves naturally couldn't break free, they could only lie on the ground like dead dogs and couldn't move.

Painful and wailing wolf howls lingered in his ears, but they couldn't affect Ying Changge's emotional ups and downs.

The dismantling organized by Quicksand really made Ying Changge less interested.


The dust fluttered and danced in the air.

The radius of 100 meters was suppressed by the terrifying gravity.

in this area.

Only one person can still maintain the figure of combat power.

And this person is naturally Ying Changge!

Except for Ying Changge, all three hundred wolves lay on the ground without exception, as if they were suppressed by a majestic mountain, and their bodies could not even move their joints.

And this scene fell into the eyes of everyone from all directions without reservation.

Weird atmosphere!


The whole place was silent!

Pairs of eyes full of shock, shock, and disbelief gathered in the front battlefield.

Everyone was dumbfounded and watched.

The wolves suddenly fell to the ground.

And the only figure who was surrounded by wolves and still maintained combat power.

this moment.

Whether it was Li Si or Meng Ying and the others who had expected it, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration from their hearts.

Even if it was expected, it can be truly witnessed this scene.

Their mood is still inevitably shocked.

"Sure enough!"

"Sir, it's real!"

"I used this terrifying magical power method that is comparable to immortal magic!"

"With just one thought, hundreds of wolves were instantly suppressed!"

"What an astonishing means?"

Li Si took a deep breath, his tone full of shock and sigh.

Seeing such a terrifying scene again, his mood was still deeply shaken.


"This is the real method of immortals!"

Meng Ying's eyes were lost for a while.

Shao Siming also looked forward quietly, his eyes fixed on Ying Changge's back, a pair of beautiful eyes flashing with strange emotional waves.


Two thousand elite imperial cavalry, they have expressed their inner shock and consternation.


what happened? !

So good, why are all the hundreds of wolves down?

What is the power?

What forces affected these wolves?

Countless thoughts poured into their minds crazily, but they were puzzled.

I can't think of a reason if I want to break my head.

"This this!"

"Can someone explain."

"what is happening?!"

"Why did all the wolves surrounding the seventh son suddenly fall down?"

"And it still fell at the same time! For a moment, it seemed to be suppressed by some extremely terrifying force, as if it was crushed on the spot by a majestic mountain!"


"There is no object on them to suppress them. What is the force that causes their group to be instantly crushed?"

"It's unimaginable!"

"It's all like a dream!"

One after another, the elite soldiers of the empire expressed a strong sense of shock in their hearts.

have to say.

What they saw in front of them simply turned their worldview upside down.

They can't even dream of it.

There are so many weird things in this world!

"In an instant..."

"Overwhelmed three hundred wolves!"

"What kind of power can do it?"


"The wolves were all killed in an instant! Completely lost their ability to fight!"

The 2,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire were inevitably severely shocked.

At this time.

A weak voice sounded: "You said, could it be the seventh son?"

The words just fell.

The atmosphere here is even more silent and eerie!


quite a while.


A group of Qin soldiers rolled their throats and swallowed their saliva uncontrollably.

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