"Master, what exactly did you perform just now?"

After all, there was a general of the Qin army who couldn't contain his curiosity and couldn't help asking Ying Changge.

The words just fell.

A pair of eyes full of curiosity and anticipation were fixed on Ying Changge's body, waiting for the latter's answer.

For this question, they are also deeply confused and curious.

"It's just a little trick I just mastered."

Facing the confused and curious eyes of everyone, Ying Changge smiled and explained casually.

"Small, small means?!"

The 2,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire were all frightened by Ying Changge without exception.

good guy!

This step (afej) horse is called a small trick?

In an instant, there were three white-headed wolves on the spot!

How can such a strange and terrifying ability be called a small trick?

What is this concept? !

Is this the monster's world?

It's really incomprehensible!

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!

Long experience!

"As expected of a monster that can seriously injure Sword Saint Genie!"

"Seven sons..."

"Worthy of the name of the monster!"

"It's the number one evildoer throughout the ages!"

A group of Qin soldiers were filled with emotion.

As for the Blue Wolf King, who heard Ying Changge's answer, the corners of his mouth twitched. He dared not act rashly. He could only be humbled by others.


Looking at Ying Changge's back, the blue wolf king had this thought again.

He only hoped now.

The leader of the Quicksand Organization, Mr. Wei Zhuang, was able to send manpower to rescue him.


His end could be miserable, miserable!

"Damn boy!"

"Waiting for Lord Wei Zhuang to take action in person, you will feel better."

"Do you really think your own strength is very strong? Wei Zhuang is the top fighting force in this arena."

"And you? You're just a nasty little brat!"

"You are young and blind, how can you be the opponent of Lord Wei Zhuang?"


"When Lord Wei Zhuang comes in person, your fate will definitely be a hundred times worse than mine!"

The blue wolf king thought with resentment in his heart.

He was naturally unwilling to be killed by Ying Changge.

But in the face of Ying Changge's terrifying strength, he did not dare to act rashly.

"Son, someone is here."

Shao Si Ming gently reminded Ying Changge in a low voice.

No need for Shaoming's reminder, in fact, Ying Changge had already seen the visitor.

His perfect-level sight-seeing look is domineering, and he has always maintained a distance range covering a radius of hundreds of meters.


Within the scope of this area, any turbulence will naturally escape his insight.

If someone breaks into this area, Ying Changge will pierce it as soon as possible!


Ying Changge had already discovered the whereabouts and traces of the other party long before Shao Siming didn't notice the arrival.

"The visitor is..."

"Innate powerhouse?"

"Probably a strong man in the middle stage of the innate, and his strength is not bad."

"In the quicksand organization, there is only one person left with such a cultivation realm, the head of the four kings of quicksand. The king of birds, the white phoenix!"

A look of interest appeared on Ying Changge's face.

Bai Feng?

it looks like...

The Quicksand Organization is finally getting a little real!

Apart from Wei Zhuang, Bai Feng is the number one leader of the Quicksand Organization!

There is no doubt about this.

This time, Bai Feng was sent to test it, but it can be seen how cautious the Quicksand organization is.


Due to the tragic defeat of the Blue Wolf King, the Quicksand Organization finally began to pay attention to this matter.

Otherwise, Bai Feng, the first general of the Quicksand Organization, would not be dispatched directly.

"Lord Xiangguo, the second round of dismounting of the Quicksand Organization is here again."

Ying Changge said with a smile.


Li Si's face sank, and his eyes were a little bad.

This quicksand organization is really endless, isn't it?

Do you really think that the Empire dare not step on the Quicksand Organization?

One after another temptation...

Don't you really put your eyes on the elite iron cavalry of the empire?

Li Si felt a trace of anger in his heart.

"Don't worry, I can easily deal with the people who come."

"Next, Lord Xiangguo can continue to watch the show."

"I'd love to try it out too."

"Bai Feng, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization known as the King of Speed, what is so mysterious about his speed?"

With the voice of Ying Changge just fell.

next second.


A sharp and piercing bird song resounded from the sky to the sky.


A sharp tweet spread across hundreds of meters in a short moment.

The sound is very penetrating and quickly spreads into the distance.


A very large bird hovered and soared high in the sky, spreading its wings almost to cover the sky.

The huge white bird hovered above the sky and fluttered its wings, with a pair of sharp eagle-like eyes, looking down at the bottom, like a **** looking down at the world.

A terrifying pressure emanated from Shiratori and enveloped the audience.

for a while.

The two thousand imperial cavalry Jingruo's war horses were once again slightly frightened, causing some confusion in the original neat and orderly arrangement.

The roar of horses sounded, revealing the chaotic situation here.

But soon, these restless war horses were subdued and appeased by Qin soldiers.

Looked up.

All can only see.

Under the halo of hot sun scattered around the sky, an incomparably huge white bird constantly flapped its huge wings, waving waves of strong airflow swept down.

Even if the white bird is hovering high in the sky, close to more than 30 meters from the ground, the airflow that it **** its wings can still easily roll the dust on the ground.

The dust danced wildly, curled up, and rolled in all directions.

Above the sky.

The white bird soars, all showing its divine power and majesty.


One after another huge white feathers fell from its body and fell to the ground lightly, white without any impurities and filth.

in the sun.

This huge white bird is in full bloom.

"What a huge bird..."

"This is a vicious bird!"

"Not the kind!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible to exude such a terrifying deterrent force, causing the war horses to be turbulent and restless."

One after another, the Qin soldiers stared at the white bird.

Even Li Si, Meng Ying and others are no exception.

Their eyes were solemn, and they stared at the white bird and dared not move rashly.

"Look at it!"

"On the back of the bird, there is a person standing!"

"It can't be wrong!"

"This bird seems to be tamed and controlled by someone!"

"Oh my God!"

"What is this sacred?"

Two thousand elites of the empire were taken aback.

When they noticed a young figure standing on the bird's back, they all expressed their inner surprise.

In this regard, they seemed unexpected.

Such a huge bird turned out to be a ferocious bird that was tamed by humans?

Who is this person?

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